Inspired by TechWithTim, I built up the solar system including Pluto. I have added a camera feature, zoom feature and displaying information about the selected planet.
Zoom in and out using arrow keys, drag using mouse and select planet with left click.
I would like my code to be reviewed on the basis of performance
and memory efficiency
(specifically orbit rendering and storage) as it will be very important if I were to expand the solar system.
Here is my code:
import sys
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame.math import Vector2
import math
win = pygame.display.set_mode((750, 500), RESIZABLE)
pygame.display.set_caption("Solar System 2.0")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
WIDTH, HEIGHT = pygame.display.get_surface().get_size()
FONT = pygame.font.SysFont("Tahoma", 16)
LARGE_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont("Tahoma", 26)
AU = 1.496e8 * 1000 # km to m
G = 6.67428e-11
SCALE = 225 / AU
TIME_STEP = 3600 * 24 # 1 day
WIN_CENTER = Vector2(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 2)
BLACK = "#000000"
BLUE = "#0000FF"
RED = "#FF0000"
ORANGE = "#FFA500"
BROWN = "#964B00"
CYAN = "#00FFFF"
def convert_to_win_pos(pos):
"Converts a position in the real universe to window coordinates"
# X increases towards right in pygame window
# -pos[1] because Y increases downards in pygame window
return WIN_CENTER + (pos[0] * SCALE, -pos[1] * SCALE)
def convert_to_real_pos(pos):
"Converts a position on the window to real universe coordinates"
real_pos = Vector2(pos) - WIN_CENTER
real_pos.x /= SCALE
real_pos.y /= -SCALE # -SCALE because Y increases downards in pygame window
return real_pos
class Planet:
def __init__(self, name, pos, color, mass, radius, orbital_period, y_vel): = name
self.pos = pos
self.color = color
self.mass = mass
self.radius = radius
self.x_vel = 0
self.y_vel = y_vel
self.orbital_period = orbital_period
self.orbit_counter = 0
self.orbit = []
def render(self, win):
"Render the planet and orbit on the window."
# Rendering orbit...
if len(self.orbit) > 2:
scaled_points = []
for x, y in self.orbit:
scaled_points.append(convert_to_win_pos((x, y)))
pygame.draw.lines(win, self.color, False, scaled_points, 2)
# Rendering planet...
def render_info(self, win, sun):
"Renders information about the planet."
# Information text labels...
distance_from_sun = self.pos.distance_to(sun.pos)
name_text = FONT.render(f"Name: {}", 1, self.color)
mass_text = FONT.render(f"Mass: {self.mass}", 1, self.color)
orbital_period_text = FONT.render(f"Orbital period: {self.orbital_period} days", 1, self.color)
distance_text = FONT.render(f"Distance from sun: {round(distance_from_sun):,}km", 1, self.color)
vel_text = FONT.render(f"Velocity: {round(self.y_vel / 1000, 2):,} km/s", 1, self.color)
