This is my first question in Code Review. I apologize in advance for using Spanish (my native language). I thought there was a spanish version of Code Review.
This class is meant for pagination. It produces the desired results and I forced errors to check and everything seems ok to me.
Here is the code: (Edited to suit CR language policy)
* Usage:
* $query = "select id, razon_social, nombre_comercial, esta_habilitado, fecha_alta from clientes";
* $headers = array("ID", "R. Social", "N. Comercial", "Habilitado?", "Fecha Alta");
* require("Pagination.php");
* $pagination = new Pagination($query, 10, $_GET['page'] ?? 1, 1, $headers);
* echo "<br>Results: " . $pagination->get_total_results() . " (pages: " . $pagination->get_total_pages().")";
* echo "<br>" . $pagination->get_results();
* echo "<br>" . $pagination->get_navigator();
class Pagination {
/** Data source can be either a MySQL query or a multidimensional array
* this variable is overwritten after validation so it holds the selected data
* overwrite occurs around lines 78 and 102
private $data_source = null;
/** amount of results */
private $total_results = 0;
/** total pages */
private $total_pages = 0;
/** results per page */
private $results_per_page = 10;
/** URL for navigator */
private $url = null;
/** HTML navigator */
private $navigator = null;
/** resulting HTML output */
private $html_output = null;
/** page number */
private $page = 1;
/** output format: 1:table (default), 2:multidimensional array */
private $format = 1;
/** column headers (depends on $this->format) */
private $headers = array();
* @param string|array $data_source MySQL query o multidimensional array
* @param number $results_per_page Number of results per page
* @param number $page Page number to show
* @param number $format 1: HTML table (default), 2: multidimensional array
* @param array $headers If $format==1 array with column headers. If the amount doesn't equal field count it will be ignored
* @throws Exception
function __construct($data_source=null, $results_per_page=10, $page=1, $format=1, $headers=array()) {
global $mysqli;
if (!filter_var($results_per_page, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) or ($results_per_page < 1)) {
throw new exception("Incorrect number of results per page");
$this->results_per_page = $results_per_page;
if (!filter_var($page, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) or ($page < 1)) {
throw new Exception("Incorrect page number");
$this->page = $page;
if (($format != 1) and ($format != 2)) $this->format = 1;
if (!is_array($headers)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid headers");
if (!isset($data_source) or
(is_string($data_source) and (strlen($data_source) == 0)) or
(is_array($data_source) and (count($data_source) < 1))) {
throw new exception("Incorrect data source");
if (is_array($data_source)) { // not implemented yet
if (!es_multidimensional($data_source)) {
throw new exception("Data source isn't a multidimensional array");
} else {
$this->total_results = count($data_source);
$this->data_source = $data_source;
$this->total_pages = ceil($this->total_results / $results_per_page);
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception("Error on data source");
$this->total_results = $mysqli->affected_rows;
if ($this->total_results < 1) throw new Exception("No results");
$this->total_pages = ceil($this->total_results / $results_per_page);
$offset = ($page - 1) * $this->results_per_page;
if ($page == 1) $data_source .= " limit 0, " . $this->results_per_page;
elseif (($page > 1) and ($page <= $this->total_pages)) $data_source .= " limit " . $offset . ", " . $this->results_per_page;
else {
throw new Exception("Unexpected error"); // don't figure out how to set this error message
try {
$resultados = $mysqli->query($data_source);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception("Error on data source");
$this->data_source = $resultados->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if (($this->format == 1) and isset($headers) and (count($headers) != $mysqli->field_count)) {
$this->headers = array();
} else {
$this->headers = $headers;
function get_total_results() {
return $this->total_results;
function get_total_pages() {
return $this->total_pages;
function get_results() {
/* in a nearby future this method will be available for several formats using templates
* for now this is more than enough
if ($this->format == 1) { // tabla
$this->html_output = "\n".'<div class="table">';
if (isset($this->headers)) {
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '<div class="table-header">';
foreach($this->headers as $header) {
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '<div class="table-cell-header">'.$header.'</div>';
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '</div>';
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '<div class="table-body">';
foreach($this->data_source as $data) {
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '<div class="table-row">';
foreach($data as $value) {
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '<div class="table-row-cell">' . $value .'</div>';
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '</div>';
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '</div>';
$this->html_output .= "\n" . '</div>' . "\n";
return $this->html_output;
return $this->data_source; // array
function get_navigator() {
// prepare url for navigator
$this->url = ROOT_WEB . substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1);
if (strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) == 0) { $this->url .= "?page="; }
else {
$this->url .= '?';
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
if ($variable != "page") $this->url .= $variable . "=" . $value . "&";
$this->url .= "page=";
// prepare navigator
if ($this->total_pages > 1) {
$previous = null;
$following = null;
$this->navigator = "<div id=\"paginator\">%1";
for ($count = 1; $count <= $this->total_pages; $count++) {
if ($this->page != $count) $this->navigator .= "<a href='" . $this->url. "$count'>$count</a>";
else {
$this->navigator .= "<a href='#'>$count</a>";
if ($this->page != 1) {
$previous = '<a href="' . $this->url.($count-1).'"><</a>';
$this->navigator = str_replace("%1", $previous, $this->navigator);
} else {
$this->navigator = str_replace("%1", "", $this->navigator);
if ($this->page < $this->total_pages) {
$following = '<a href="' . $this->url.($count+1).'">></a>';
$this->navigator .= $following;
$this->navigator .= "</div>";
return $this->navigator;
Are there any suggestions on improving my code?