So I have started a PHP framework called ExCx and I haven't really had much experience in the professional development business.
I was just wondering if my structure/layout/methods are up to scratch?
EDIT: Forget the URL, added that. Normally I remember to omit the closing php tag...
In tandem with this I am building a PHP Blocks type thing, It's still early days for both projects.
* ecCore Provides low-level debugging, error and exception functionality
* Matthew Day (CFHC Web Development 2011)
* @package: ExCx
* @version: 1.0
class ecCore
//The following constants allow for pretty call backs to static methods
const backtrace = 'ecCore::backtrace';
const call = 'ecCore::call';
const callback = 'ecCore::callback';
const checkOS = 'ecCore::checkOS';
const checkVersion = 'ecCore::checkVersion';
const configureSMTP = 'ecCore::configureSMTP';
const debug = 'ecCore::debug';
const detectOpcodeCache = 'ecCore::detectOpcodeCache';
const disableContext = 'ecCore::disableContext';
const dump = 'ecCore::dump';
const enableDebugging = 'ecCore::enableDebugging';
const enableDynamicConstants = 'ecCore::enableDynamicConstants';
const enableErrorHandling = 'ecCore::enableErrorHandling';
const enableExceptionHandling = 'ecCore::enableExceptionHandling';
const expose = 'ecCore::expose';
const getDebug = 'ecCore::getDebug';
const handleError = 'ecCore::handleError';
const handleException = 'ecCore::handleException';
const registerDebugCallback = 'ecCore::registerDebugCallback';
const reset = 'ecCore::reset';
const sendMessagesOnShutdown = 'ecCore::sendMessagesOnShutdown';
const startErrorCapture = 'ecCore::startErrorCapture';
const stopErrorCapture = 'ecCore::stopErrorCapture';
static private $captured_error_level = 0;
static private $captured_error_regex = array();
static private $captured_error_types = array();
static private $captured_errors = array();
static private $captured_errors_previous_handler = array();
static private $context_shown = FALSE;
static private $debug = NULL;
static private $debug_callback = NULL;
static private $dynamic_constants = FALSE;
static private $error_destination = 'html';
static private $error_message_queue = array();
static private $exception_destination = 'html';
static private $exception_handler_callback = NULL;
static private $exception_handler_parameters = array();
static private $exception_message = NULL;
static private $handles_errors = FALSE;
static private $handles_exceptions = FALSE;
static private $show_context = TRUE
static private $smtp_connection = NULL;
static private $smtp_from_email = NULL;
//Creates a nicely formatted backtrace to where the method is initally called
static public function backtrace($remove_lines=0, $backtrace=NULL)
if ($remove_lines !== NULL && !is_numeric($remove_lines))
$remove_lines = 0;
settype($remove_lines, 'integer');
$doc_root = realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
$doc_root .= (substr($doc_root, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPERATOR) ? DIRECTORY_SEPERATOR : '';
if ($backtrace === NULL)
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
while ($remove_lines > 0)
$backtrace = array_reverse($backtrace);
$bt_string = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($backtrace as $call)
if ($i)
$bt_string .= "\n";
if (isset($call['file']))
$bt_string .= str_replace($doc_root, '{doc_root}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $call['file']) . '(' . $call['line'] . '): ';
} else
$bt_string .= '[internal function]: ';
if (isset($call['class']))
$bt_string .= $call['class'] . $call['type'];
if (isset($call['class']) || isset($call['function']))
$bt_string .= $call['function'] . '(';
$j = 0;
if (!isset($call['args']))
$call['args'] = array();
foreach ($call['args'] as $arg)
if ($j)
$bt_string .= ', ';
if (is_bool($arg))
$bt_string .= ($arg) ? 'true' : 'false';
} elseif (is_null($arg))
$bt_string .= 'NULL';
} elseif (is_array($arg))
$bt_string .= 'Array';
} elseif (is_object($arg))
$bt_string .= 'Object(' . get_class($arg) . ')';
} elseif (is_string($arg))
// Shorten the UTF-8 string if it is too long
if (strlen(utf8_decode($arg)) > 18)
// If we can't match as unicode, try single byte
if (!preg_match('#^(.{0,15})#us', $arg, $short_arg))
preg_match('#^(.{0,15})#s', $arg, $short_arg);
$arg = $short_arg[0] . '...';
$bt_string .= "'" . $arg . "'";
} else
$bt_string .= (string) $arg;
$bt_string .= ')';
return $bt_string;
} // end of the backtrace function
* Performs a [ call_user_func()], while translating PHP 5.2 static callback syntax for PHP 5.1 and 5.0
static public function call($callback, $parameters=array())
//Fix PHP 5.0 and 5.1 static callback syntax
if (is_string($callback) && strpos($callback, '::') !== FALSE)
$callback = explode('::', $callback);
$parameters = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
if (sizeof($parameters) == 1 && is_array($parameters[0]))
$parameters = $parameters[0];
return call_user_func_array($callback, $parameters);
* Translates a Class::method style static method callback to array style for compatibility with PHP 5.0 and 5.1 and built-in PHP functions
* Checks an error/exception destination to make sure it is valid
static private function checkDestination($destination)
if ($destination == 'html') {
return 'html';
if (preg_match('~^(?: # Allow leading whitespace
(?:[^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@,;:\\\\"\.\[\]]+|"[^"\\\\\n\r]+") # An "atom" or a quoted string
(?:\.[ \t]*(?:[^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@,;:\\\\"\.\[\]]+|"[^"\\\\\n\r]+"[ \t]*))* # A . plus another "atom" or a quoted string, any number of times
)@(?: # The @ symbol
(?:[a-z0-9\\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,}| # Domain name
(?:(?:[01]?\d?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[01]?\d?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]) # (or) IP addresses
(?:\s*,\s* # Any number of other emails separated by a comma with surrounding spaces
(?:\.[ \t]*(?:[^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@,;:\\\\"\.\[\]]+|"[^"\\\\\n\r]+"[ \t]*))*
)*$~xiD', $destination)) {
return 'email';
$path_info = pathinfo($destination);
$dir_exists = file_exists($path_info['dirname']);
$dir_writable = ($dir_exists) ? is_writable($path_info['dirname']) : FALSE;
$file_exists = file_exists($destination);
$file_writable = ($file_exists) ? is_writable($destination) : FALSE;
if (!$dir_exists || ($dir_exists && ((!$file_exists && !$dir_writable) || ($file_exists && !$file_writable)))) {
return FALSE;
return 'file';
} // End of class