provides weather data from ships (or maybe buoys) at sea, but the date is given as "25/18" (meaning the 18th hour of the 25th day of the month, all times GMT).
I need to convert this to a full timestamp ("2013-09-25 18:00:00"). All reports are in the near past. One glitch: if today is the 1st, and the report is "31/18" for example, it's referring to the 31st of last month.
Here's my solution, which I feel is kludgey. Can it be improved?
sub ship2time {
my(@now) = gmtime(time());
# assumed given as "foo/bar";
my($day,$hour) = split(/\//, $_[0]);
# today's date (GMT)
my($today) = strftime("%d", @now);
# if the given day is in the past (or very near future) it's this month
if ($day <= $today+1) {
return strftime("%Y-%m-$day $hour:00:00", @now);
# otherwise, we're referring to last month (eg, today is the 1st,
# report says 31st)
my($year, $month) = split(/\-/, strftime("%Y-%m", @now));
if ($month < 0) {$year--; $month=12;}
return "$year-$month-$day $hour:00:00";
, i.e.:perl -MTime::Piece -E 'say Time::Piece->strptime("2013092616", "%Y%m%d%H")->datetime'
). \$\endgroup\$