I implemented a single-linked and double-linked lists (like stack and deque). I would like to receive your feedback on improving the code or maybe some comments. I'm learning C++ for the third month. I will be glad to receive criticism. (sorry for google translate)
#ifndef DLL_HPP
#define DLL_HPP
#include <iostream>
// DLLNode declaration
template <class DataType>
struct DLLNode {
DLLNode(const DLLNode<DataType>&) = delete;
DLLNode(DLLNode<DataType>&&) = delete;
DataType data;
DLLNode* prev{ nullptr };
DLLNode* next{ nullptr };
// DLList declaration
template <class DataType>
class DLList {
typedef DLLNode<DataType> Node;
typedef DLLNode<DataType>* NodePtr;
DLList(const DLList&) = delete;
DLList(DLList&&) = delete;
void Clear();
void PushBack(const DataType& data);
void PushFront(const DataType& data);
void PopBack();
void PopFront();
DLLNode<DataType>* Back();
DLLNode<DataType>* Front();
template <class OperationFnc>
void FromBack(OperationFnc& operation_fnc);
template <class OperationFnc>
void FromFront(OperationFnc& operation_fnc);
bool IsEmpty();
unsigned long long int Size();
void Print();
NodePtr front_{ nullptr };
NodePtr back_{ nullptr };
unsigned long long int size_{ 0 };
// DLLNode defenition
template<class DataType>
inline DLLNode<DataType>::DLLNode() :
next{ nullptr },
prev{ nullptr }
// Default constructor
template<class DataType>
inline DLLNode<DataType>::~DLLNode() {
// DLList defenition
template<class DataType>
inline DLList<DataType>::DLList() :
front_{ new Node() },
back_{ new Node() },
size_{ 0 }
back_->prev = front_;
back_->data = DataType();
front_->next = back_;
front_->data = DataType();
template<class DataType>
inline DLList<DataType>::~DLList() {
delete back_;
delete front_;
template<class DataType>
inline void DLList<DataType>::Clear() {
if (IsEmpty()) {
NodePtr index = front_->next;
NodePtr current;
while (index != back_) {
current = index;
index = index->next;
delete current;
front_->next = back_;
back_->prev = front_;
size_ = 0;
template<class DataType>
inline void DLList<DataType>::PushBack(const DataType& data) {
NodePtr newbie = new Node();
newbie->data = DataType(data);
NodePtr back_node = back_->prev;
back_node->next = newbie;
newbie->prev = back_node;
newbie->next = back_;
back_->prev = newbie;
template<class DataType>
inline void DLList<DataType>::PushFront(const DataType& data) {
NodePtr newbie = new Node();
newbie->data = DataType(data);
NodePtr front_node = front_->next;
front_node->prev = newbie;
newbie->next = front_node;
newbie->prev = front_;
front_->next = newbie;
template<class DataType>
inline void DLList<DataType>::PopBack() {
if (IsEmpty()) {
NodePtr back_node = back_->prev;
back_->prev = back_node->prev;
back_node->prev->next = back_;
delete back_node;
template<class DataType>
inline void DLList<DataType>::PopFront() {
if (IsEmpty()) {
NodePtr front_node = front_->next;
front_->next = front_node->next;
front_node->next->prev = front_;
delete front_node;
template<class DataType>
inline DLLNode<DataType>* DLList<DataType>::Back() {
return IsEmpty() ? back_ : back_->prev;
template<class DataType>
inline DLLNode<DataType>* DLList<DataType>::Front() {
return IsEmpty() ? front_ : front_->next;
template<class DataType>
template<class OperationFnc>
inline void DLList<DataType>::FromBack(OperationFnc& operation_fnc) {
if (IsEmpty()) {
NodePtr index = back_->prev;
NodePtr current;
while (index != front_) {
current = index;
index = index->prev;
template<class DataType>
template<class OperationFnc>
inline void DLList<DataType>::FromFront(OperationFnc& operation_fnc) {
if (IsEmpty()) {
NodePtr index = front_->next;
NodePtr current;
while (index != back_) {
current = index;
index = index->next;
template<class DataType>
inline bool DLList<DataType>::IsEmpty() {
return size_ == 0;
template<class DataType>
inline unsigned long long int DLList<DataType>::Size() {
return size_;
template<class DataType>
inline void DLList<DataType>::Print() {
if (IsEmpty()) {
std::cout << "List is empty";
NodePtr index = front_->next;
while (index != back_) {
std::cout << "[" << index->data << "]";
if (index->next != back_) {
std::cout << "<=>";
index = index->next;
#ifndef SLL_HPP
#define SLL_HPP
#include <iostream>
// SLLNode declaration
template <class DataType>
struct SLLNode {
SLLNode(const SLLNode<DataType>&) = delete;
SLLNode(SLLNode<DataType>&&) = delete;
DataType data;
SLLNode* prev{ nullptr };
// SLList declaration
template <class DataType>
class SLList {
typedef SLLNode<DataType> Node;
typedef SLLNode<DataType>* NodePtr;
SLList(const SLList&) = delete;
SLList(SLList&&) = delete;
void Clear();
void PushBack(const DataType& data);
void PopBack();
SLLNode<DataType>* Back();
template <class OperationFnc>
void FromBack(OperationFnc& operation_fnc);
bool IsEmpty();
unsigned long long int Size();
void Print();
NodePtr back_{ nullptr };
unsigned long long int size_{ 0 };
// SLLNode defenition
template<class DataType>
inline SLLNode<DataType>::SLLNode() :
prev{ nullptr }
// Default constructor
template<class DataType>
inline SLLNode<DataType>::~SLLNode() {
// SLList defenition
template<class DataType>
inline SLList<DataType>::SLList() :
back_{ new Node() },
size_{ 0 }
back_->data = DataType();
template<class DataType>
inline SLList<DataType>::~SLList() {
delete back_;
template<class DataType>
inline void SLList<DataType>::Clear() {
if (IsEmpty()) {
NodePtr index = back_->prev;
NodePtr current;
while (index != nullptr) {
current = index;
index = index->prev;
delete current;
back_->prev = nullptr;
size_ = 0;
template<class DataType>
inline void SLList<DataType>::PushBack(const DataType& data) {
NodePtr newbie = new Node();
newbie->data = DataType(data);
NodePtr back_node = back_->prev;
newbie->prev = back_node;
back_->prev = newbie;
template<class DataType>
inline void SLList<DataType>::PopBack() {
if (IsEmpty()) {
NodePtr back_node = back_->prev;
back_->prev = back_node->prev;
delete back_node;
template<class DataType>
inline SLLNode<DataType>* SLList<DataType>::Back() {
return IsEmpty() ? back_ : back_->prev;
template<class DataType>
template<class OperationFnc>
inline void SLList<DataType>::FromBack(OperationFnc& operation_fnc) {
if (IsEmpty()) {
NodePtr index = back_->prev;
NodePtr current;
while (index != nullptr) {
current = index;
index = index->prev;
template<class DataType>
inline bool SLList<DataType>::IsEmpty() {
return size_ == 0;
template<class DataType>
inline unsigned long long int SLList<DataType>::Size() {
return size_;
template<class DataType>
inline void SLList<DataType>::Print() {
if (IsEmpty()) {
std::cout << "List is empty";
NodePtr index = back_->prev;
while (index != nullptr) {
std::cout << "[" << index->data << "]";
if (index->prev != nullptr) {
std::cout << "<-";
index = index->prev;
Which methods of class need to make const or any other flags?