I got inspired by this blog post and implemented a fixed-size sparse set, removing the need for vectors, because the sparse set's size equals at least sizeof(value_type * Size)
, it should be allocated on the heap when using a large set.
The idea is to be enable for the creation of contiguous sets inside a container that's allocated on the heap to try and increase cache hits.
I did not add iterators because I am not sure how it would work on such container...
#pragma once
// Includes
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdint>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
// Class declarations
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
class sparse_set {
using value_type = Type;
using size_type = decltype(Size);
constexpr inline sparse_set() noexcept;
inline ~sparse_set() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<decltype(&sparse_set::clear), sparse_set>);
/** @return The maximum number of elements that can be inserted in the set*/
constexpr inline size_type max_size() const noexcept;
/** @return The number of elements contained in the set */
constexpr inline size_type size() const noexcept;
/** @return true if the set contains no element */
constexpr inline bool empty() const noexcept;
/** @return true if the number of elements in the set equals max_size() */
constexpr inline bool full() const noexcept;
/** @brief empties the set */
constexpr inline void clear()
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<decltype(&sparse_set::erase), sparse_set, size_type > );
/** @return the element contained at this index */
constexpr inline value_type& at(size_type a_Index);
/** @return the element contained at this index */
constexpr inline const value_type& at(size_type a_Index) const;
* @brief Inserts a new element at the specified index,
* replaces the current element if it already exists
* @return the newly created element
template<typename ...Args>
constexpr inline value_type& insert(size_type a_Index, Args&&... a_Args)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<value_type, Args...> && std::is_nothrow_destructible_v<value_type>);
/** @brief Removes the element at the specified index */
constexpr inline void erase(size_type a_Index)
/** @return true if a value is attached to this index */
constexpr inline bool contains(size_type a_Index) const;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 26495) //variables are left uninitialized on purpose
struct storage {
size_type sparseIndex;
alignas(value_type) std::byte data[sizeof(value_type)];
operator value_type& () { return *(value_type*)data; }
#pragma warning(pop)
size_type _size{ 0 };
std::array<size_type, Size> _sparse;
std::array<storage, Size> _dense;
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr sparse_set<Type, Size>::sparse_set() noexcept {
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline sparse_set<Type, Size>::~sparse_set()
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<decltype(&sparse_set::clear), sparse_set>)
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr auto sparse_set<Type, Size>::max_size() const noexcept -> size_type {
return Size;
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr auto sparse_set<Type, Size>::size() const noexcept -> size_type {
return _size;
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr bool sparse_set<Type, Size>::empty() const noexcept {
return _size == 0;
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr bool sparse_set<Type, Size>::full() const noexcept {
return _size == max_size();
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr void sparse_set<Type, Size>::clear()
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<decltype(&sparse_set::erase), sparse_set, size_type >)
for (size_type index = 0; !empty(); ++index) {
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr auto sparse_set<Type, Size>::at(size_type a_Index) -> value_type& {
return _dense.at(_sparse.at(a_Index));
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr auto sparse_set<Type, Size>::at(size_type a_Index) const -> const value_type& {
return _dense.at(_sparse.at(a_Index));
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
template<typename ...Args>
inline constexpr auto sparse_set<Type, Size>::insert(size_type a_Index, Args && ...a_Args)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<value_type, Args...> && std::is_nothrow_destructible_v<value_type>) -> value_type&
if (contains(a_Index)) //just replace the element
auto& dense = _dense.at(_sparse.at(a_Index));
new(&dense.data) value_type(std::forward<Args>(a_Args)...);
return (value_type&)dense;
//Push new element back
auto& dense = _dense.at(_size);
new(&dense.data) value_type(std::forward<Args>(a_Args)...);
dense.sparseIndex = a_Index;
_sparse.at(a_Index) = _size - 1;
return (value_type&)dense;
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr void sparse_set<Type, Size>::erase(size_type a_Index)
if (empty() || !contains(a_Index)) return;
auto& currDense = _dense.at(_sparse.at(a_Index));
auto& lastDense = _dense.at(_size - 1);
size_type lastIndex = lastDense.sparseIndex;
std::destroy_at((value_type*)currDense.data); //call current data's destructor
std::memmove(currDense.data, lastDense.data, sizeof(value_type)); //crush current data with last data
std::swap(lastDense.sparseIndex, currDense.sparseIndex);
std::swap(_sparse.at(lastIndex), _sparse.at(a_Index));
_sparse.at(a_Index) = max_size();
template<typename Type, uint32_t Size>
inline constexpr bool sparse_set<Type, Size>::contains(size_type a_Index) const {
return _sparse.at(a_Index) != max_size();