This is a follow-up question for draw_circle Template Function Implementation for Image in C++, SIFT Keypoint Detection for Image in C++, difference_of_gaussian Template Function Implementation for Image in C++, conv2 Template Function Implementation for Image in C++ and imgaussfilt Template Function Implementation for Image in C++. I am trying to follow the concept of Midpoint Circle Algorithm to implement draw_circle
template function in this post.
The experimental implementation
template function implementation (in fileimage_operations.h
)namespace TinyDIP { // draw_circle template function implementation template<typename ElementT> constexpr static auto draw_circle( const Image<ElementT>& input, std::tuple<std::size_t, std::size_t> central_point, std::size_t radius = 2, ElementT draw_value = ElementT{} ) { if (input.getDimensionality() != 2) { throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported dimension!"); } auto point_x = std::get<0>(central_point); auto point_y = std::get<1>(central_point); auto output = input; auto height = input.getHeight(); auto width = input.getWidth(); std::size_t l = static_cast<std::size_t>(radius) * std::cos(std::numbers::pi_v<double> / 4.0); for (std::size_t x = 0; x <= l; ++x) { std::size_t y = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::sqrt(radius * radius - x * x)); std::size_t location_x1 = point_x + x; std::size_t location_y1 = point_y + y; std::size_t location_x2 = point_x + x; std::size_t location_y2 = point_y - y; std::size_t location_x3 = point_x - x; std::size_t location_y3 = point_y + y; std::size_t location_x4 = point_x - x; std::size_t location_y4 = point_y - y; std::size_t location_x5 = point_x + y; std::size_t location_y5 = point_y + x; std::size_t location_x6 = point_x + y; std::size_t location_y6 = point_y - x; std::size_t location_x7 = point_x - y; std::size_t location_y7 = point_y + x; std::size_t location_x8 = point_x - y; std::size_t location_y8 = point_y - x; if (location_x1 >= output.getWidth() || location_y1 >= output.getHeight() || location_x2 >= output.getWidth() || location_y2 >= output.getHeight() || location_x3 >= output.getWidth() || location_y3 >= output.getHeight() || location_x4 >= output.getWidth() || location_y4 >= output.getHeight() || location_x5 >= output.getWidth() || location_y5 >= output.getHeight() || location_x6 >= output.getWidth() || location_y6 >= output.getHeight() || location_x7 >= output.getWidth() || location_y7 >= output.getHeight() || location_x8 >= output.getWidth() || location_y8 >= output.getHeight()) { continue; } output.at_without_boundary_check(location_x1, location_y1) = draw_value; output.at_without_boundary_check(location_x2, location_y2) = draw_value; output.at_without_boundary_check(location_x3, location_y3) = draw_value; output.at_without_boundary_check(location_x4, location_y4) = draw_value; output.at_without_boundary_check(location_x5, location_y5) = draw_value; output.at_without_boundary_check(location_x6, location_y6) = draw_value; output.at_without_boundary_check(location_x7, location_y7) = draw_value; output.at_without_boundary_check(location_x8, location_y8) = draw_value; } return output; } }
The example output:
The usage of draw_circle
template function:
int main()
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::string file_path = "InputImages/1";
auto bmp1 = TinyDIP::bmp_read(file_path.c_str(), false);
bmp1 = copyResizeBicubic(bmp1, bmp1.getWidth() * 2, bmp1.getHeight() * 2);
auto v_plane = TinyDIP::getVplane(TinyDIP::rgb2hsv(bmp1));
auto SIFT_keypoints = TinyDIP::SIFT_impl::get_potential_keypoint(v_plane);
std::cout << "SIFT_keypoints = " << SIFT_keypoints.size() << "\n";
bmp1 = TinyDIP::draw_points(bmp1, SIFT_keypoints);
for (auto&& each_SIFT_keypoint : SIFT_keypoints)
auto orientation_histogram = TinyDIP::SIFT_impl::get_orientation_histogram(v_plane, each_SIFT_keypoint);
RGB rgb{ 255, 255, 255 };
bmp1 = TinyDIP::draw_circle(bmp1, each_SIFT_keypoint, TinyDIP::recursive_max(orientation_histogram), rgb);
TinyDIP::bmp_write("test20240816", bmp1);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end - start;
std::time_t end_time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(end);
std::cout << "Computation finished at " << std::ctime(&end_time) << "elapsed time: " << elapsed_seconds.count() << " seconds\n";
All suggestions are welcome.
The summary information:
Which question it is a follow-up to?
draw_circle Template Function Implementation for Image in C++,
SIFT Keypoint Detection for Image in C++,
difference_of_gaussian Template Function Implementation for Image in C++,
conv2 Template Function Implementation for Image in C++ and
imgaussfilt Template Function Implementation for Image in C++
What changes has been made in the code since last question?
I am trying to follow the concept of Midpoint Circle Algorithm to implement
template function in this post.Why a new review is being asked for?
Please review the implementation of
template function and its tests.