Task: implement an algorithm to find graph center \$Z(G)\$ given undirected tree \$G\$.
This is my first time programming in C++ so any (elementary) feedback is appreciated.
The way I did it is:
- Run BFS from any node \$v_0\$ in \$G\$. Find node \$v_1\$ with \$\max_{v_1\in V(G)} \text{dist} (v_0,v_1)\$.
- Run BFS from \$v_1\$. Find node \$v_2\$ with \$\max_{v_2\in V(G)} \text{dist} (v_1,v_2)\$.
- Given tree \$G\$ its center consists of either one or two nodes in the middle of the \$v_1v_2\$ path. Run BFS from both ends of the path and terminate as soon as BFS is halfway through. Save all nodes in the middle of the graph in two vectors \$A,B\$ and take their intersection \$A\cap B\$. Done.
My implementation:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <set>
#include "graph.h"
Graph bfs(Graph g, int nodeId) {
Graph path(0, Graph::undirected);
return path;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int v_0 = 0;
if (argc > 1) {
// initialize graph
Graph g(argv[1], Graph::undirected);
// start clock
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// start BFS in random node and find v_1 such that d(v_0, v_1) is maximal
std::pair<int,int> v_1 = g.farthestNode(v_0);
// start BFS in v_1 and find v_2 such that d(v_1, v_2) is maximal
std::pair<int,int> v_2 = g.farthestNode(v_1.first);
// find nodes in the middle between v_1 and v_2
std::vector<int> cand1 = g.middleNodes(v_1.first, v_2.first, v_2.second);
std::vector<int> cand2 = g.middleNodes(v_2.first, v_1.first, v_2.second);
// find intersection of cand1, cand2
// sort both cand1 and cand2
std::sort(cand1.begin(), cand1.end());
std::sort(cand2.begin(), cand2.end());
// intersect cand 1 and cand2
std::vector<int> cand3(cand1.size()+cand2.size());
std::vector<int>::iterator it, st;
it = set_intersection(cand1.begin(), cand1.end(), cand2.begin(), cand2.end(), cand3.begin());
cand3.resize(distance(cand3.begin(), it));
// remove duplicates
std::vector<int>::iterator mt;
mt = unique(cand3.begin(), cand3.end());
cand3.resize(distance(cand3.begin(), mt));
// stop clock
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end-start;
std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << elapsed_seconds.count() << "s\n";
std::cout << "Center of a graph G is: \n";
for (auto i : cand3)
std::cout << i << " ";
} else {
std::cout << "No instance given.";
#include "graph.h"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <fstream> // fstream provides streams for reading/writing files
#include <limits>
#include <sstream> // sstream provides conversion between strings and streams
#include <stdexcept>
const Graph::NodeId Graph::invalid_node = -1;
const double Graph::infinite_weight = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
void Graph::add_nodes(NodeId num_new_nodes) {
// The resize adds num_new_nodes.
// A std::vector has two sizes: visible size and allocated size s.t. allocaded size >= visible
// size If the allocated size needs to be extended it is extended by a constant factor, e.g.
// doubled. Thereby n additions of single nodes takes O(n log n) time in total and possible
// twice the minimum required space.
_nodes.resize(num_nodes() + num_new_nodes);
Graph::Neighbor::Neighbor(Graph::NodeId n, double w) : _id(n), _edge_weight(w) {}
Graph::Graph(NodeId num, DirType dtype) : dirtype(dtype), _nodes(num) {}
void Graph::add_edge(NodeId tail, NodeId head, double weight) {
if (tail >= num_nodes() or tail < 0 or head >= num_nodes() or head < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Edge cannot be added due to undefined endpoint.");
// for digraphs we store only successors for undirected graphs we store all neighbors.
