After posting this question I made some updates and changes to my code. My new demo for the game is located here. Right now it is only one player.
Is there anything I could improve on in the code?
Array.prototype.randomize = function () {
//fisher yates from
var i = this.length;
if (i === 0) return false;
while (--i) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var tempi = this[i];
var tempj = this[j];
this[i] = tempj;
this[j] = tempi;
Array.prototype.toObject = function () {
var o = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
o[this[i]] = '';
return o;
function bindEvent(el, eventName, eventHandler) {
if (el.addEventListener) {
el.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false);
} else if (el.attachEvent) {
el.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandler);
var Wheel = (function () {
var wheel = document.getElementById('wheel'),
wheelValues = [5000, 600, 500, 300, 500, 800, 550, 400, 300, 900, 500, 300, 900, 0, 600, 400, 300, -2, 800, 350, 450, 700, 300, 600],
spinTimeout = false,
spinModifier = function () {
return Math.random() * 10 + 20;
modifier = spinModifier(),
slowdownSpeed = 0.5,
prefix = (function () {
if ( !== undefined) {
return "MozTransform";
} else if ( !== undefined) {
return "WebkitTransform";
} else if ( !== undefined) {
return "OTransform";
} else {
return "";
degreeToRadian = function (deg) {
return deg / (Math.PI * 180);
function Wheel() {}
Wheel.prototype.rotate = function (degrees) {
var val = "rotate(-" + degrees + "deg)";
if ([prefix] !== undefined)[prefix] = val;
var rad = degreeToRadian(degrees % 360),
filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', M11=" + rad + ", M12=-" + rad + ", M21=" + rad + ", M22=" + rad + ")";
if ( !== undefined) = filter;
wheel.setAttribute("data-rotation", degrees);
Wheel.prototype.spin = function (callback, amount) {
var _this = this;
modifier -= slowdownSpeed;
if (amount === undefined) {
amount = parseInt(wheel.getAttribute('data-rotation'), 10);
if (modifier > 0) {
spinTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
_this.spin(callback, amount + modifier);
}, 1000 / 5);
} else {
var dataRotation = parseInt(wheel.getAttribute('data-rotation'), 10);
modifier = spinModifier();
var divider = 360 / wheelValues.length;
var offset = divider / 2; //half division
var wheelValue = wheelValues[Math.floor(Math.ceil((dataRotation + offset) % 360) / divider)];
switch (wheelValue) {
case 0:
return callback(0);
case -1:
return callback("Free Spin");
case -2:
return callback("Lose a turn");
return callback(wheelValue);
return Wheel;
var WheelGame = (function () {
var wheel = new Wheel(),
vowels = ['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'],
spinWheel = document.getElementById('spin'),
buyVowel = document.getElementById('vowel'),
displayArea = document.getElementById('display'),
newButton = document.getElementById('newpuzzle'),
money = document.getElementById('money'),
solve = document.getElementById('solve');
function WheelGame(puzzles) {
var _this = this;
this.puzzles = puzzles;
this.currentMoney = 0;
this.puzzleSolved = false;
bindEvent(buyVowel, "click", function () {
if (_this.currentMoney > 200) {
if (_this.createGuessPrompt("PLEASE ENTER A VOWEL", true) !== false) {
_this.currentMoney -= 200;
} else {
alert("You need more than $200 to buy a vowel");
bindEvent(newButton, "click", function () {
var spinTheWheel = function () {
wheel.spin(function (valueSpun) {
if (isNaN(valueSpun)) {
} else {
//is a valid number
if (valueSpun === 0) {
_this.currentMoney = 0;
} else {
//spun greater than 0
var amountFound = _this.createGuessPrompt(valueSpun);
