Class intended to be used as main type in a key-value database where keys and values are strings. Searched features:
- It is a
const char *
- Behaves like a
- Reference counting integrated reducing the number of indirections
- Vampirizes string_view using
- Some additional methods (
, etc)
Basically, it is a pointer to chars where pointed memory is prefixed by the ref-counter (4-bytes) and the string length (4-bytes).
An example of usage and the unit tests can be found at:
Not 100% sure on memory alignment and thread-safety.
I will appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Here is cstring.hpp
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include <atomic>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
namespace gto {
* @brief Immutable string based on a plain C-string (char *) with ref-counting.
* @details
* - Shared content between multiple instances (using ref counting).
* - Automatic mem dealloc (when no refs point to content).
* - Same sizeof than a 'char *'.
* - Null not allowed (equals to empty string).
* - Empty string don't require alloc.
* - String content available on debug.
* - Mimics the STL basic_string class.
* @details Memory layout:
* ----|----|-----------0
* ^ ^ ^
* | | |-- string content (0-ended)
* | |-- string length (4-bytes)
* |-- ref counter (4-bytes)
* mStr (cstring pointer) points to the string content (to allow view content on debug).
* Allocated memory is aligned to ref counter type size.
* Allocated memory is a multiple of ref counter type size.
* @todo
* - Validate assumption that sizeof(atomic<uint32_t>) == sizeof(uint32_t)
* - Check that processor assumes memory alignment or we need to add __builtin_assume_aligned(a)) or __attribute((aligned(4)))
* - Check that std::atomic is enough to grant integrity in a multi-threaded usage
* - Explore cache invalidation impact on multi-threaded code
* - Performance tests
* @see
* @see
* @note This class is immutable.
* @version 0.9.0
template<typename Char,
typename Traits = std::char_traits<Char>,
typename Allocator = std::allocator<Char>>
class basic_cstring
public: // declarations
using prefix_type = std::uint32_t;
using atomic_prefix_type = std::atomic<prefix_type>;
using allocator_type = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_alloc<prefix_type>;
using allocator_traits = std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>;
using traits_type = Traits;
using size_type = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::size_type;
using difference_type = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::difference_type;
using value_type = Char;
using const_reference = const value_type &;
using const_pointer = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::const_pointer;
using const_iterator = const_pointer;
using const_reverse_iterator = typename std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
using basic_cstring_view = std::basic_string_view<value_type, traits_type>;
private: // declarations
using pointer = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::pointer;
public: // static members
static constexpr size_type npos = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();
private: // static members
static allocator_type alloc;
static constexpr prefix_type mEmpty[3] = {0, 0, static_cast<prefix_type>(value_type())};
private: // members
//! Memory buffer with prefix_type alignment.
const_pointer mStr = nullptr;
private: // static methods
//! Sanitize a char array pointer avoiding nulls.
static inline constexpr const_pointer sanitize(const_pointer str) {
return (str == nullptr ? getPtrToString(mEmpty) : str);
//! Return pointer to counter from pointer to string.
static inline constexpr atomic_prefix_type * getPtrToCounter(const_pointer str) {
assert(str != nullptr);
pointer ptr = const_cast<pointer>(str) - 2 * sizeof(prefix_type);
return reinterpret_cast<atomic_prefix_type *>(ptr);
//! Return pointer to string length from pointer to string.
static inline constexpr prefix_type * getPtrToLength(const_pointer str) {
assert(str != nullptr);
pointer ptr = const_cast<pointer>(str) - sizeof(prefix_type);
return reinterpret_cast<prefix_type *>(ptr);
//! Return pointer to string from pointer to counter.
static inline constexpr const_pointer getPtrToString(const prefix_type *ptr) {
assert(ptr != nullptr);
return reinterpret_cast<const_pointer>(ptr + 2);
//! Returns the allocated array length (of prefix_type values).
