I'm dealing with huge amount of data. I've written following code into a function to find out similar questions. It's working perfectly but it is taking too much time in execution. Can anyone help me to optimize the function code so that the execution time will be less?
class QuestionMatch {
var $mError = "";
var $mCheck;
var $mDb;
var $mValidator;
var $mTopicId;
var $mTableName;
function __construct() {
global $gDb;
global $gFormValidation;
$this->mDb = $gDb;
$this->mValidator = $gFormValidation;
$this->mTableName = TBL_QUESTIONS;
* This function is used to get all the questions from the given subject id and topic id
function GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id) {
/*SQL query to find out questions from given subject_id and topic_id*/
$sql = " SELECT question_id, question_text FROM ".TBL_QUESTIONS." WHERE question_subject_id=".$subject_id;
$sql .= " AND question_topic_id=".$topic_id;
$questions_data = $this->mDb->FetchArray();
/*Array of words to be excluded from comparison process*/
$exclude_words = array('which','who','what','how','when','whom','wherever','the','is','a','an','and','of','from');
/*This loop removes all the words of $exclude_words array from all questions and converts all
*questions' text into lower case
foreach($questions_data as $index=>$arr) {
$questions_array = explode(' ',strtolower($arr['question_text']));
$clean_questions = array_diff($questions_array, $exclude_words);
$questions_data[$index]['question_text'] = implode(' ',$clean_questions);
/*Logic to find out the no. of count question appeared into tests*/
$sql = " SELECT count(test_que_id) as question_appeared_count FROM ".TBL_TESTS_QUESTIONS." WHERE test_que_id=";
$sql .= $arr['question_id'];
$qcount = $this->mDb->FetchArray(MYSQL_FETCH_SINGLE);
$question_appeared_count = $qcount['question_appeared_count'];
$questions_data[$index]['question_appeared_count'] = $question_appeared_count;
/*Now the actual comparison of each question with every other question stats here*/
foreach ($questions_data as $index=>$outer_data) {
/*Crerated a new key in an array to hold similar question's ids*/
$questions_data[$index]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'] = Array();
$outer_question = $outer_data['question_text'];
$qpcnt = 0;
/*This foreach loop is for getting every question to compare with outer foreach loop's
foreach ($questions_data as $secondIndex=>$inner_data) {
/*This condition is to avoid comparing the same questions again*/
if ($secondIndex <= $index) {
/*This is to avoid comparing the question with itself*/
if ($outer_data['question_id'] != $inner_data['question_id']) {
$inner_question = $inner_data['question_text'];
/*This is to calculate percentage of match between each question with every other question*/
similar_text($outer_question, $inner_question, $percent);
$percentage = number_format((float)$percent, 2, '.', '');
/*If $percentage is >= $percent_match only then push the respective question_id into an array*/
if($percentage >= 85) {
$questions_data[$index]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'][$qpcnt]['question_id'] = $inner_data['question_id'];
$questions_data[$index]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'][$qpcnt]['percentage'] = $percentage;
if(!empty($outer_data['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'])) {
$return_url = ADMIN_SITE_URL.'modules/questions/match_question.php?';
$return_url .= 'op=get_question_detail&question_ids='.$outer_data['question_id'];
foreach($outer_data['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'] as $secondIndex=>$inner_data) {
$return_url = $return_url.','.$inner_data['question_id'];
$questions_data[$index]['return_url'] = $return_url.'#searchPopContent';
/*This will return the complete array with matching question ids*/
return $questions_data;
function GetAllErrors() {
return $this->mValidator->mErrorMsg;
If you want any further details I can provide you the same. Waiting for your precious help and valuable replies.
work ? Can we see the code on that. Also, what kind of data size do you have? \$\endgroup\$