This is the third iteration of the Natural language text fast tokenizer code review. Special thanks goes to G. Sliepen, Toby Speight and uli who conducted previous reviews and to Matthieu M. and Adrian McCarthy who participated with important findings.
Functional specification
Implement a function for fast text tokenization handling some natural language specifics below:
- Consider ‘ ‘ (space) as a delimiter, keeping a way to extend the list of delimiters later; the delimiters couldn’t be a part of other constructs.
- Extract stable collocations like “i.e.”, “etc.”, “…” as a single lexem.
- In case word contains “inword” characters like ‘-‘ and ‘’’ (examples: semi-column, half-, cat’s) return the whole construct as a whole lexem.
- Threat all other non-alphanumeric characters as separate lexems.
- Return sequences of numbers (integers without signs) as a single lexem. Performance is critical, since the amount of data is huge. The function should be thread-safe.
- The code has been reworked according to most of code review points.
- The only exception is brackets
formatting consistency; I am still in two minds if my approach somewhere should be replaced with lengthier one. - I added the fast::isalpha (12% faster than std::isalpha) (works in assumption of 8-bit encoding) and fast::isdigit (5% faster than std::isdigit, although a little bit risky). Of course, not these percents is a point here, but the dramatic slowdown of these
operations when it comes to work with some specific locale.
- The only place I still don’t like is this calculation of
, but I can’t see the better way:
if (!lexem.empty()) {
std::size_t offset = - + lexem.size();
- Methods implementation inside of the class definition done only to the sake of brevity; production code will have them implemented separately.
- I have no idea why in
whenauto const func
compiled with Clang with[&locale](unsigned char c)
leads to 'std::bad_cast' while with MSVC it works just fine; the only way Clang works is with[&locale](char c)
, even[&locale](unsigned int c)
doesn’t work. So, I have to leave this as is on If you know the reason, please help me to fix to make this portable.
The code
Here is the updated code for the code review; could you please take a look and suggest further ways to improve or confirm that this is ready to go code?
Fully functional demo.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
namespace fast {
class IsAlpha
std::array<unsigned char, std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max() + 1> cache = {};
explicit IsAlpha(const std::locale& locale = {})
void set_locale(const std::locale& locale)
auto const func = [&locale](unsigned char c) { return std::isalpha(c, locale); };
std::ranges::copy(std::views::iota(0u, cache.size())
| std::views::transform(func),
bool operator()(unsigned char c) const { return cache[c]; }
IsAlpha isalpha;
bool isdigit(unsigned char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
class TokenRange {
std::string_view data;
class Iterator {
const std::string_view delimiters = " ";
const std::vector<std::string_view> stable_lexems = { "i.e.", "etc.", "..." };
const std::string_view inword_symbols = "-\'";
std::string_view data;
std::string_view lexem;
Iterator() {}
Iterator(std::string_view data) : data(data) { extract_lexem(); }
std::string_view operator*() const { return lexem; }
Iterator& operator++();
friend bool operator==(const Iterator& it1, const Iterator& it2) { return ==; }
void extract_lexem();
TokenRange(std::string_view data) : data(data) {}
Iterator begin() {
return Iterator(data);
Iterator end() {
return {};
void TokenRange::Iterator::extract_lexem()
while (!data.empty() && std::ranges::contains(delimiters, data.front())) {
auto it = std::ranges::find_if(stable_lexems, [&](auto stable_lexem)
return data.starts_with(stable_lexem);
if (it != stable_lexems.end()) {
lexem = data.substr(0, it->size());
std::size_t index = 0;
while (index < data.size())
if (std::ranges::contains(delimiters, data[index])) {
const bool is_not_alphanumeric = !fast::isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(data[index])) && !fast::isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(data[index]));
if (is_not_alphanumeric) {
if (index == 0) {
const bool is_next_char_inword_symbol = (index+1) < data.size() ? std::ranges::contains(inword_symbols, data[index+1]) : false;
if (is_next_char_inword_symbol) {
lexem = data.substr(0, index);
TokenRange::Iterator& TokenRange::Iterator::operator++()
if (!lexem.empty()) {
std::size_t offset = - + lexem.size();
return *this;
int main()
std::string sample = "Let's consider, this semi-simple sample, i.e. test data with ints: 100 and 0x20u, etc. For ... some testing...";
for (auto token : TokenRange(sample)) {
std::cout << token << " | ";
For those who interested in performance evaluations, here is the code with tests.
Please, note that is not suited for performance measurements (at least, as I know it), so the results could differ dramatically. You could just copy the code to your local PC and check.