//! @details It is granted that there is place for the ending '\0'.
static size_type getAllocatedLength(size_type len) {
return (3 + (len * sizeof(value_type)) / sizeof(prefix_type));
//! Allocate memory for the counter + length + string + eof. Returns a pointer to string.
static pointer allocate(size_type len) {
assert(len > 0);
assert(len <= std::numeric_limits<prefix_type>::max());
size_type n = getAllocatedLength(len);
prefix_type *ptr = allocator_traits::allocate(alloc, n);
assert(reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(ptr) % alignof(prefix_type) == 0);
allocator_traits::construct(alloc, ptr, 1);
ptr[1] = static_cast<prefix_type>(len);
return const_cast<pointer>(getPtrToString(ptr));
//! Deallocate string memory if no more references.
static void deallocate(const_pointer str) {
atomic_prefix_type *ptr = getPtrToCounter(str);
switch(ptr[0]) {
case 0: // constant
case 1: { // there are no more references
prefix_type len = *getPtrToLength(str);
size_type n = getAllocatedLength(len);
allocator_traits::destroy(alloc, ptr);
allocator_traits::deallocate(alloc, reinterpret_cast<prefix_type *>(ptr), n);
//! Increment the reference counter (except for constants).
static void incrementRefCounter(const_pointer str) {
atomic_prefix_type *ptr = getPtrToCounter(str);
if (ptr[0] > 0) {
public: // methods
//! Default constructor.
basic_cstring() : basic_cstring(nullptr) {}
//! Constructor.
basic_cstring(const_pointer str) : basic_cstring(str, (str == nullptr ? 0 : traits_type::length(str))) {}
//! Constructor.
basic_cstring(const_pointer str, size_type len) {
if (str == nullptr || len == 0) {
mStr = getPtrToString(mEmpty);
} else {
pointer content = allocate(len);
traits_type::copy(content, str, len);
content[len] = value_type();
mStr = content;
//! Destructor.
~basic_cstring() { deallocate(mStr); }
//! Copy constructor.
basic_cstring(const basic_cstring &other) noexcept : mStr(other.mStr) { incrementRefCounter(mStr); }
//! Move constructor.
basic_cstring(basic_cstring &&other) noexcept : mStr(std::exchange(other.mStr, getPtrToString(mEmpty))) {}
//! Copy assignment.
basic_cstring & operator=(const basic_cstring &other) {
if (mStr == other.mStr) return *this;
mStr = other.mStr;
return *this;
//! Move assignment.
basic_cstring & operator=(basic_cstring &&other) noexcept { std::swap(mStr, other.mStr); return *this; }
//! Return length of string.
size_type size() const noexcept { return *(getPtrToLength(mStr)); }
//! Return length of string.
size_type length() const noexcept { return *(getPtrToLength(mStr)); }
//! Test if string is empty.
bool empty() const noexcept { return (length() == 0); }
//! Get character of string.
const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const { return mStr[pos]; }
//! Get character of string checking for out_of_range.
const_reference at(size_type pos) const { return (empty() || pos >= length() ? throw std::out_of_range("cstring::at") : mStr[pos]); }
//! Get last character of the string.
const_reference back() const { return (empty() ? throw std::out_of_range("cstring::back") : mStr[length()-1]); }
//! Get first character of the string.
const_reference front() const { return (empty() ? throw std::out_of_range("cstring::front") : mStr[0]); }
//! Returns a non-null pointer to a null-terminated character array.
inline const_pointer data() const noexcept { assert(mStr != nullptr); return mStr; }
//! Returns a non-null pointer to a null-terminated character array.
inline const_pointer c_str() const noexcept { return data(); }
//! Returns a string_view of content.
inline basic_cstring_view view() const { return basic_cstring_view(mStr, length()); }
// Const iterator to the begin.
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return view().cbegin(); }
// Const iterator to the end.
const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return view().cend(); }
// Const reverse iterator to the begin.
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept { return view().crbegin(); }
// Const reverse iterator to the end.
