This is my implementation of the FPGrowth algorithm where, as an optimisation, I avoid re-creating the tree at each extension of the prefix, while I use a view representation that I think would be more memory efficient. Please let me know if there are any other ways to improve the current code. Any feedback is appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <deque>
#include <queue>
#import <cassert>
#include <stack>
* Trie node required by the fpgrowth algorithm
* @tparam T
template <typename T> struct fpgrowth_node {
size_t count, // Number of instances being observed
tmp_count, // Temporary count while pruning the graph: instead of creating another fpgrowth tree, I'll use views to accelerate the task
height; // height inducing the visiting order from the leaves
const T* value; // Pointer to the actual value: this is done so to alleviate the memory from having multiple copies of the object. (the actual singleton will reside in the main fpgrowth table)
struct fpgrowth_node* parent; // Root for the current node (if any)
std::unordered_map<const T*, struct fpgrowth_node*> children; // Children mapped by key value
struct fpgrowth_node* list; // single linked list connecting all the nodes associated to the same object
// bool current_leaf; // whether this element is currently a leaf
fpgrowth_node(const T* k = nullptr) : value{k}, count{1}, tmp_count{0}, height{0}, parent{nullptr}, children{}, list{nullptr} {}
* Adding a child to the curent node or, if it already exists, incrementing the counter for the existing one
* @param value Value associated to the child
* @return Either the already-existing child or the newly allocated one
struct fpgrowth_node* add_child(const T* value) {
auto it = children.emplace(value, nullptr);
if (it.second) { // If I am adding a new child
it.first->second = new fpgrowth_node(value); // Allocating the new child
it.first->second->parent = this; // Setting the parent to the current node
it.first->second->height = height+1; // Increasing the height, so to exploit topological sort for efficiently scanning the tree from the leaves
} else {
it.first->second->height = std::max(height+1,it.first->second->height); // Otherwise, update the nodes' depth depending on my current one
it.first->second->count++; // If the child was already there, increment its count
return it.first->second; // returning the child already being created in the trie
~fpgrowth_node() {
for (const auto& [k,v] : children) delete v; // deleting all of the allocated children so to save memory and avoid memory leaks
template <typename T>
static inline void fpgrowth_expand(struct fpgrowth_node<T>* tree,
const T* current,
size_t curr_support,
std::unordered_set<const T*> prefix,
const std::unordered_set<struct fpgrowth_node<T>*>& view,
std::unordered_map<const T*, struct fpgrowth_node<T>*>& traverse,
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, std::unordered_set<const T*>>>& results,
size_t minsupport = 1) {
// std::cout << "Step: ";
// for (const auto& ptr :prefix)
// std::cout << *ptr << " ";
// std::cout << *current << std::endl;
std::unordered_set<struct fpgrowth_node<T>*> visitable, // Whether the element was already visited in a previous iteration
in_tree // Whether the node, for its good support, might be part of the next pruning and therefore part of the view
auto comp = []( struct fpgrowth_node<T>* a, struct fpgrowth_node<T>* b ) { return a->height < b->height; }; // As a tree is a DAG, I can exploit the topological order to know in which order extract the nodes from the queue
std::priority_queue<struct fpgrowth_node<T>*, std::vector<struct fpgrowth_node<T>*>, decltype(comp)> dq; // Priority queue for storing all the nodes, being sorted by order of visit
auto it = traverse.find(current); // Checking whether we are allowed to traverse from this node
std::unordered_map<const T*, struct fpgrowth_node<T>*> new_firsttraverse; // Updating the first_to_traverse table depending on the nodes being available
std::unordered_map<const T*, size_t> toTraverseNext; // Updating the support table while keeping the support of the previous nodes
std::vector<struct fpgrowth_node<T>*> visitedChild; // For each non-leaf node, keeping all the childs that were visited within the view
if (it != traverse.end()) {
struct fpgrowth_node<T>* ptr = it->second;
while (ptr) {
if (view.contains(ptr)) { // If the current element in the linked list is actually part of the view
ptr = ptr->list; // Scanning all the elements in the list
while (!dq.empty()) {
struct fpgrowth_node<T>* dq_ptr =; // Next element to be visited
if (!visitable.emplace(dq_ptr).second) continue; // Discarding visiting the node if visited already
dq_ptr->tmp_count = 0; // Re-setting the counter to zero
// dq_ptr->current_leaf = true;
bool isLeaf = (dq_ptr->value == current);
bool goodToTest = false;
if (isLeaf) {
dq_ptr->tmp_count = dq_ptr->count;// As this is the leaf, it needs to hold the tmp_count for the visit its own support count.
