Based from the source code of the TwoSlopeNorm
color normalization of matplotlib, I tried to implement a more general normalization that can handle any number of "breakpoints" (instead of just one in the middle of the colormap - at 0.5). In other words, this a N-slope normalization. It produces the expected output, and the normalzation responds correctly by updating the image/colormap/colorbar when one of its attributes in modified programmaticaly as with im.norm.vcenters = [0.2, 0.6]
I really did not modify much from the source example. Basically just replaced vcenter
from the TwoSlopeNorm
by a list vcenters
that store the v-values (those between vmin
and vmax
). Accordingly, a list of "boundaries" allows to control the position in the colormap dynamic (whereas the value 0.5 was hardcorded in the 2-slope norm).
One thing I am wondering is if this N-slope normalization could be implemented using FuncNorm. The end goal being to improve this N-slope norm into a N-slope-percentage so that it does not relies on value-space limits (vcenters), but rather on percentiles of the image (so vcenters will be replaced by a percentiles list).
# %matplotlib qt # uncomment if in notebook
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
cmap ='bwr').copy()
class NSlopeNorm(Normalize):
def __init__(self, vcenters, boundaries=None, vmin=None, vmax=None):
super().__init__(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
if boundaries is None:
boundaries = np.linspace(0, 1, len(vcenters)+2)
boundaries = boundaries[1:-1]
if not len(vcenters)==(len(boundaries)):
raise ValueError('Incompatible length between vs and pcs')
self._vcenters = vcenters
self._boundaries = boundaries
if vmin is not None and not np.all(np.diff(np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(self.vmin), self.vcenters)))>0):
raise ValueError('vs must be in ascending order')
if vmax is not None and not np.all(np.diff(np.concatenate((self.vcenters, np.atleast_1d(self.vmax))))>0):
raise ValueError('vs must be in ascending order')
def vcenters(self):
return np.array(self._vcenters)
def boundaries(self):
return [0, *self._boundaries, 1]
def boundaries(self, value):
if value != self._boundaries:
self._boundaries = value
def vcenters(self, value):
if value != self._vcenters:
self._vcenters = value
def autoscale_None(self, A):
Get vmin and vmax.
If all vcenters isn't in the range [vmin, vmax], either vmin or vmax
is expanded.
if self.vmin >= np.min(self.vcenters):
self.vmin = np.min(self.vcenters)
if self.vmax <= np.max(self.vcenters):
self.vmax = np.max(self.vcenters)
def __call__(self, value, clip=None):
Map value to the interval [0, 1]. The *clip* argument is unused.
result, is_scalar = self.process_value(value)
self.autoscale_None(result) # sets self.vmin, self.vmax if None
if not (np.all(self.vmin <= self.vcenters) & np.all(self.vcenters <= self.vmax)):
raise ValueError("vmin, vcenter, vmax must increase monotonically")
# note that we must extrapolate for tick locators:
result =
np.interp(result, [self.vmin, *self.vcenters, self.vmax],
self.boundaries, left=-np.inf, right=np.inf),
if is_scalar:
result = np.atleast_1d(result)[0]
return result
def inverse(self, value):
if not self.scaled():
raise ValueError("Not invertible until both vmin and vmax are set")
(vmin,), _ = self.process_value(self.vmin)
(vmax,), _ = self.process_value(self.vmax)
vcenters = []
for v in self.vcenters:
(val,), _ = self.process_value(v)
#(vcenters,), _ = self.process_value(self.vcenters)
result = np.interp(value, self.boundaries, [vmin, *vcenters, vmax],
left=-np.inf, right=np.inf)
return result
# say you data ranges from 20°C to 50°C
data = np.linspace(20, 50, 100).reshape(10,10) # toy data
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
'vmin':25, # no interest below 25°C
'vcenters':[34, 40], # "zoom" between 34 and 40...
'boundaries':[0.2, 0.8], # allowing most of the dynamic
'vmax':42, # no intereset above 42
im = ax.imshow(
plt.colorbar(im, extend='both')
# those attributes can be set/get interactively
print(im.norm.boundaries, im.norm.vcenters, im.norm.vmin, im.norm.vmax)
# for interpretation purpose
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
for j in range(data.shape[1]):
text = ax.text(j, i, f'{data[i, j]:.2f}', ha='center', va='center', color='yellow')