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept { return view().crend(); }
//! Exchanges the contents of the string with those of other.
void swap(basic_cstring &other) noexcept { std::swap(mStr, other.mStr); }
//! Returns the substring [pos, pos+len).
basic_cstring_view substr(size_type pos=0, size_type len=npos) const { return view().substr(pos, len); }
//! Compare contents.
int compare(const basic_cstring &other) const noexcept {
return view().compare(other.view());
int compare(size_type pos, size_type len, const basic_cstring &other) const noexcept {
return substr(pos, len).compare(other.view());
int compare(size_type pos1, size_type len1, const basic_cstring &other, size_type pos2, size_type len2=npos) const {
return substr(pos1, len1).compare(other.substr(pos2, len2));
int compare(const_pointer str) const {
return view().compare(sanitize(str));
int compare(size_type pos, size_type len, const_pointer str) const {
return substr(pos, len).compare(sanitize(str));
int compare(size_type pos, size_type len, const_pointer str, size_type len2) const {
return substr(pos, len).compare(basic_cstring_view(sanitize(str), len2));
int compare(const basic_cstring_view other) const noexcept {
return view().compare(other);
//! Checks if the string view begins with the given prefix.
bool starts_with(const basic_cstring &other) const noexcept {
size_type len = other.length();
return (compare(0, len, other) == 0);
bool starts_with(const basic_cstring_view sv) const noexcept {
auto len = sv.length();
return (compare(0, len, == 0);
bool starts_with(const_pointer str) const noexcept {
return starts_with(basic_cstring_view(sanitize(str)));
//! Checks if the string ends with the given suffix.
bool ends_with(const basic_cstring &other) const noexcept {
auto len1 = length();
auto len2 = other.length();
return (len1 >= len2 && compare(len1-len2, len2, other) == 0);
bool ends_with(const basic_cstring_view sv) const noexcept {
size_type len1 = length();
size_type len2 = sv.length();
return (len1 >= len2 && compare(len1-len2, len2, == 0);
bool ends_with(const_pointer str) const noexcept {
return ends_with(basic_cstring_view(sanitize(str)));
//! Find the first ocurrence of a substring.
auto find(const basic_cstring &other, size_type pos=0) const noexcept{
return view().find(other.view(), pos);
auto find(const_pointer str, size_type pos, size_type len) const {
return view().find(sanitize(str), pos, len);
auto find(const_pointer str, size_type pos=0) const {
return view().find(sanitize(str), pos);
auto find(value_type c, size_type pos=0) const noexcept {
return view().find(c, pos);
//! Find the last occurrence of a substring.
auto rfind(const basic_cstring &other, size_type pos=npos) const noexcept{
return view().rfind(other.view(), pos);
auto rfind(const_pointer str, size_type pos, size_type len) const {
return view().rfind(sanitize(str), pos, len);
auto rfind(const_pointer str, size_type pos=npos) const {
return view().rfind(sanitize(str), pos);
auto rfind(value_type c, size_type pos=npos) const noexcept {
return view().rfind(c, pos);
//! Finds the first character equal to one of the given characters.
auto find_first_of(const basic_cstring &other, size_type pos=0) const noexcept {
return view().find_first_of(other.view(), pos);
auto find_first_of(const_pointer str, size_type pos, size_type len) const {
return view().find_first_of(sanitize(str), pos, len);
auto find_first_of(const_pointer str, size_type pos=0) const {
return view().find_first_of(sanitize(str), pos);
auto find_first_of(value_type c, size_type pos=0) const noexcept {
return view().find_first_of(c, pos);
//! Finds the first character equal to none of the given characters.
auto find_first_not_of(const basic_cstring &other, size_type pos=0) const noexcept {
return view().find_first_not_of(other.view(), pos);
auto find_first_not_of(const_pointer str, size_type pos, size_type len) const {
return view().find_first_not_of(sanitize(str), pos, len);
auto find_first_not_of(const_pointer str, size_type pos=0) const {
return view().find_first_not_of(sanitize(str), pos);
auto find_first_not_of(value_type c, size_type pos=0) const noexcept {
return view().find_first_not_of(c, pos);
//! Finds the last character equal to one of given characters.
auto find_last_of(const basic_cstring &other, size_type pos=npos) const noexcept {
return view().find_last_of(other.view(), pos);
auto find_last_of(const_pointer str, size_type pos, size_type len) const {
return view().find_last_of(sanitize(str), pos, len);
auto find_last_of(const_pointer str, size_type pos=npos) const {
return view().find_last_of(sanitize(str), pos);
auto find_last_of(value_type c, size_type pos=npos) const noexcept {
return view().find_last_of(c, pos);
//! Finds the last character equal to none of the given characters.
