This is a competitive programming problem which has never been solved in Python within the time limit of 2 seconds. It is about Disjoint Set Union:
Source: Algorithms In Context #10: Disjoint Sets
The input comes from a text file with 100 test cases defined by a few million of numbers. The first line of each test case indicates:
- number of nodes (2 < N < 10_000)
- number of links (0 < L < 100_000)
- number of queries (1 < Q < 1_000)
The subsequent numbers are shown in pairs (two per line), ranging from 1 to N, indicating L links and then the Q queries. This is a sample test case:
5 3 2
1 2
2 3
4 5
1 3
3 4
The goal is to respond each query with Y or N indicating if the queried pair belongs to the same group or not. For the above example, the expected output is:
Because the links 1-2-3 bring 1 and 3 to the same group, but 3 and 4 are still in distinct groups.
The first 90 test cases are not so big (1000 200 100) while the last 10 test cases use the maximum size (10000 100000 1000).
I have submitted hundredths of different versions, but my fastest try solved just 97 of the 100 test cases. The conventional solution involves building tree-like structures. And I did test all kinds of that. But the flood-fill approach ended up doing better (resolved more test cases). There you go:
from sys import stdout
from sys import stdin
from array import array
write = stdout.write
arrBase = array('h', (0 for _ in range(10001)))
# Stores a number indicating group ID of each
# node (0 indicates it hasn't been set)
arr = []
# Stores a Set() containing the direct
# link relations (graph edges) for each node
rels = []
def floodfill(groupid):
ni = 0
ids = set()
nodes = [groupid]
while ni < len(nodes):
n = nodes[ni]
ni += 1
if arr[n] != groupid:
arr[n] = groupid
newIds = list(rels[n].difference(ids))
nodes = 0
links = 0
queries = 0
q = 0 # query counter
outbuffBase = array('u', ('N' for _ in range(1000)))
outbuff = []
# flag to assert a blank line is printed between each test case
startWithLineBreak = 0
for line in map(bytes.split, stdin.buffer):
if q == queries:
nodes, links, queries = map(int, line)
# initializing test case
arr = arrBase[:nodes+1]
rels = [set() for _ in range(nodes + 1)]
outbuff = outbuffBase[:queries]
q = 0
a, b = map(int, line)
# storing a link relation
if links > 0:
links -= 1
# executing a query
va = arr[a]
if va == 0:
va = a
vb = arr[b]
if va == vb:
outbuff[q] = 'Y'
q += 1
if q == queries:
write("\n" * startWithLineBreak + "\n".join(outbuff[:queries]) + "\n")
startWithLineBreak = 1
Question: is there any performance optimization which can be done in this code?
- We can't use external libraries. Numpy arrays actually did make the code slower anyway.
- Performance measurements have shown that the program takes more than 1 second just to read the numbers, so the bottleneck might be in the split method. The second slowest process is the actual flood-fill. While the initialization of variables and the output printing are quite fast (no improvement needed).