I've just completed the Calculator Kata in the Kata Gem and I was hoping for some feedback. Here's the Kata:
Calculator Kata
Create a calculator that is initialized with a string expression
- detail: The expression is of the form digits separated by commas: "1,2"
- detail: The expression is accessed by a method named expr
- detail: The expression can be reset for evaluation at any time without re-initializing
- example: Calculator.new "1,2"
completed (Y|n): y
Add Method
Create an add method that sums the string expression
- detail: The method will return the sum of the digits
- detail: The expression can contain 0, 1 or 2 numbers
- detail: Then empty string will return 0
- example: "" computes to 0
- example: "1" computes to 1
- example: "1,2" computes to 3
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Allow the expression to contain an unknown amount of numbers
- example: "1,2,3" computes to 6
- example: "1,2,5,8" computes to 16
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Diff Method
Create a diff method that computes the consecutive differences
- detail: The expression must contain at least 2 digits
- example: "1,0" compues to 1
- example: "3,2,1" computes to 0
- example: "5,4,3,2,1" computes to -5
- detail: Expressions with less than 2 digits raise an exception
- example: "" or "5"
completed (Y|n):
Prod Method
Create a prod method that computes the multiples in the expression
- detail: The method will return the product of the numbers
- example: "0" computes to 0
- example: "2,1" computes to 2
- example: "3,2,1" computes to 6
completed (Y|n):
Div Method
Create a div method that computes the consecutive divisions in the expression
- detail: The method will return the final quotient of the numbers
- detail: it will raise an exception if the expression contains the number 0
- example: "2,1" computes to 2
- example: "3,2,1" computes to 1
- example: "1,2,3" computes to 0
completed (Y|n):
- Create a calculator that is initialized with a string expression 01:15:02
- Create an add method that sums the string expression 14:34:41
- Allow the expression to contain an unknown amount of numbers 00:04:33
- Create a diff method that computes the consecutive differences 00:06:14
- Create a prod method that computes the multiples in the expression 00:20:07
- Create a div method that computes the consecutive divisions in the exp 00:11:54
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
Total Time taking Calculator kata: 16:32:31
And, here is my solution (specs and the Calculator class are in the same file):
class Calculator
def initialize(expression="")
@expression = expression.split(",").map(&:to_i) || 0
if [email protected]?
@expression = [0]
def expr
def sum
@expression.inject(&:+) || 0
def diff
if @expression.compact.count < 2
raise "expect 2 or more elements but recieved #{@expression.compact.count}"
def prod
def div
if @expression.find { |element| element == 0 }
raise "divide by zero"
describe "Calculator" do
subject(:calculator) { Calculator.new(expression) }
shared_examples "methods" do
specify { expect { calculator }.to_not raise_exception }
it { should respond_to(:expr) }
it { should respond_to(:sum) }
it { should respond_to(:diff) }
it { should respond_to(:prod) }
it { should respond_to(:div) }
shared_examples "too few elements" do
specify { expect { calculator.diff }.to raise_exception }
shared_examples "divide by zero" do
specify { expect { calculator.div }.to raise_exception }
context "with argument ''" do
let(:expression) { "" }
it_behaves_like "methods"
it_behaves_like "too few elements"
it_behaves_like "divide by zero"
its(:expr) { should eq([0]) }
its(:sum) { should eq(0) }
its(:prod) { should eq(0) }
context "with argument '1'" do
let(:expression) { "1" }
it_behaves_like "methods"
it_behaves_like "too few elements"
its(:expr) { should eq([1]) }
its(:sum) { should eq(1) }
its(:prod) { should eq(1) }
context "with argument '1,2'" do
let(:expression) { "1,2" }
it_behaves_like "methods"
its(:expr) { should eq([1,2]) }
its(:sum) { should eq(3) }
its(:diff) { should eq(-1) }
its(:prod) { should eq(2) }
context "with argument '1,2,3," do
let(:expression) { "1,2,3" }
it_behaves_like "methods"
its(:expr) { should eq([1,2,3]) }
its(:sum) { should eq(6) }
its(:diff) { should eq(-4) }
its(:prod) { should eq(6) }
its(:div) { should eq(0) }
context "with argument '1,2,5,8'" do
let(:expression) { "1,2,5,8" }
it_behaves_like "methods"
its(:expr) { should eq([1,2,5,8]) }
its(:sum) { should eq(16) }
its(:diff) { should eq(-14) }
its(:prod) { should eq(80) }
context "with argument '1,0'" do
let(:expression) { "1,0" }
it_behaves_like "divide by zero"
its(:diff) { should eq(1) }
its(:prod) { should eq(0) }
context "with argument '3,2,1'" do
let(:expression) { "3,2,1" }
its(:diff) { should eq(0) }
its(:prod) { should eq(6) }
its(:div) { should eq(1) }
context "with argument '5,4,3,2,1,'" do
let(:expression) { "5,4,3,2,1" }
its(:diff) { should eq(-5) }
its(:prod) { should eq(120) }
context "with arguments '2,1'" do
let(:expression) { "2,1" }
its(:div) { should eq(2) }