
I've written a tree data structure that takes in input from the user, and stores the each letter based on the previous letter in the text. I'm not sure what this is called, but the closest I can find is an auto complete type of tree, where someone would traverse this tree to find the next letter with the highest frequency, then build off that to form a word to suggest.

I'm mainly looking for performace/algorithm critiques and suggestions, specifically in the add_node function. This is where I had the most problems while writing this, and the excess amount of comments are me "thinking aloud" to myself while working through the problem.

Letter Frequency Tree. This populates a tree based on the users input, keeping track of words entered and the 
frequency of each letter the user inputs.

@author Ben Antonellis

import string

class Node:
    def __init__(self, letter: str) -> None:
        self.letter = letter
        self.count = 0
        self.nodes = []

    def add_node(self, node: object) -> None:
        # Check if the string is currently empty:
        if node.letter == "":
            # Now we return since we're all out of letters
        # Determine if letter is already a child node
        next_node = self.__has_letter_node(node.letter[0])
        # If there is no child node for that letter
        if next_node == None:
            # We need to create a new node with the new letter
            new_node = Node(node.letter[0])
            # Because there is no child, we increment the count by 1
            new_node.count += 1
            # Now we add the node to the nodes list
            # Now we need to work with the rest of the letters on the new node, skipping the front letter
        # If there is a child node present
            # We need to add the count to that letter
            next_node.count += 1
            # Now we add the next letters to the current node

    def __has_letter_node(self, letter: str) -> object | None:
        for node in self.nodes:
            if node.letter == letter:
                return node
        return None
    def has_nodes(self) -> bool:
        return self.nodes != []

    def __str__(self, level=0) -> str:
        # Martijn Pieters: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20242504/8968906
        ret = "\t" * level + repr(self.letter) + str(self.count) + "\n"
        for child in self.nodes:
            ret += child.__str__(level + 1)
        return ret

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.__str__()

class AutoCompleteTree:

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.roots = [ Node(c) for c in string.ascii_lowercase ]

    def get_root_letter_node(self, letter: str) -> Node:
        for node in self.roots:
            if node.letter == letter:
                return node
    def print_tree(self) -> None:
        for root in self.roots:
            if root.has_nodes():
    def store_input(self, text: str) -> None:
        node = self.get_root_letter_node(text[0])
        node.count += 1

def main():
    tree = AutoCompleteTree()
    while True:
        text = input(">>> ")

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • \$\begingroup\$ Previously you've mentioned the difference between is None and == None why have you chosen the latter? Why have you chosen self.nodes to be a list not a dict? Why have you got a ton of comments in add_node but none in the other methods? \$\endgroup\$
    – Peilonrayz
    Commented Jun 13, 2023 at 12:09
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Peilonrayz The comments in add_node are essentially me thinking aloud, as I had the most trouble with that part (which could definitely be mentioned in the question, now that I think of it). self.nodes is a list because it's the first collection I thought of to store child nodes. I forgot about using is None so that's definitely something I can fix on my end. \$\endgroup\$
    – Linny
    Commented Jun 13, 2023 at 12:14
  • \$\begingroup\$ Rely on "$ ruff ." to remind you about is None and similar details. \$\endgroup\$
    – J_H
    Commented Jul 4, 2023 at 4:08
  • \$\begingroup\$ This data structure is called a "trie" or "prefix tree", if you want to read more about it. \$\endgroup\$
    – gazoh
    Commented Jul 4, 2023 at 8:15

1 Answer 1


All in all I think your implementation is well done. Clearly, if I didn't have at least a few comments, I wouldn't be taking the trouble to post an answer. Admittedly some (hopefully not all) of my comments could be considered "nitpicking."

Improved Data Structures

The Node.nodes attribute is a list when, as I believe you now know, making it a dict that maps a letter to a Node instance would permit faster searching. Likewise for the AutoCompleteTree.roots attribute which should also be a dictionary that maps a letter to a Node instance.

Type Hints

If you are going to do use type hints, there might be some room for improvement. Function __has_letter_node is defined as follows:

    def __has_letter_node(self, letter: str) -> object | None:

I believe ideally you would want to use -> Node | None, but Node has not been defined yet (also using operator | is not supported on my Python 3.8.5). So the changes I had to make for this to run was to predefine an empty class Node and then to redefine it. There may be a better, alternate method that I am not aware of:

from typing import Union # Needed for Python < 3.10

# So we can reference Node in class Node:
class Node:

# Redefinition of Node:
class Node:

    def has_letter_node(self, letter: str) -> Union[Node, None]:

But in fact, if we use the correct data structure for Node.nodes, then we don't even really need this function, a call to which can be replaced with the expression self.nodes.get(letter), which will return either the Node instance or None.

