
I need to improve this by using switch statement in which I want to set the text and setFullScreen. Is there any more elegant way to implement this?

final String change[] =
        "Full Screen", "Exit Full Screen"
    final MenuItem fullScreen = MenuItemBuilder.create().text(change[0]).build();

    fullScreen.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
        public void handle(ActionEvent e)
            fullScreen.setText((fullScreen.getText().equals(change[0])) ? change[1] : change[0]);

            if (fullScreen.getText().equals(change[0]))





1 Answer 1


This can be made a lot more elegant with the State Pattern.

We'll introduce an enum for the two states :

private static enum Mode {
    FULLSCREEN("Exit Full Screen"), NORMAL("Full Screen");

    private final String toggleActionText;

    private Mode(String text) {
        this.toggleActionText = text;

    public String getToggleActionText() {
        return toggleActionText;

    public boolean isFullScreen() {
        return FULLSCREEN == this;

    public Mode other() {
        return isFullScreen() ? NORMAL : FULLSCREEN;

Then, having added a properly initialized Mode field to the class, you can simplify your code to this :

final MenuItem fullScreen = MenuItemBuilder.create().text(mode.getToggleActionText()).build();

fullScreen.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
    public void handle(ActionEvent e)
        mode = mode.other();


As you can see, it is a lot simpler to delegate the state dependent behavior to the Mode instance than to use an if whenever you have state dependent behavior.


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