auto find_last_not_of(const basic_cstring &other, size_type pos=npos) const noexcept {
return view().find_last_not_of(other.view(), pos);
auto find_last_not_of(const_pointer str, size_type pos, size_type len) const {
return view().find_last_not_of(sanitize(str), pos, len);
auto find_last_not_of(const_pointer str, size_type pos=npos) const {
return view().find_last_not_of(sanitize(str), pos);
auto find_last_not_of(value_type c, size_type pos=npos) const noexcept {
return view().find_last_not_of(c, pos);
//! Checks if the string contains the given substring.
bool contains(basic_cstring_view sv) const noexcept {
return (view().find(sv) != npos);
bool contains(value_type c) const noexcept {
return (find(c) != npos);
bool contains(const_pointer str) const noexcept {
return (find(str) != npos);
//! Left trim spaces.
basic_cstring_view ltrim() const {
const_pointer ptr = mStr;
while (std::isspace(*ptr)) ptr++;
return basic_cstring_view(ptr);
//! Right trim spaces.
basic_cstring_view rtrim() const {
const_pointer ptr = mStr + length() - 1;
while (ptr >= mStr && std::isspace(*ptr)) ptr--;
return basic_cstring_view(mStr, static_cast<size_type>(ptr - mStr));
//! Trim spaces.
basic_cstring_view trim() const {
const_pointer ptr1 = mStr;
const_pointer ptr2 = mStr + length() - 1;
while (std::isspace(*ptr1)) ptr1++;
while (ptr2 >= ptr1 && std::isspace(*ptr2)) ptr2--;
return basic_cstring_view(ptr1, static_cast<size_type>(ptr2 - ptr1));
}; // namespace gto
//! Static variable declaration
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
typename gto::basic_cstring<Char, Traits, Allocator>::allocator_type gto::basic_cstring<Char, Traits, Allocator>::alloc{};
//! Comparison operators (between basic_cstring)
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator==(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( == 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator!=(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( != 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator<(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( < 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator<=(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( <= 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator>(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( > 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator>=(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( >= 0);
//! Comparison operators (between basic_cstring and Char*)
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator==(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const Char *rhs) noexcept {
return ( == 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator!=(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const Char *rhs) noexcept {
return ( != 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator<(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const Char *rhs) noexcept {
return ( < 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator<=(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const Char *rhs) noexcept {
return ( <= 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator>(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const Char *rhs) noexcept {
return ( > 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator>=(const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, const Char *rhs) noexcept {
return ( >= 0);
//! Comparison operators (between Char * and basic_cstring)
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator==(const Char *lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( == 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator!=(const Char *lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( != 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator<(const Char *lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( > 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator<=(const Char *lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( >= 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator>(const Char *lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( < 0);
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline bool operator>=(const Char *lhs, const basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
return ( <= 0);
// template incarnations
typedef basic_cstring<char> cstring;
typedef basic_cstring<wchar_t> wcstring;
typedef basic_cstring<char>::basic_cstring_view cstring_view;
typedef basic_cstring<wchar_t>::basic_cstring_view wcstring_view;
} // namespace gto
namespace std {
//! Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_cstring.
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline void swap(gto::basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &lhs, gto::basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &rhs) noexcept {
//! Performs stream output on basic_cstring.
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
inline basic_ostream<Char,Traits> & operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits> &os, const gto::basic_cstring<Char,Traits,Allocator> &str) {
return operator<<(os, str.view());
//! The template specializations of std::hash for gto::cstring.
struct hash<gto::cstring> {
std::size_t operator()(const gto::cstring &str) const {
return hash<std::string_view>()(str.view());
//! The template specializations of std::hash for gto::wcstring.
struct hash<gto::wcstring> {
std::size_t operator()(const gto::wcstring &str) const {
return hash<std::wstring_view>()(str.view());
} // namespace std