The structure of a class file consists of a single structure (presented here using pseudostructures written in a C-like structure notation):
ClassFile {
u4 magic;
u2 minor_version;
u2 major_version;
u2 constant_pool_count;
cp_info constant_pool[constant_pool_count-1];
u2 access_flags;
u2 this_class;
u2 super_class;
u2 interfaces_count;
u2 interfaces[interfaces_count];
u2 fields_count;
field_info fields[fields_count];
u2 methods_count;
method_info methods[methods_count];
u2 attributes_count;
attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];
The script parses the class file into a dictionary, except for the attributes, but does not verify that the file is valid/correct. (I did not deem that a good use of my time)
For a class file generated for this simple program:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
the script produces:
{'access_flags': ['ACC_FINAL',
'attributes': [{'attribute_length': 2,
'attribute_name_index': 13,
'info': b'\x00\x0e'}],
'attributes_count': 1,
'constant_pool': [{'class_index': 6, 'name_and_type_index': 15, 'tag': 10},
{'class_index': 16, 'name_and_type_index': 17, 'tag': 9},
{'name_index': 18, 'tag': 8},
{'class_index': 19, 'name_and_type_index': 20, 'tag': 10},
{'name_index': 21, 'tag': 7},
{'name_index': 22, 'tag': 7},
{'bytes': b'<init>', 'length': 6, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'()V', 'length': 3, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'Code', 'length': 4, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'LineNumberTable', 'length': 15, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'main', 'length': 4, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'([Ljava/lang/String;)V', 'length': 22, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'SourceFile', 'length': 10, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'', 'length': 9, 'tag': 1},
{'descriptor_index': 8, 'name_index': 7, 'tag': 12},
{'name_index': 23, 'tag': 7},
{'descriptor_index': 25, 'name_index': 24, 'tag': 12},
{'bytes': b'Hello, World!', 'length': 13, 'tag': 1},
{'name_index': 26, 'tag': 7},
{'descriptor_index': 28, 'name_index': 27, 'tag': 12},
{'bytes': b'Main', 'length': 4, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'java/lang/Object', 'length': 16, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'java/lang/System', 'length': 16, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'out', 'length': 3, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'Ljava/io/PrintStream;', 'length': 21, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'java/io/PrintStream', 'length': 19, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'println', 'length': 7, 'tag': 1},
{'bytes': b'(Ljava/lang/String;)V', 'length': 21, 'tag': 1}],
'constant_pool_count': 29,
'fields': [],
'fields_count': 0,
'interfaces': [],
'interfaces_count': 0,
'magic': '0XCAFEBABE',
'major': 55,
'methods': [{'access_flags': ['ACC_PRIVATE',
'attributes': [{'attribute_length': 29,
'attribute_name_index': 9,
'info': b'\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x05'
'attributes_count': 1,
'descriptor_index': 8,
'name_index': 7},
{'access_flags': ['ACC_PRIVATE',
'attributes': [{'attribute_length': 37,
'attribute_name_index': 9,
'info': b'\x00\x02\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\t'
'attributes_count': 1,
'descriptor_index': 12,
'name_index': 11}],
'methods_count': 2,
'minor': 0,
'super_class': 6,
'this_class': 5}
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from enum import Enum
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
import typer
# fmt: off
# This got rather duplicative.
class Constants(Enum):
CONSTANT_Class = 7
CONSTANT_Fieldref = 9
CONSTANT_Methodref = 10
CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11
CONSTANT_String = 8
CONSTANT_Integer = 3
CONSTANT_Float = 4
CONSTANT_Double = 6
CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12
CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15
CONSTANT_MethodType = 16
CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 18
"class": [
("ACC_PUBLIC" ,0x0001),
("ACC_FINAL" ,0x0010),
("ACC_SUPER" ,0x0020),
("ACC_INTERFACE" ,0x0200),
("ACC_ABSTRACT" ,0x0400),
("ACC_SYNTHETIC" ,0x1000),
("ACC_ANNOTATION" ,0x2000),
("ACC_ENUM" ,0x4000),
"field": [
("ACC_PUBLIC" ,0x0001),
("ACC_PRIVATE" ,0x0002),
("ACC_PROTECTED" ,0x0004),
("ACC_STATIC" ,0x0008),
("ACC_FINAL" ,0x0010),
("ACC_VOLATILE" ,0x0040),
("ACC_TRANSIENT" ,0x0080),
("ACC_SYNTHETIC" ,0x1000),
("ACC_ENUM" ,0x4000),
"method": [
("ACC_PUBLIC" ,0x0001),
("ACC_PRIVATE" ,0x0002),
("ACC_PROTECTED" ,0x0004),
("ACC_STATIC" ,0x0008),
("ACC_FINAL" ,0x0010),
("ACC_BRIDGE" ,0x0040),
("ACC_VARARGS" ,0x0080),
("ACC_NATIVE" ,0x0100),
("ACC_ABSTRACT" ,0x0400),
("ACC_STRICT" ,0x0800),
("ACC_SYNTHETIC" ,0x1000),
# fmt: on
def parse_ux(file: BytesIO, length: int) -> int:
return int.from_bytes(, "big")
def parse_u1(file: BytesIO) -> int:
return parse_ux(file, 1)
def parse_u2(file: BytesIO) -> int:
return parse_ux(file, 2)
def parse_u4(file: BytesIO) -> int:
return parse_ux(file, 4)
def parse_constant_pool(f: BytesIO, pool_size: int) -> int:
constant_pool = []
