This is a follow-up question for An Updated Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++ and Three dimensional gaussian image generator in C++. I am trying to make a Gaussian fisheye image generator in this post. The example output:
The experimental implementation
template function implementation (in fileimage_operations.h
)namespace TinyDIP { // gaussian_fisheye template function implementation template<arithmetic ElementT, std::floating_point FloatingType = double> constexpr static auto gaussian_fisheye(const Image<ElementT>& input, FloatingType D0) { if (input.getDimensionality()!=2) { throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported dimension!"); } Image<ElementT> output(input.getWidth(), input.getHeight()); for (std::size_t y = 0; y < input.getHeight(); ++y) { for (std::size_t x = 0; x < input.getWidth(); ++x) { FloatingType distance_x = x - static_cast<FloatingType>(input.getWidth()) / 2.0; FloatingType distance_y = y - static_cast<FloatingType>(input.getHeight()) / 2.0; FloatingType distance = std::hypot(distance_x, distance_y); FloatingType angle = std::atan2(distance_y, distance_x); FloatingType weight = normalDistribution2D(std::fabs(distance_x), std::fabs(distance_y), D0) / normalDistribution2D(0.0, 0.0, D0); FloatingType new_distance = distance * weight; FloatingType new_distance_x = new_distance * std::cos(angle); FloatingType new_distance_y = new_distance * std::sin(angle); static_cast<std::size_t>(new_distance_x + static_cast<FloatingType>(input.getWidth()) / 2.0), static_cast<std::size_t>(new_distance_y + static_cast<FloatingType>(input.getHeight()) / 2.0)) =, y); } } return output; } // gaussian_fisheye template function implementation template<typename ElementT, class FloatingType = double> requires ((std::same_as<ElementT, RGB>) || (std::same_as<ElementT, HSV>)) constexpr static auto gaussian_fisheye(const Image<ElementT>& input, FloatingType D0) { return apply_each(input, [&](auto&& planes) { return gaussian_fisheye(planes, D0); }); } }
function implementation (in fileimage_operations.h
)template<typename T> T normalDistribution2D(const T xlocation, const T ylocation, const T standard_deviation) { return std::exp(-(xlocation * xlocation + ylocation * ylocation) / (2 * standard_deviation * standard_deviation)) / (2 * std::numbers::pi * standard_deviation * standard_deviation); }
function implementation (in fileimage_operations.h
)template<class T = RGB, class F, class... Args> requires (std::same_as<T, RGB>) constexpr static auto apply_each(Image<T> input, F operation, Args&&... args) { return constructRGB(operation(getRplane(input), args...), operation(getGplane(input), args...), operation(getBplane(input), args...)); }
class implementation (in fileimage.h
)namespace TinyDIP { template <typename ElementT> class Image { public: Image() = default; template<std::same_as<std::size_t>... Sizes> Image(Sizes... sizes): size{sizes...}, image_data((1 * ... * sizes)) {} template<std::same_as<int>... Sizes> Image(Sizes... sizes) { size.reserve(sizeof...(sizes)); (size.push_back(sizes), ...); image_data.resize( std::reduce( std::ranges::cbegin(size), std::ranges::cend(size), std::size_t{1}, std::multiplies<>() ) ); } template<std::ranges::input_range Range, std::same_as<std::size_t>... Sizes> Image(const Range& input, Sizes... sizes): size{sizes...}, image_data(begin(input), end(input)) { if (image_data.size() != (1 * ... * sizes)) { throw std::runtime_error("Image data input and the given size are mismatched!"); } } Image(std::vector<ElementT>&& input, std::size_t newWidth, std::size_t newHeight) { size.reserve(2); size.emplace_back(newWidth); size.emplace_back(newHeight); if (input.size() != newWidth * newHeight) { throw std::runtime_error("Image data input and the given size are mismatched!"); } image_data = std::move(input); // Reference: } Image(const std::vector<std::vector<ElementT>>& input) { size.reserve(2); size.emplace_back(input[0].size()); size.emplace_back(input.size()); for (auto& rows : input) { image_data.insert(image_data.end(), std::ranges::begin(input), std::ranges::end(input)); // flatten } return; } // at template function implementation template<typename... Args> constexpr ElementT& at(const Args... indexInput) { return const_cast<ElementT&>(static_cast<const Image &>(*this).at(indexInput...)); } // at template function implementation // Reference: template<typename... Args> constexpr ElementT const& at(const Args... indexInput) const { checkBoundary(indexInput...); constexpr std::size_t n = sizeof...(Args); if(n != size.