
This script uses robocopy purge with list command to out what would be purged it then parses that log file and checks each file and only deletes files older than 7 days. Is there way it could be simplified to maybe use less log files in the process?

$Log = "D:\IT\Backups\Logs\list.txt"
$extrafile = "D:\IT\Backups\Logs\extrafile.txt"
$extradir = "D:\IT\Backups\Logs\extradir.txt"
$extraparsed = "D:\IT\Backups\Logs\extraparsed.txt"
$purged = "D:\IT\Backups\Logs\purged.txt"
$now = Get-Date
$days = "7"
$Lastwrite = $now.AddDays(-$days)
$datetime = get-date -f MM-dd-yy-hhmmtt

If (Test-Path "D:\IT\Backups\Logs\list.txt"){
        Remove-Item "D:\IT\Backups\Logs\list.txt"

robocopy "\\\tcart" "\\\tcartbkup" /e /Purge /R:1 /W:1 /l /TEE /FP /LOG:"D:\IT\Backups\Logs\list.txt" /MT:16 

If (Test-Path $extradir){
        Remove-Item $extradir

If (Test-Path $extrafile){
        Remove-Item $extrafile

If (Test-Path $extraparsed){
        Remove-Item $extraparsed
If (Test-Path $purged){
        rename-item $purged -newname ("purged-" + $datetime + ".txt")

Get-Content $Log | Select-String "EXTRA File" | Out-File $extrafile -Width 5000
Get-Content $Log | Select-String "EXTRA Dir" | Out-File $extradir -Width 5000

cat $extradir | %{$_.Substring(28)} | Out-File $extraparsed
cat $extrafile | %{$_.Substring(38)} | Out-File $extraparsed -Append

$files = Get-Content $extraparsed | Select-String "\\" | ForEach-Object {(Get-Item "$_")} | Where {ForEach-Object {($_.LastWriteTime -le "$Lastwrite")}}

foreach ($file in $files)
        if ($File -ne $NULL)
             Write-Host "Deleting File $File" -ForegroundColor "DarkRed"
             Write-Output "Deleting File $File" | Out-File $purged -Append
             Remove-Item $file.FullName -Recurse | Out-Null
             Write-Host "No More files to delete" -ForegroundColor "Green"
             Write-Output "No More files to delete" | Out-File $purged -Append

1 Answer 1


To reduce the amount of log files I would keep things in memory:

$Log = "C:\scripts\list.txt"
$purged = "C:\scripts\purged.txt"
$now = Get-Date
$days = "7"
$Lastwrite = $now.AddDays(-$days)
$datetime = get-date -f MM-dd-yy-hhmmtt

#Robocopy will automatically overwrite the log file unless you specifiy /log+:
robocopy "c:\downloads" "c:\downloads1" /e /Purge /R:1 /W:1 /l /TEE /FP /LOG:"$log" /MT:16 

#Save purged log
rename-item $purged ($purged -replace('.txt', "_$datetime.txt"))

Get-Content $Log | foreach {

    #Split columns by tab
    $fileType =  ( $_ -split("`t") )[1]
    $filePath =  ( $_ -split("`t") )[2]

    if ( ($fileType -like "*Extra File*") -or ($fileType -like "*Extra Dir*") ){
        if ( (Get-Item $filePath).LastWriteTime -le $Lastwrite){
            "Deleting File: $filePath" | Out-File $purged -Append
            remove-item $filePath -WhatIf -Recurse


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