I am still just starting out with python and just finished learning about classes, with no further understanding on many python modules. With this in mind, this is one of the biggest/hardest things I have done.
The password manager creates a file with as many passwords as you want or one individual password to a file. It 'encrypts' the password with a randomly generated 'key'. This isn't going to be the best coded encrypter(scrambling is more of what is being done) and it is in no way ready for actual real world usage. Although, I am always looking to improve on myself and would appreciate in depth explanations on what I did wrong, what could be better implemented, and further additions to be made.
Module: v2_Password_Manager.py
#v.2 of Password Manager, more functionality and upgrades
import os
import random
NUMERIC = '1234567890'
SYMBOLIC = ')(!@#$%^&*-_=+<>,.?:;'
def encrypting_password(password):
password_charachters = [char for char in password]
key = str(random.randint(111, 999))
#each different key is one digit from the overall key generated
alphabet_key, numeric_key, symbolic_key = int(key[0]), int(key[1]), int(key[2])
encrypted_password = []
for char in password_charachters:
#for each charachter, gets new index using key corresponding to charachter's type
if char in ALPHABET:
alphabet_index = ALPHABET.index(char)
new_char = alphabet_index + alphabet_key
if new_char + ALPHABET.index(char) > len(ALPHABET) - 1:
new_char = new_char - len(ALPHABET)
elif char in NUMERIC:
numeric_index = NUMERIC.index(char)
new_char = numeric_index + numeric_key
if new_char + NUMERIC.index(char) > len(NUMERIC) - 1:
new_char = new_char - len(NUMERIC)
elif char in SYMBOLIC:
symbolic_index = SYMBOLIC.index(char)
new_char = symbolic_index + symbolic_key
if new_char + SYMBOLIC.index(char) > len(SYMBOLIC) - 1:
new_char = new_char - len(SYMBOLIC)
#list of password and key is returned for decrypting
return [''.join(encrypted_password), key]
def decrypting_password(encrypted_password):
decrypted_password = []
alphabet_key, numeric_key, symbolic_key = int(encrypted_password[1][0]), int(encrypted_password[1][1]), int(encrypted_password[1][2])
#simply reverses the original lists and uses the key of each char to get original position
for char in encrypted_password[0]:
if char in ALPHABET:
alphabet_index = ALPHABET[::-1].index(char)
new_char = alphabet_index + alphabet_key
if new_char + ALPHABET[::-1].index(char) > len(ALPHABET) - 1:
new_char = new_char - len(ALPHABET)
elif char in NUMERIC:
numeric_index = NUMERIC[::-1].index(char)
new_char = numeric_index + numeric_key
if new_char + NUMERIC[::-1].index(char) > len(NUMERIC) - 1:
new_char = new_char - len(NUMERIC)
elif char in SYMBOLIC:
symbolic_index = SYMBOLIC[::-1].index(char)
new_char = symbolic_index + symbolic_key
if new_char + SYMBOLIC[::-1].index(char) > len(SYMBOLIC) - 1:
new_char = new_char - len(SYMBOLIC)
return ''.join(decrypted_password)
def generating_password():
password = []
#randomly defines how many of each charachter will be in a single password
num_of_alphabets = random.randint(5, 7)
num_of_numbers = random.randint(3, 5)
num_of_symbols = random.randint(1, 3)
for i in range(num_of_alphabets):
for i in range(num_of_numbers):
for i in range(num_of_symbols):
return ''.join(password)
def creating_file(name, password_amount = 1, password = ''):
#File name is required, password_amount determines how many passwords you want, password is
#optional to specify what password you want decrypted and in this case password_amount decrypts this password multiple times
with open(f'{name}.txt', 'w+') as f:
if password == '':
for i in range(password_amount):
i += 1
encrypted_password = encrypting_password(generating_password())
password = encrypted_password[0]
key = encrypted_password[1]
f.write(f'\nPassword {i}: {password} || Key {i}: {key}')
with open(f'{name}.txt', 'w+') as f:
for i in range(password_amount):
i += 1
encrypted_password = encrypting_password(password)
f.write(f'\nPassword {i}: {encrypted_password[0]} || Key {i}: {encrypted_password[1]}')
def decrypting_file(file):
with open(f'{file}.txt', 'r+') as f:
#A whole bunch of reformatting to enable the stripping at the end of function
list = f.readlines()
for line, i in zip(list, range(len(list))):
i += 1
password_info = line.split('||')
password = password_info[0].replace(f'Password {i}: ', '').rstrip()
key = password_info[1].rstrip('\n').replace(f' Key {i}: ', '')
print(f'{i}. The password ({password}) was decrypted into: ({decrypting_password([password, key])})')
File: v2_Program.py
import os
from v2_Password_Manager import creating_file, decrypting_file, SYMBOLIC
def setting_mode():
while True:
mode = input('\n----------------------\n- Create Password[c] -\n----------------------\n- Open File[o] -\n----------------------\n- Quit[q] -\n----------------------\n Input:')
if mode in 'cCoOqQ':
return mode
print('\nInvalid input. Try Again.')