// dq_ptr->current_leaf = true;// Setting the current node as leaf, from which start the visit (from the bottom!)
goodToTest = true; // Yes, I can proceed with the visit
} else {
size_t totalChild = 0; // Counting the number of allowed children to be visited within the view as in (A)
visitedChild.clear(); // Clearing the set of the previous children
for (const auto& [k,v] : dq_ptr->children) {
if (view.contains(v)) {
totalChild++; // (A)
if (visitable.contains(v)) {
visitedChild.emplace_back(v); // Yes, this child has been visited in a previous iteration
if (totalChild == visitedChild.size()) { // I can do the counting only if I have already visited all of the childs that are there in the
for (const auto& v : visitedChild) { // After visiting all the childs that I could, *then*, I set my tmp_count to the sum of my child's tmp_count
goodToTest = true;
dq_ptr->tmp_count += v->tmp_count; // Then, setting up the count to the sum of the supports from my fully visited children
// dq_ptr->current_leaf = dq_ptr->current_leaf && ((v->current_leaf) && (v->tmp_count < minsupport)); // Setting myself as a leaf
} else
visitable.erase(dq_ptr); // B: If I am not allowed to visit all the children, as they have not fully visited yet, re-set myself in the visiting queue
// the queue guarantees that, if I have not visited another child, then, I will eventually put back in the queue by it in (C), so this does not misses a node
if (visitable.contains(dq_ptr)) { // If the visit was successful and (B) did not happen
if (goodToTest && (dq_ptr->tmp_count >= minsupport)) { // testing the support only if I am either a leaf or whether I have already visited all my childs, so to not
auto it4 = toTraverseNext.emplace(dq_ptr->value, dq_ptr->tmp_count); // Setting the current support in the table for the current item
if (!it4.second)
it4.first->second += dq_ptr->tmp_count; // If a previous value was already there, then just update it!
if (current != dq_ptr->value) new_firsttraverse.emplace(dq_ptr->value, dq_ptr); // If this was not met before, then setting the current node as first step in the list to be visited
in_tree.insert(dq_ptr); // Definitively, if the support is good, this should be part of the next iteration
if (view.contains(dq_ptr->parent)) // If the parent is an allowed node (still, it should be)
dq.push(dq_ptr->parent); // C: putting the parent as the next step to visit
prefix.insert(current); // Adding the current node as part of the prefix
results.emplace_back(curr_support, prefix); // setting this as another result
for (const auto& [next,with_supp] : toTraverseNext) { // Using the updated support table to traverse the remaining nodes
if ((next != current) && ( !prefix.contains(next))) // Visiting next only other strings that were not part of the prefix
fpgrowth_expand(tree, next, with_supp, prefix, in_tree, new_firsttraverse, results, minsupport);
template <typename T>
static inline std::vector<std::pair<size_t, std::unordered_set<const T*>>> fpgrowth(const std::vector<std::unordered_set<T>>& obj,
std::vector<std::pair<T, size_t>>& final_element_for_scan,
size_t minsupport = 1) {
struct fpgrowth_node<T> tree{nullptr};
std::unordered_set<struct fpgrowth_node<T>*> in_tree;
std::unordered_map<const T*, struct fpgrowth_node<T>*> last_pointer, firstpointer;
std::unordered_map<const T*, std::unordered_set<struct fpgrowth_node<T>*>> createdElements;
std::map<T, size_t> element; // Fast representation for the support table, for efficiently associating the item to the support value
for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); it++) {
for (const T& x : *it) {
auto it2 = element.emplace(x, 1);
if (!it2.second) it2.first->second++;
// moving this to a vector, while keeping the items with adequate support
for (auto it = element.begin(), en = element.end(); it != en; it++) {
if (it->second >= minsupport)
// Sorting the elements in the table by decreasing support
std::sort(final_element_for_scan.begin(), final_element_for_scan.end(), [](const std::pair<T, size_t>& l, const std::pair<T, size_t>& r) {
return l.second>r.second;
struct fpgrowth_node<T>* ptr ;
for (auto itx = obj.begin(); itx != obj.end(); itx++) { // For each transaction
auto e = itx->end();
ptr = &tree;
auto it_left = final_element_for_scan.begin();
auto e_left = final_element_for_scan.end();
while ((it_left != e_left)) {
auto f = itx->find(it_left->first);
if (f == e) {it_left++; continue;}
else {
// For each element in the transaction which is also in the support table
auto it3 = last_pointer.emplace(&it_left->first, nullptr);
// Expanding the trie with a new child
ptr = ptr->add_child(&it_left->first);
// Using a set of visited nodes to avoid loops in the list
bool newInsertion = createdElements[&it_left->first].emplace(ptr).second;
in_tree.insert(ptr); // This node shoudl be part of the view
if (it3.second) {
// First pointer of the list for traversing the newly established leaves at each novel iteration efficiently
firstpointer.emplace(&it_left->first, ptr);
it3.first->second = ptr;
} else {
if (!it3.first->second) {
// First pointer of the list for traversing the newly established leaves at each novel iteration efficiently
it3.first->second = ptr;
} else if (newInsertion) {
// Avoiding loops: adding an element in the list only if required
it3.first->second->list = ptr;
it3.first->second = ptr;
// results of the itemsets with their support to be returned
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, std::unordered_set<const T*>>> results;
// Setting up the new projection of the tree, so to avoid the re-creation of the trees multiple times:
// setting up a view with the allowed nodes will be more efficient (as it will save the extra allocation cost for
// the nodes, and the only memory overhead is just the pointer to the nodes in the FPGrowth tree)
for (auto rit = final_element_for_scan.rbegin(), ren = final_element_for_scan.rend(); rit != ren; rit++) {
fpgrowth_expand(ptr, (const T *) &rit->first, rit->second, std::unordered_set<const T *>{}, in_tree, firstpointer, results,
return results;
int main() {
std::vector<std::unordered_set<std::string>> S;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>> single_support;
for (const auto& ref : fpgrowth(S, single_support, 3)) {
std::cout << "Item: ";
for (const auto& ptr : ref.second)
std::cout << *ptr << " ";
std::cout << " with support " << ref.first << std::endl;
return 0;