Don't Do More Work Than Necessary

AutoCompleteTree.store_input calls node.add_node(Node(text[1:])) and in method Node.add_node we have the recursive calls new_node = Node(node.letter[0]) and next_node.add_node(Node(node.letter[1:])). In both instances you are first constructing a Node instance to be passed to add_node but add_node is only referencing the string held in node.letter. There is not much point in constructing a Node when we could simply be passing instead the string that would otherwise be stored in node.letter. Also, I would suggest that a better name for the method is Node.add_nodes because the method is called in general to add multiple nodes (this is one of the nitpicking recommendations!).

Remove Tail Recursion

Method Node.add_node uses recursion of a special form, i.e. tail recursion. This is where the recursive calls are the final action performed in the function/method before it returns. With such functions iteration can easily replace recursion making for a more efficient implementation.

Some More Nitpicking Recommendations

  1. Most of the attributes and methods used in these two classes are not to be accessed by client code and as such should have names starting with an underscore ('_') to suggest that these entities are "private."

  2. You have taken a standard instance method, __str__ and added an additional, nonstandard argument, level. My preference would be to instead define a new private method _to_string:

    def _to_string(self, level=0):
        # Martijn Pieters: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20242504/8968906
        the_string = "\t" * level + repr(self.letter) + str(self.count) + "\n"
        for child in self.nodes.values():
            the_string += child._to_string(level + 1)
        return the_string

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self._to_string()

Method __repr__ just delegates to the new method. We don't need to define a __str__ method since Node.__repr__ will be called in its absence. Note that I have also replaced variable name ret with the_string.

  1. Method Node.has_nodes could be coded as:
    def has_nodes(self) -> bool:
        return True if self.nodes else False

This works whether self.nodes is a list or dictionary.

  1. Your main function loops indefinitely. You might want to test and terminate for empty input.

Suggestions Put Into Code

If you were to adopt all of the above suggestions, the code would look like the following (it may also assist you if some of my comments above were not as clear as I would have liked):

Letter Frequency Tree. This populates a tree based on the users input, keeping track of words entered and the
frequency of each letter the user inputs.

@author Ben Antonellis

import string

class _Node:

    def __init__(self, letter: str) -> None:
        self._letter = letter
        self._count = 0
        self._nodes = {}

    def add_nodes(self, text: str) -> None:
        current_node = self
        # Check if the string is currently empty:
        for letter in text:
            # Determine if letter is already a child node
            next_node = current_node._nodes.get(letter)
            # If there is no child node for that letter
            if next_node is None:
                # We need to create a new node with the new letter
                new_node = _Node(letter)
                # Because there is no child, we increment the count by 1
                new_node._count += 1
                # Now we add the node to the nodes list
                current_node._nodes[letter] = new_node
                # Now we need to work with the rest of the letters on the new node, skipping the front letter
                current_node = new_node
            # If there is a child node present
                # We need to add the count to that letter
                next_node._count += 1
                # Now we add the next letters to the current node
                current_node = next_node

    def has_nodes(self) -> bool:
        return True if self._nodes else False

    def _to_string(self, level=0):
        # Martijn Pieters: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20242504/8968906
        the_string = "\t" * level + repr(self._letter) + str(self._count) + "\n"
        for child in self._nodes.values():
            the_string += child._to_string(level + 1)
        return the_string

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self._to_string()

class AutoCompleteTree:

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._roots = {c: _Node(c) for c in string.ascii_lowercase}

    def _get_root_letter_node(self, letter: str) -> _Node:
        return self._roots[letter]

    def print_tree(self) -> None:
        for root in self._roots.values():
            if root.has_nodes():

    def store_input(self, text: str) -> None:
        node = self._get_root_letter_node(text[0])
        node._count += 1

def main():
    tree = AutoCompleteTree()
    while True:
        text = input(">>> ")
        if not text:

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • \$\begingroup\$ Node | None is syntactic sugar for Union[Node, None] in type hints. And much more readable. See here: docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.Union \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 3, 2023 at 2:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ @CrisLuengo Thanks for the info. It first generated an error for me due to class Node not having been defined yet. That is why I first defined an empty class Node and then redefined the class. Then I got: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'NoneType'. Using Union resolved that for me (Python 3.8.5). \$\endgroup\$
    – Booboo
    Commented Jul 3, 2023 at 9:30

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