I once tried to make a generic linked list in pure C (no external libraries, only the C standard library) here using C macros. With the same restrictions as in the previous attempt, this time I'm trying to use void*
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
typedef struct LinkedList LinkedList;
typedef struct LinkedListNode LinkedListNode;
struct LinkedListNode {
LinkedListNode *next;
void *data;
struct LinkedList {
LinkedList *this;
LinkedListNode *head;
size_t size;
void (*destructor)(LinkedList *this);
int (*dataComparer)(void *, void *);
void (*dataDestroyer)(void *);
int (*add)(LinkedList *this, void *data);
void *(*find)(LinkedList *this, bool (*comparer)(void *));
void (*removeByIndex)(LinkedList *this, size_t index);
void (*removeByObject)(LinkedList *this, void *object);
void (*clear)(LinkedList *this);
LinkedList *newLinkedList(int (*dataComparer)(void *, void *), void (*dataDestroyer)(void *));
void deleteLinkedList(LinkedList *list);
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "linkedlist.h"
int ll_default_dataComparer(void *a, void *b) {
int *castedA = (int *) a;
int *castedB = (int *) b;
return *castedA - *castedB;
void ll_default_dataDestroyer(void *data) {
void ll_default_destructor(LinkedList *this) {
if (this == NULL) return;
LinkedListNode *node = this->head;
while (node != NULL) {
LinkedListNode *prev = node;
node = node->next;
int ll_default_add(LinkedList *this, void *data) {
if (this == NULL) return -1;
LinkedListNode *newNode = malloc(sizeof(LinkedListNode));
if (newNode == NULL) return -2;
newNode->next = NULL;
newNode->data = data;
LinkedListNode *node = this->head;
if (node == NULL) {
this->head = newNode;
} else {
while (node->next != NULL) node = node->next;
node->next = newNode;
return 0;
void *ll_default_find(LinkedList *this, bool (*comparer)(void *)) {
if (this == NULL) return NULL;
LinkedListNode *node = this->head;
while (node != NULL) {
if (comparer(node->data)) return node->data;
node = node->next;
return NULL;
void ll_default_removeByIndex(LinkedList *this, size_t index) {
if (this == NULL) return;
if (index >= this->size) return;
LinkedListNode *prevNode = NULL;
LinkedListNode *currNode = this->head;
for (size_t i = 0; i < index; i++) {
if (currNode == NULL) return;
prevNode = currNode;
currNode = currNode->next;
if (prevNode != NULL) {
prevNode->next = currNode->next;
} else {
this->head = currNode->next;
void ll_default_removeByObject(LinkedList *this, void *object) {
if (this == NULL) return;
LinkedListNode *prevNode = NULL;
LinkedListNode *currNode = this->head;
while (currNode != NULL) {
if (this->dataComparer(currNode->data, object) == 0) {
if (prevNode != NULL) {
prevNode->next = currNode->next;
} else {
this->head = currNode->next;
prevNode = currNode;
currNode = currNode->next;
void ll_default_clear(LinkedList *this) {
if (this == NULL) return;
LinkedListNode *prevNode = NULL;
LinkedListNode *currNode = this->head;
while (currNode != NULL) {
prevNode = currNode;
currNode = currNode->next;
LinkedList *newLinkedList(int (*dataComparer)(void *, void *), void (*dataDestroyer)(void *)) {
LinkedList *list = malloc(sizeof(LinkedList));
if (list == NULL) return NULL;
list->this = list;
list->destructor = ll_default_destructor;
list->dataComparer = dataComparer != NULL ? dataComparer : ll_default_dataComparer;
list->dataDestroyer = dataDestroyer != NULL ? dataDestroyer : ll_default_dataDestroyer;
list->add = ll_default_add;
list->find = ll_default_find;
list->removeByIndex = ll_default_removeByIndex;
list->removeByObject = ll_default_removeByObject;
list->head = NULL;
list->size = 0;
return list;
void deleteLinkedList(LinkedList *list) {
(testing code, not as rigorously written as the main linked list code):
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "linkedlist.h"
typedef struct Cake {
char name[256];
size_t size;
} Cake;
bool finder(Cake *c) {
// i forgot c doesn't have lambdas so this is going to be awkward to use
if (c->size == 69420) return true;
return false;
int compare(Cake *a, Cake *b) {
return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
void destroyCake(Cake *cake) {
// stub
// struct Cake has no dynamic allocations, we don't have to do anything
// to clean it up afterwards
void print(LinkedList *list) {
LinkedListNode *node = list->head;
while (node != NULL) {
Cake *cake = node->data;
printf("\t{ name: \"%s\", size: %zu },\n", cake->name, cake->size);
node = node->next;
void cakeprinter(Cake *cake) {
if (cake == NULL) printf("NULL\n");
printf("{ name: \"%s\", size: %zu }\n\n", cake->name, cake->size);
int main(void) {
LinkedList *list = newLinkedList(compare, destroyCake);
if (list == NULL) {
printf("Something went wrong\n");
return -1;
Cake *c1 = malloc(sizeof(Cake));
strcpy(c1->name, "Cakeus Smallus");
c1->size = 420;
Cake *c2 = malloc(sizeof(Cake));
strcpy(c2->name, "Cakeus Enormous");
c2->size = 69420;
Cake *c3 = malloc(sizeof(Cake));
strcpy(c3->name, "Cakeus Tinyeus");
c3->size = 69;
Cake *c4 = malloc(sizeof(Cake));
strcpy(c4->name, "Cakeus Biggus");
c4->size = 42069;
list->add(list->this, c1);
list->add(list->this, c2);
list->add(list->this, c3);
list->add(list->this, c4);
// did we make cakes?
printf("const cakes = ");
// can we find a cake?
Cake *tc1 = list->find(list->this, finder);
printf("const cake69420 = ");
// lets destroy a cake by index and see if it's gone
list->removeByIndex(list->this, 0); // should be the first cake
printf("const cakesnoind = ");
// lets destroy a cake by object and see if it's gone
list->removeByObject(list->this, tc1);
printf("const cakesnoobj = ");
return 0;
Output as tested with ./main > res.txt
const cakes = [
{ name: "Cakeus Smallus", size: 420 },
{ name: "Cakeus Enormous", size: 69420 },
{ name: "Cakeus Tinyeus", size: 69 },
{ name: "Cakeus Biggus", size: 42069 },
const cake69420 = { name: "Cakeus Enormous", size: 69420 }
const cakesnoind = [
{ name: "Cakeus Enormous", size: 69420 },
{ name: "Cakeus Tinyeus", size: 69 },
{ name: "Cakeus Biggus", size: 42069 },
const cakesnoobj = [
{ name: "Cakeus Tinyeus", size: 69 },
{ name: "Cakeus Biggus", size: 42069 },
The driver code is for quick testing only and is not as rigorously written as the main linked list code is. It compiles with clang -Wall -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o main
, albeit with multiple warnings about incompatible function pointer types (the linked list takes in a function taking void pointers, but I shoved in a function taking pointers to the object I'm trying to store).
As with my previous attempt, looking for feedback for potential improvements.
Thank you for your time.