_nodes[tail].add_neighbor(head, weight);
if (dirtype == Graph::undirected) {
_nodes[head].add_neighbor(tail, weight);
void Graph::Node::add_neighbor(Graph::NodeId nodeid, double weight) {
_neighbors.push_back(Graph::Neighbor(nodeid, weight));
/** the first const refers to the reference to the vector, which thereby cannot be modified by the
* caller. The second const refers to the current object, which must not be modified by this method.
* It is required if the member function is called from a const reference to the current object,
* i.e. if we a variable such as const Graph::Node& node;
const std::vector<Graph::Neighbor>& Graph::Node::adjacent_nodes() const { return _neighbors; }
Graph::NodeId Graph::num_nodes() const { return _nodes.size(); }
const Graph::Node& Graph::get_node(NodeId node) const {
if (node < 0 or node >= static_cast<int>(_nodes.size())) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid nodeid in Graph::get_node.");
return _nodes[node];
Graph::NodeId Graph::Neighbor::id() const { return _id; }
double Graph::Neighbor::edge_weight() const { return _edge_weight; }
void Graph::print() const {
if (dirtype == Graph::directed) {
std::cout << "Digraph ";
} else {
std::cout << "Undirected graph ";
std::cout << "with " << num_nodes() << " vertices, numbered 0,...," << num_nodes() - 1 << ".\n";
/** The type "auto" automatically substitutes to the type defined
by the type or return-type of the function right of the '=', here int.
for (auto nodeid = 0; nodeid < num_nodes(); ++nodeid) {
std::cout << "The following edges are ";
if (dirtype == Graph::directed) {
std::cout << "leaving";
} else {
std::cout << "incident to";
std::cout << " vertex " << nodeid << ":\n";
/** Here auto resolves to a vector iterator of 'const std::vector<Neighbor> &'
* The ':' stands for iterating through the elements of the vector from start to end.
* The following line is equivalent to (but much shorter and better readable than):
* for (auto neighbor = _nodes[nodeid].adjacent_nodes().begin(); neighor !=
* _nodes[nodeid].adjacent_nodes().end(); neighbor++) {
for (auto neighbor : _nodes[nodeid].adjacent_nodes()) {
std::cout << nodeid << " - " << neighbor.id() << " weight = " << neighbor.edge_weight()
<< "\n";
Graph::Graph(char const* filename, DirType dtype) : dirtype(dtype) {
std::ifstream file(filename); // open file
// file is implicitly a pointer to an underlying file object, if it's creation failed it will be
// '0' (= NULL).
if (not file) {
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open file.");
Graph::NodeId num = 0;
std::string line;
std::getline(file, line); // get first line of file
std::stringstream ss(line); // convert line to a stringstream
ss >> num; // for which we can use >>
if (not ss) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid file format.");
// read the lines until there is no more line.
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
std::stringstream ss(line);
Graph::NodeId head, tail;
ss >> tail >> head;
/** The operator! (not operator) of std::stringstream
returns true if an error had occured.