# Rendering the labels...
alignment = max(
name_text.get_width(), mass_text.get_width(),
distance_text.get_width(), vel_text.get_width()
) + 15
win.blit(name_text, (WIDTH - alignment, 15))
win.blit(mass_text, (WIDTH - alignment, 35))
win.blit(orbital_period_text, (WIDTH - alignment, 55))
win.blit(distance_text, (WIDTH - alignment, 75))
win.blit(vel_text, (WIDTH - alignment, 95))
# Rendering line joining planet and sun
planet_pos = convert_to_win_pos(self.pos)
sun_pos = convert_to_win_pos(sun.pos)
pygame.draw.line(win, self.color, planet_pos, sun_pos, 2)
def update_position(self, planets):
"Updates the position considering gravity of other planets"
total_force_x = total_force_y = 0
for planet in planets:
if planet == self:
force_x, force_y = self.gravity(planet)
total_force_x += force_x
total_force_y += force_y
# F = ma, a = F / m
self.x_vel += total_force_x / self.mass * TIME_STEP
self.y_vel += total_force_y / self.mass * TIME_STEP
self.pos.x += self.x_vel * TIME_STEP
self.pos.y += self.y_vel * TIME_STEP
if == "Sun": # Do not render orbit for sun
point_dist = self.orbital_period // 25
self.orbit_counter += 1
if self.orbit_counter >= point_dist:
self.orbit_counter = 0
if len(self.orbit) > (self.orbital_period / point_dist) + 1:
del self.orbit[0]
def gravity(self, other):
distance_x = other.pos.x - self.pos.x
distance_y = other.pos.y - self.pos.y
distance = math.sqrt(distance_x**2 + distance_y**2)
# F = GMm/d^2
force = G * self.mass * other.mass / distance**2
force_angle = math.atan2(distance_y, distance_x)
force_x = force * math.cos(force_angle)
force_y = force * math.sin(force_angle)
return force_x, force_y
sun = Planet("Sun", Vector2(0, 0), YELLOW, 1.9891e30, 20, 0, 0)
mercury = Planet(
"Merucry", Vector2(5.79e10, 0),
DARK_GREY, 3.30e23, 7.5, 88, 47.87e3
venus = Planet(
"Venus", Vector2(1.082e11, 0),
PEARL_WHITE, 4.87e24, 8.5, 224.7, -35.02e3
earth = Planet(
"Earth", Vector2(1.496e11, 0),
BLUE, 5.97e24, 9, 365.2, 29.783e3
mars = Planet(
"Mars", Vector2(2.28e11, 0),
RED, 6.42e23, 8.75, 687, 24.077e3
jupiter = Planet(
"Jupiter", Vector2(7.785e11, 0),
BROWN, 1.898e27, 12, 4331, 13.07e3
saturn = Planet(
"Saturn", Vector2(1.432e12, 0),
YELLOWISH_BROWN, 5.68e26, 10, 10747, 9.69e3
uranus = Planet(
"Uranus", Vector2(2.867e12, 0),
CYAN, 8.68e25, 9, 30589, -6.81e3
neptune = Planet(
"Neptune", Vector2(4.515e12, 0),
BLUE, 1.02e26, 9.75, 59800, 5.43e3
pluto = Planet(
"Pluto", Vector2(5.9064e12, 0),
BROWN, 1.30e22, 3.5, 90560, 4.7e3
moon = Planet(
"Moon", Vector2(1.5e11, 0),
WHITE, 7.3e22, 5, 0, 1.022e3
planets = [sun, mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto]
selected_planet = earth
run = True
drag = False
drag_start = None
def render_win_info():
"Renders window related info such as x-pos, y-pos, scale, fps and timestep..."
x, y = convert_to_real_pos(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
x_text = FONT.render(f"Position - x: {round(x):,}km", 1, WHITE)
y_text = FONT.render(f"Position - y: {round(y):,}km", 1, WHITE)
scale_text = FONT.render(f"Scale: 1-(x, y): {round(1 / SCALE):,}km", 1, WHITE)
timestep_text = FONT.render(f"Timestep: {TIME_STEP / (3600 * 24)} days", 1, WHITE)
fps_text = FONT.render(f"FPS: {int(clock.get_fps())}", 1, WHITE)
win.blit(fps_text, (15, 15))
win.blit(x_text, (15, 35))
win.blit(y_text, (15, 55))
win.blit(scale_text, (15, 75))
win.blit(timestep_text, (15, 95))
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1:
drag = True
drag_start = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
for planet in planets:
planet_pos = convert_to_win_pos(planet.pos)
if planet_pos.distance_to(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) < planet.radius * 2:
selected_planet = planet
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
if event.button == 1:
drag = False
drag_start = None
elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION:
if drag:
WIN_CENTER += Vector2(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) - drag_start
drag_start = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE:
WIDTH, HEIGHT = pygame.display.get_surface().get_size()
keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys_pressed[K_UP]:
SCALE += 1/AU # Zoom in
if keys_pressed[K_DOWN]:
SCALE -= 1/AU # Zoom out
for planet in planets:
selected_planet.render_info(win, sun)