Last night I made this image uploading class. It was the first time I made a file uploader to be used on a real site, so I thought I would share it here and on Github to get some reviews, hoping if I can perfect it with your help, I will use the class in all my future projects.
* A small, secure & fast image uploader class written in all-static
* class to give an extra boost in performance.
* @author Simon _eQ <>
* @license Public domain. Do anything you want with it.
* Don't ever forget to use at your own risk.
class BulletProof
* User defined, allowed image extensions to upload. ex: 'jpg, png, gif'
* @var
static $allowedMimeTypes;
* Set a max. height and Width of image
* @var
static $allowedFileDimensions;
* Max file size to upload. Must be less than server/browser
* MAX_FILE_UPLOAD directives
* @var
static $allowedMaxFileSize;
* Set the new directory / folder to upload new image into.
* @var
static $directoryToUpload;
* MIME type of the upload image/file
* @var
static $fileMimeType;
* A new name you have chosen to give the image
* @var
static $newFileName;
* Set of rules passed by user to choose what/where/how to upload.
* @param array $allowedMimeTypes
* @param array $allowedFileDimensions
* @param $allowedMaxFileSize
* @param $directoryToUpload
static function options(array $allowedMimeTypes,
array $allowedFileDimensions,
* Globalize the score of the directives, so we can call them from another method.
self::$allowedMimeTypes = $allowedMimeTypes;
self::$allowedFileDimensions = $allowedFileDimensions;
self::$allowedMaxFileSize = $allowedMaxFileSize;
self::$directoryToUpload = $directoryToUpload;
* Native and possible PHP errors provided by the $_FILES[] super-global.
* @return array
static function commonFileUploadErrors()
* We can use the key identifier from $_FILES['error'] to match this array's key and
* output the corresponding errors. Damn I'm good!
return array(
UPLOAD_ERR_OK => "...",
UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => "File is larger than the specified amount set by the server",
UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => "Files is larger than the specified amount specified by browser",
UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => "File could not be fully uploaded. Please try again later",
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => "File is not found",
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => "Can't write to disk, as per server configuration",
UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => "A PHP extension has halted this file upload process"
* There are many reasons for a file upload not work, other than from the information we
* can get of the $_FILES array. So, this function tends to debug server environment for
* a possible cause of an error (if any)
* @param null $newDirectory optional directory, if not specified this class will use tmp_name
* @return string
static function checkServerPermissions($newDirectory = null)
$uploadFileTo = $newDirectory ? $newDirectory : init_get("file_uploads");
* if the directory (if) specified by user is indeed dir or not
return "Please make sure this is a valid directory, or php 'file_uploads' is turned on";
* Check http header to see if server accepts images
if(stripos('image', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) !== false)
return "This evil server does not seem to accept images";
* Check if given directory has write permissions
// if(!substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($uploadFileTo)), -4) != 0777)
// {
// return "Sorry, you don't have her majesty's permission to upload files on this server";
// }
* Upload given files, after a series of validations
* @param $fileToUpload
* @param $newFileName
* @return bool|string
static function upload($fileToUpload, $newFileName = null)
* check if file's MIME type is specified in the allowed MIME types
$fileMimeType = substr($fileToUpload['type'], 6);
if(!in_array($fileMimeType, self::$allowedMimeTypes))
return "This file type is not allowed.";
self::$fileMimeType = $fileMimeType;
* show if there is any error
$errors = self::commonFileUploadErrors();
return $errors[$fileToUpload['error']];
* Check if size of the file is greater than specified
if($fileToUpload['size'] > self::$allowedMaxFileSize)
return "File size must be less than ".(self::$allowedMaxFileSize / 100)." Kbytes";
* Checking image dimension is an enhancement as a feature but a must & wise check from
* a security point of view.
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($fileToUpload['tmp_name']);
if($width > self::$allowedFileDimensions['max-width'] ||
$height > self::$allowedFileDimensions['max-height'])
return "Image must be less than ". self::$allowedFileDimensions['max-width']."pixels wide
and ". self::$allowedFileDimensions['max-height']."pixels in height";
* No monkey business
if($height <= 1 || $width <= 1)
return "This is invalid Image type";
* If user has provided a new file name, assign it. Otherwise,
* use a default uniqid id, to avoid name collision
self::$newFileName = $newFileName;
self::$newFileName = uniqid();
* Upload file.
$newUploadDir = self::$directoryToUpload;
$upload = move_uploaded_file($fileToUpload['tmp_name'], $newUploadDir.'/'.self::$newFileName.'.'.self::$fileMimeType);
return true;
* If file upload fails, the debug server enviroment as a last resort before giving 'Unknown error'
$systemErrorCheck = self::checkServerPermissions($newUploadDir);
return $systemErrorCheck ? $systemErrorCheck : "Unknown error occured. Please try again later";
In between the time I finished the it, and right now, I have began to have doubts about some things I did/should have done like:
- Is making the methods static really appropriate for this class? There is no need for unit testing, so in my opinion, I would say, there is nothing with using static class here.
- Should I create custom exceptions to handle the errors instead of returning error messages (note: I am also trying to make the script faster)?
- Should I be extending the
class handle verification the file types better? - Is it better to use
to check file type, or is$_FILES['file']['type']
or SplFileInfo'sgetFileExtension?
This is the usage of the class:
BulletProof::set(array('png', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'jpg'),
array('max-width'=>150, 'max-height'=>150),
$upload = BulletProof::upload($_FILES['profile_pic'], 'simon');
if($upload !== true)
echo "ERROR: ".$upload;
I am still thinking if BulletProof::upload()
should take in all the augments, if user wants to upload different files with different types/sizes/dimensions instead of creating a global option style.
I have a lot of questions/doubts, but I am in a need of any type of review.