I made this Rock Paper Scissors game using C++. This is my first time doing it and it took me around 3 hours.
I know that since I am unexperienced, there is probably a much easier and shorter way of making it. Please help me out and give me feedback on things I could improve on.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char again = 'y';
while (again == 'y' || again == 'Y') { // Begin of Loop to play again
srand (time(NULL));
char user_input;
const char game_options[3] = {'R', 'P', 'S'};
cin >> user_input;
char rand_letter = rand() % 3;
char computer_input=game_options[rand_letter];
cout <<computer_input<<endl;
// All possibilities for user picking Rock(R)
if (user_input==game_options[0] && computer_input==game_options[0]) {
cout <<"The Computer Picks Rock(R). It is a Tie!! \n";
} else if (user_input==game_options[0] && computer_input==game_options[1]) {
cout <<"The Computer picks Paper(P). You Lose!! \n";
} else if (user_input==game_options[0] && computer_input==game_options[2]) {
cout <<"The Computer picks Scissors(S). You Win!! \n";
// All possibilities for user picking Paper(P)
} else if (user_input==game_options[1] && computer_input==game_options[0]) {
cout <<"The Computer Picks Rock(R). You Win!! \n";
} else if (user_input==game_options[1] && computer_input==game_options[1]) {
cout <<"The Computer picks Paper(P). It is a Tie!! \n";
} else if (user_input==game_options[1] && computer_input==game_options[2]) {
cout <<"The Computer picks Scissors(S). You Lose!! \n";
// All possibilities for user picking Scissors(S)
} else if (user_input==game_options[2] && computer_input==game_options[0]) {
cout <<"The Computer Picks Rock(R). You Lose!! \n";
} else if (user_input==game_options[2] && computer_input==game_options[1]) {
cout <<"The Computer picks Paper(P). You Win!! \n";
} else if (user_input==game_options[2] && computer_input==game_options[2]) {
cout <<"The Computer picks Scissors(S). It is a Tie!! \n";
} else {
cout << "Wrong Input"; //If any other value is inputed other than the given ones, this will return.
cout << "Do you want to play again? (y/n)" << endl;
cin >> again;
} //End the loop
cout << "Thanks for playing!";
return 0;
If you want to checkout the application, the github is here.
As I said, any and all feedback is welcome.
user_input == game_options[2]
. \$\endgroup\$