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("Dimensionality mismatched!"); } std::size_t i = 0; std::size_t stride = 1; std::size_t position = 0; auto update_position = [&](auto index) { position += index * stride; stride *= size[i++]; }; (update_position(indexInput), ...); return image_data[position]; } constexpr std::size_t count() const noexcept { return std::reduce(std::ranges::cbegin(size), std::ranges::cend(size), 1, std::multiplies()); } constexpr std::size_t getDimensionality() const noexcept { return size.size(); } constexpr std::size_t getWidth() const noexcept { return size[0]; } constexpr std::size_t getHeight() const noexcept { return size[1]; } constexpr auto getSize() noexcept { return size; } std::vector<ElementT> const& getImageData() const noexcept { return image_data; } // expose the internal data void print(std::string separator = "\t", std::ostream& os = std::cout) const { if(size.size() == 1) { for(std::size_t x = 0; x < size[0]; ++x) { // Ref: os << +at(x) << separator; } os << "\n"; } else if(size.size() == 2) { for (std::size_t y = 0; y < size[1]; ++y) { for (std::size_t x = 0; x < size[0]; ++x) { // Ref: os << +at(x, y) << separator; } os << "\n"; } os << "\n"; } else if (size.size() == 3) { for(std::size_t z = 0; z < size[2]; ++z) { for (std::size_t y = 0; y < size[1]; ++y) { for (std::size_t x = 0; x < size[0]; ++x) { // Ref: os << +at(x, y, z) << separator; } os << "\n"; } os << "\n"; } os << "\n"; } } // Enable this function if ElementT = RGB void print(std::string separator = "\t", std::ostream& os = std::cout) const requires(std::same_as<ElementT, RGB>) { for (std::size_t y = 0; y < size[1]; ++y) { for (std::size_t x = 0; x < size[0]; ++x) { os << "( "; for (std::size_t channel_index = 0; channel_index < 3; ++channel_index) { // Ref: os << +at(x, y).channels[channel_index] << separator; } os << ")" << separator; } os << "\n"; } os << "\n"; return; } Image<ElementT>& setAllValue(const ElementT input) { std::fill(std::ranges::begin(image_data), std::ranges::end(image_data), input); return *this; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Image<ElementT>& rhs) { const std::string separator = "\t"; rhs.print(separator, os); return os; } Image<ElementT>& operator+=(const Image<ElementT>& rhs) { check_size_same(rhs, *this); std::transform(std::ranges::cbegin(image_data), std::ranges::cend(image_data), std::ranges::cbegin(rhs.image_data), std::ranges::begin(image_data), std::plus<>{}); return *this; } Image<ElementT>& operator-=(const Image<ElementT>& rhs) { check_size_same(rhs, *this); std::transform(std::ranges::cbegin(image_data), std::ranges::cend(image_data), std::ranges::cbegin(rhs.image_data), std::ranges::begin(image_data), std::minus<>{}); return *this; } Image<ElementT>& operator*=(const Image<ElementT>& rhs) { check_size_same(rhs, *this); std::transform(std::ranges::cbegin(image_data), std::ranges::cend(image_data), std::ranges::cbegin(rhs.image_data), std::ranges::begin(image_data), std::multiplies<>{}); return *this; } Image<ElementT>& operator/=(const Image<ElementT>& rhs) { check_size_same(rhs, *this); std::transform(std::ranges::cbegin(image_data), std::ranges::cend(image_data), std::ranges::cbegin(rhs.image_data), std::ranges::begin(image_data), std::divides<>{}); return *this; } friend bool operator==(Image<ElementT> const&, Image<ElementT> const&) = default; friend bool operator!=(Image<ElementT> const&, Image<ElementT> const&) = default; friend Image<ElementT> operator+(Image<ElementT> input1, const Image<ElementT>& input2) { return input1 += input2; } friend Image<ElementT> operator-(Image<ElementT> input1, const Image<ElementT>& input2) { return input1 -= input2; } friend Image<ElementT> operator*(Image<ElementT> input1, ElementT input2) { return multiplies(input1, input2); } friend Image<ElementT> operator*(ElementT input1, Image<ElementT> input2) { return multiplies(input2, input1); } #ifdef USE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION void Save(std::string filename) { const std::string filename_with_extension = filename + ".dat"; // Reference: std::ofstream ofs(filename_with_extension, std::ios::binary); boost::archive::binary_oarchive ArchiveOut(ofs); // write class instance to archive ArchiveOut << *this; // archive and stream closed when destructors are called ofs.close(); } #endif private: std::vector<std::size_t> size; std::vector<ElementT> image_data; template<typename... Args> void checkBoundary(const Args... indexInput) const { constexpr std::size_t n = sizeof...(Args); if(n != size.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("Dimensionality mismatched!"); } std::size_t parameter_pack_index = 0; auto function = [&](auto index) { if (index >= size[parameter_pack_index]) throw std::out_of_range("Given index out of range!"); parameter_pack_index = parameter_pack_index + 1; }; (function(indexInput), ...); } #ifdef USE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) { ar& size; ar& image_data; } #endif }; template<typename T, typename ElementT> concept is_Image = std::is_same_v<T, Image<ElementT>>; } #endif
The usage of gaussian_fisheye
std::string file_path = "InputImages/1";
auto bmp1 = TinyDIP::bmp_read(file_path.c_str(), false);
bmp1 = gaussian_fisheye(bmp1, 800.0);
TinyDIP::bmp_write("test", bmp1);
All suggestions are welcome.
The summary information:
Which question it is a follow-up to?
An Updated Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++ and
What changes has been made in the code since last question?
I am trying to implement
template function in this post.Why a new review is being asked for?
Please review the implementation of
template function.