I usually use the Catch2 testing framework in my C++ projects. Unlike other frameworks, it has only one core assertion macro for all comparisons. Instead of writing REQUIRE_EQ(value, correct);
one could write REQUIRE(value == correct);
I looked up how it was implemented and replicated its core feature. I concluded that I could use macros to extend the TEST(value == correct)
to the verify(Decomposer {} <= value == correct, "value == correct")
and the TEST(value)
to the verify(Decomposer {} <= value)
. In case of failure now both value
and correct
would be saved in variables for printing the values instead of the result of comparison.
The expression Decomposer {} <= value == correct
first evaluates Decomposer {} <= value
which becomes of type UnaryExpression
. It has value
as its member. Then unaryExpression == correct
becomes of the type BinaryExpression
. It can compare the value
to the correct
while having both values as a member. In case of failure, both values can be printed.
I deliberately kept the features to a minimum and probably won't be continuing this project further. I would like to get feedback on
- Use of macros. I usually don't use any macros in my programming. The
macro is needed when printing variable names. Also like in Catch2 I use macro when generating all operations. - Use of templates and polymorphism. Similar things can be achieved with templates and polymorphism. The other one is static and the other is dynamic. I used expression as a base class instead of having it as a template parameter and I used templates to have any types given into my expression classes.
- What would be the next small features that would be important for testing the library? How would you implement them?
Here is the result:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <type_traits>
const std::string unprintable = "{?}";
template<typename T>
concept Writable = requires(T a) {
{ std::cout << a } -> std::same_as<std::ostream&>;
template<typename T>
std::string stringify(const T& value) {
return unprintable;
template<Writable T>
std::string stringify(const T& value) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << value;
return out.str();
class Expression {
virtual ~Expression() = default;
virtual bool result() const = 0;
virtual std::string expand() const = 0;
template<typename Left, typename Right>
class BinaryExpression: public Expression {
explicit BinaryExpression(bool result, Left left, std::string op, Right right)
: comparison_result(result), left(left), op(op), right(right)
bool result() const override {
return comparison_result;
std::string expand() const override {
return stringify(left) + ' ' + op + ' ' + stringify(right);
bool comparison_result;
Left left;
std::string op;
Right right;
template<typename Left>
class UnaryExpression: public Expression {
explicit UnaryExpression(Left expression)
: expression(expression)
#define OPERATOR(op) \
template<typename Right> \
friend BinaryExpression<Left, Right> \
operator op(UnaryExpression l, Right r) { \
return BinaryExpression { l.expression op r, l.expression, #op, r }; \
bool result() const override {
if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<Left, bool>) {
return static_cast<bool>(expression);
return false;
std::string expand() const override {
return stringify(expression);
Left expression;
struct Decomposer {
template<typename T>
friend UnaryExpression<T> operator<=(Decomposer, T left) {
return UnaryExpression<T> { left };
void verify(const Expression& result, std::string code) {
if (result.result()) {
std::cerr << "pass\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "fail:\n"
<< " got " << code << '\n'
<< " with " << result.expand() << '\n';
#define TEST(...) verify((Decomposer {} <= __VA_ARGS__), #__VA_ARGS__)
struct Point {
friend auto operator<=>(const Point& l, const Point& r) = default;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Point& point) {
return out << '(' << point.x << ',' << point.y << ')';
int x, y;
struct Point3d {
friend auto operator<=>(const Point3d& l, const Point3d& r) = default;
int x, y, z;
int main() {
TEST(1 == 1);
TEST(1 != 2);
TEST(1 < 2);
TEST(1 <= 1);
TEST(2 > 1);
TEST(2 >= 2);
TEST(Point { 1, 2 } == Point { 1, 2 });
TEST(Point { 1, 2 } >= Point { 1, 1 });
TEST(Point3d { 1, 2, 3 } >= Point3d { 1, 1, 1 });
TEST(1 == 2);
TEST(1 != 1);
TEST(2 <= 1);
TEST(2 < 2);
TEST(1 >= 2);
TEST(1 > 1);
TEST(Point { 1, 2 } == Point { 1, 1 });
TEST(Point { 1, 2 } <= Point { 1, 1 });
TEST(Point3d { 1, 2, 3 } < Point3d { 1, 1, 1 });
Code can be run with g++ -Wall -Wno-parentheses -g -std=c++2a -o testing main.cpp && ./testing
to avoid warnings from macros.