def initializing_create():
naming_file = True
setting_preference = True
setting_password_amount = True
password_amount = None
while naming_file:
file_name = input('\nName of file encrypted password will be saved to [No use of special charachters]: ')
for char in file_name:
if char == '_':
elif char in SYMBOLIC:
print('Invalid Charachter Detected')
naming_file = False
while setting_preference:
password = input('\nDo you want a specific password to be saved and encrypted to your device [type in your password if \'yes\', type \'no\' if not]: ')
if password.lower() == 'no':
while setting_password_amount:
password_amount = input('\nHow many passwords do you want generated? ')
if password_amount.isdigit():
password_amount = int(password_amount)
setting_preference = False
setting_password_amount = False
print('Not a number')
elif password.lower() == 'yes':
password = input('\nWhat is your password? ')
setting_preference = False
if password_amount == None:
creating_file(file_name,1 ,password)
creating_file(file_name, password_amount)
def initializing_open():
opening_file = True
while opening_file:
file_name = input('\nWhat file would you like to open? ')
if os.path.exists(f'{file_name}.txt'):
opening_file = False
print('This file doesn\'t exist. Try again.')
def executing_mode(mode):
if mode in 'Cc':
elif mode in 'Oo':
print('\nThanks for your support! See you next time.')
running = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('\nWelcome to Prototype Password Manager.\nHere you can create passwords which will be encrypted in a file saved to your device.\nFurther functionality will be added for user specific save files with another layer of password protection.\nEnjoy!')
while running:
mode = setting_mode()
Help in running: If you would like to run it, copy the 'Module' code and put it in a file named 'v2_Password_Manager.py'. Then copy the 'File' code and put it in a python file named 'v2_Program.py' or whatever you want this time. Put both of these in the same directory and then run from terminal or whatever you have to run them.
Extra Info: The reason I named them v2 was because this was the second time I have tried this exact thing and I quit almost immediately. I make it a point to not delete any of my unfinished projects, so I can look back on them and see how much I have progressed.
#Password Encryption
alphabets = '_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
digits = '_1234567890@_'
def password_encrypter(password,key,digit_key):
encrypted_password = []
for char in password:
if char.isdigit() or (char in '@_'):
char_index = digits.index(char)
char_index = char_index + digit_key
while char_index > 12:
char_index = abs(char_index - 12)
letter_index = alphabets.index(char.lower())
letter_index = letter_index + key
while letter_index > 26:
letter_index = abs(letter_index - 26)
if char == char.upper():
return [''.join(encrypted_password), key, digit_key]
def password_decrypter(encrypted_password, key, digit_key):
password = []
for char in encrypted_password:
if char.isdigit() or char in '@_':
digit_index = digits.index(char)
digit_index = abs(digit_index-digit_key)
if digit_index > 11:
while digit_index > 11:
digit_index -= 11
digit_index = abs(digit_index)
encrypted = password_encrypter('567891', 2, 9)
#password_decrypter(encrypted[0], encrypted[1], encrypted[2])
Didn't finish this one
from v2_Password_Manager import creating_file, decrypting_file, SYMBOLIC
def running_program():
# print('\nWelcome to Prototype Password Manager.\nHere you can create passwords which will be encrypted in a file saved to your device.\nFurther functionality will be added for user specific save files with another layer of password protection.\nEnjoy!')
# while True:
# initial_loop = True
# mode = input('\n----------------------\n- Create Password[c] -\n----------------------\n- Open File[o] -\n----------------------\n Input:')
if mode in 'cC':
while initial_loop:
file_name = input('\nName of file encrypted password will be saved to [No use of special charachters]: ')
for char in file_name:
if char in SYMBOLIC:
print('Invalid Charachter Detected')
#issue with looped content in general. Refactor code
password = input('\nDo you want a specific password to be saved and encrypted to your device [type in your password if yes, type \'NO\' if not]: ')
if password == 'NO':
while True:
password_amount = input('\nHow many passwords do you want generated? ')
password_amount = int(password_amount)
if password_amount.isdigit():
initial_loop = False
print('Not a number')
initial_loop = False
initial_loop = False
elif mode in 'oO':
# else:
# print('\nInvalid input. Try Again.')
# continue
This was my first attempt of the 'Program' file.