_this.currentMoney += (valueSpun * amountFound);
bindEvent(spinWheel, "click", spinTheWheel);
bindEvent(wheel, "click", spinTheWheel);
function arrays_equal(a, b) {
return !(a < b || b < a);
bindEvent(solve, "click", function () {
if (!_this.puzzleSolved) {
var solve = prompt("Solve the puzzle?", "");
if (solve) {
guess = solve.toUpperCase().split("");
if (arrays_equal(guess, _this.currentPuzzleArray)) {
for (var i = 0; i < guess.length; ++i) {
_this.guessLetter(guess[i], false, true);
if (!_this.puzzleSolved) {
this.startRound(0); //start the 1st round
WheelGame.prototype.updateMoney = function () {
money.innerHTML = this.currentMoney;
WheelGame.prototype.guessLetter = function (guess, isVowel, solvingPuzzle) {
var timesFound = 0;
solvingPuzzle = solvingPuzzle === undefined ? false : true;
//find it:
if (guess.length && !this.puzzleSolved) {
if (!solvingPuzzle && !isVowel && (guess in vowels.toObject())) {
alert("Cannot guess a vowel right now!");
return false;
if (!solvingPuzzle && isVowel && !(guess in vowels.toObject())) {
alert("Cannot guess a consanant right now!");
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.currentPuzzleArray.length; ++i) {
if (guess == this.currentPuzzleArray[i]) {
var span = document.getElementById("letter" + i);
if (span.innerHTML != guess) {
//found it
span.innerHTML = guess;
if (guess in this.lettersInPuzzle.toObject() && !(guess in this.guessedArray.toObject())) {
if (this.guessedArray.length == this.lettersInPuzzle.length) {
alert("PUZZLE SOLVED!");
this.puzzleSolved = true;
return timesFound;
return false;
var guessTimes = 0;
WheelGame.prototype.createGuessPrompt = function (valueSpun, isVowel) {
isVowel = isVowel === undefined ? false : true;
if (!this.puzzleSolved) {
var letter;
if (isVowel) {
letter = prompt("PLEASE ENTER A VOWEL", "");
} else {
letter = prompt("YOU SPUN A " + valueSpun + " PLEASE ENTER A CONSONANT", "");
if (letter) {
var guess = letter.toUpperCase().charAt(0);
var timesFound = this.guessLetter(guess, isVowel);
if (timesFound === false) {
if (guessTimes < 5) {
return this.createGuessPrompt(valueSpun, isVowel);
guessTimes = 0;
return timesFound;
} else {
if (guessTimes < 5) {
return this.createGuessPrompt(valueSpun, isVowel);
else {
// reset guessTimes
guessTimes = 0;
return false;
WheelGame.prototype.newRound = function () {
var round = ++this.round;
if (round < this.puzzles.length) {
while (displayArea.hasChildNodes()) { //remove old puzzle
} else {
alert("No more puzzles!");
WheelGame.prototype.startRound = function (round) {
this.round = round;
this.lettersInPuzzle = [];
this.guessedArray = [];
this.puzzleSolved = false;
this.currentPuzzle = this.puzzles[this.round].toUpperCase();
this.currentPuzzleArray = this.currentPuzzle.split("");
var currentPuzzleArray = this.currentPuzzleArray;
var lettersInPuzzle = this.lettersInPuzzle;
var word = document.createElement('div');
word.className = "word";
for (var i = 0; i < currentPuzzleArray.length; ++i) {
var span = document.createElement('div');
span.className = "wordLetter ";
if (currentPuzzleArray[i] != " ") {
span.className += "letter";
if (!(currentPuzzleArray[i] in lettersInPuzzle.toObject())) {
} else {
span.className += "space";
word = document.createElement('div');
word.className = "word";
word = document.createElement('div');
word.className = "word";
} = "letter" + i;
var clear = document.createElement('div');
clear.className = "clear";
return WheelGame;
var Game = new WheelGame([
"doctor who", "the dark knight rises", "wheel of fortune",
"facebook", "twitter", "google plus", "sea world", "pastrami on rye",
"i am sparta", "whose line is it anyway", "google chrome"