# We could map each constant tag to its corresponding processing logic.
# Would that be better? This looks horrendous.
for _ in range(pool_size):
cp_info = {}
tag = parse_u1(f)
constant = Constants(tag)
if constant in (
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["class_index"] = parse_u2(f)
cp_info["name_and_type_index"] = parse_u2(f)
elif constant in (Constants.CONSTANT_Class, Constants.CONSTANT_String):
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["name_index"] = parse_u2(f)
elif constant == Constants.CONSTANT_Utf8:
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["length"] = parse_u2(f)
cp_info["bytes"] =["length"])
elif constant == Constants.CONSTANT_NameAndType:
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["name_index"] = parse_u2(f)
cp_info["descriptor_index"] = parse_u2(f)
elif constant in (Constants.CONSTANT_Integer, Constants.CONSTANT_Float):
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["bytes"] =
elif constant in (Constants.CONSTANT_Long, Constants.CONSTANT_Double):
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["high_bytes"] =
cp_info["low_bytes"] =
elif constant == Constants.CONSTANT_MethodHandle:
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["reference_kind"] = parse_u1(f)
cp_info["reference_index"] = parse_u2(f)
elif constant == Constants.CONSTANT_MethodType:
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["descriptor_index"] = parse_u2(f)
elif constant == Constants.CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
cp_info["tag"] = constant.value
cp_info["bootstrap_method_attr_index"] = parse_u2(f)
cp_info["name_and_type_index"] = parse_u2(f)
assert False, f"Unexpected tag encountered {tag = }"
return constant_pool
def parse_access_flags(val: int, flags: [(str, int)]) -> list[str]:
return [name for (name, mask) in flags if not (val & mask)]
def parse_attributes(f: BytesIO, attributes_count: int) -> list:
attributes = []
for _ in range(attributes_count):
attribute_info = {}
attribute_info["attribute_name_index"] = parse_u2(f)
attribute_info["attribute_length"] = parse_u4(f)
attribute_info["info"] =["attribute_length"])
return attributes
def parse_methods(f: BytesIO, methods_count: int) -> list:
methods = []
for _ in range(methods_count):
method_info = {}
method_info["access_flags"] = parse_access_flags(
parse_u2(f), ACCESS_FLAGS["method"]
method_info["name_index"] = parse_u2(f)
method_info["descriptor_index"] = parse_u2(f)
method_info["attributes_count"] = parse_u2(f)
method_info["attributes"] = parse_attributes(f, method_info["attributes_count"])
return methods
def parse_fields(f: BytesIO, fields_count: int) -> dict:
fields = []
for _ in range(fields_count):
field_info = {}
field_info["access_flags"] = parse_access_flags(
parse_u2(f), ACCESS_FLAGS["field"]
field_info["name_index"] = parse_u2(f)
field_info["descriptor_index"] = parse_u2(f)
field_info["attributes_count"] = parse_u2(f)
field_info["attributes"] = parse_attributes(f, field_info["attributes_count"])
return fields
def parse_interfaces(f: BytesIO, interfaces_count: int) -> dict:
interfaces = []
for _ in range(interfaces_count):
parse_u1(f) # Discard tag
class_info = {"tag": "CONSTANT_Class", "name_index": parse_u2()}
return interfaces
def parse_class_file(f: BytesIO) -> dict:
class_file = {}
class_file["magic"] = str(hex(parse_u4(f))).upper()
class_file["minor"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["major"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["constant_pool_count"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["constant_pool"] = parse_constant_pool(
f, class_file["constant_pool_count"] - 1
class_file["access_flags"] = parse_access_flags(parse_u2(f), ACCESS_FLAGS["class"])
class_file["this_class"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["super_class"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["interfaces_count"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["interfaces"] = parse_interfaces(f, class_file["interfaces_count"])
class_file["fields_count"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["fields"] = parse_fields(f, class_file["fields_count"])
class_file["methods_count"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["methods"] = parse_methods(f, class_file["methods_count"])
class_file["attributes_count"] = parse_u2(f)
class_file["attributes"] = parse_attributes(f, class_file["attributes_count"])
return class_file
def main(file_path: Path) -> None:
with open(file_path, mode="rb") as f:
class_file = parse_class_file(BytesIO(
if __name__ == "__main__":
Review Request:
Bugs, general coding comments, style, idiomatic code, et cetera.
PS: This was done as a recreational activity.