if (not ss) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid file format.");
double weight = 1.0;
ss >> weight;
if (tail != head) {
add_edge(tail, head, weight);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid file format: loops not allowed.");
Graph Graph::max_simple_graph() const {
// Check if graph is undirected
if (dirtype == Graph::directed) {
throw std::runtime_error("Wrong graph type.");
Graph maxSimpleGraph(num_nodes(), undirected);
double minEdgeWeight;
Graph::Node currentNode;
std::vector<Neighbor> neighbors;
// loop over all nodes
for (auto nodeId = 0; nodeId < num_nodes(); nodeId++) {
std::vector<NodeId> uniqueIds(1, -1);
currentNode = get_node(nodeId);
neighbors = currentNode.adjacent_nodes();
std::cout << "Node ID: " << nodeId << "\n";
// loop over all neighbors of a node
for (auto neighbor : currentNode.adjacent_nodes()) {
// guard variable
bool u = 0;
std::cout << "Neighbor ID: " << neighbor.id() << "\n";
// loop over all neighbors (second loop) and find min weight
for (auto neighbor2 : neighbors) {
if (neighbor2.id() == neighbor.id()) {
minEdgeWeight = std::min(neighbor2.edge_weight(), neighbor.edge_weight());
// check if such neighbor already exists
for (auto id : uniqueIds) {
std::cout << "Check: " << id << " " << neighbor.id() << "\n";
u = (id == neighbor.id()) ? 1 : 0;
std::cout << u << "\n";
// if no such neighbor exists, create one
if (!u) {
std::cout << "Neighbor " << neighbor.id() << " added \n";
maxSimpleGraph._nodes[nodeId].add_neighbor(neighbor.id(), minEdgeWeight);
std::cout << "u = " << u << "\n";
std::cout << "Minimum weight: " << minEdgeWeight << "\n";
return maxSimpleGraph;
std::pair<int,int> Graph::farthestNode(int NodeId) {
// initialize all distances with -1
std::vector<int> dist(num_nodes(), -1);
std::fill(std::begin(dist),std::end(dist), -1);
// create queue and push first node into it
std::queue<int> q;
// set initial distance to first node as 0
dist[NodeId] = 0;
while (!q.empty()) {
int currentNodeId = q.front();
// std::cout << "Current node ID: " << currentNodeId << "\n";
Graph::Node currentNode = get_node(currentNodeId);
// loop through all neighbors
for (auto neighbor : currentNode.adjacent_nodes()) {
// std::cout << "Neighbor of " << currentNodeId << " is " << neighbor.id() << "\n";
// if the neighbor wasn't yet visited
if (dist[neighbor.id()] == -1) {
// add to queue + add distance from the root
dist[neighbor.id()] = dist[currentNodeId] + 1;
// find maximum distance
int maxDist = 0;
int NodeId2;
for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes(); i++) {
if (dist[i] > maxDist) {
maxDist = dist[i];
NodeId2 = i;
std::cout << "Farthest node is " << NodeId2 << " with distance of " << maxDist << "\n\n\n";
return std::make_pair(NodeId2, maxDist);
std::vector<int> Graph::middleNodes(int start, int end, int maxDist) {
// input: start node, end node, distance between them
// (1) divides max distance by 2
// (2) runs BFS halfway through
// (3) returns all nodes that are (max distance / 2) away from Node ID
// output: vector<int> Candidates
// (1) dind max distance divided by 2
// input: integer n
// output: (k,k) if n=2k, (k,k+1) if n=2k+1
std::cout << "Start searching for nodes in the middle between " << start << " and " << end << "\n";
std::pair<int,int> maxDistDivBy2;
if (ceilf(maxDist / 2.0)==(maxDist / 2.0)) {
maxDistDivBy2 = std::make_pair(ceilf(maxDist / 2.0), ceilf(maxDist / 2.0));
} else {
maxDistDivBy2 = std::make_pair(ceilf(maxDist / 2.0), floorf(maxDist / 2.0));
std::cout << "Max distance " << maxDist << " divided by 2: " << maxDistDivBy2.first << ", " << maxDistDivBy2.second << "\n";
// (2) run BFS
// initialize vector for candidate nodes
std::vector<int> candidates;
// initialize all distances with -1
std::vector<int> dist(num_nodes(), -1);
std::fill(std::begin(dist),std::end(dist), -1);
// create queue and push first node into it
std::queue<int> q;
// set initial distance to first node as 0
dist[start] = 0;
// start greedy search
while (!q.empty()) {
int currentNodeId = q.front();
// std::cout << "Current node ID: " << currentNodeId << "\n";
Graph::Node currentNode = get_node(currentNodeId);
// loop through all neighbors
for (auto neighbor : currentNode.adjacent_nodes()) {
// std::cout << "Neighbor of " << currentNodeId << " is " << neighbor.id() << "\n";
// if the neighbor wasn't yet visited
if (dist[neighbor.id()] == -1) {
// add to queue + add distance from the root
dist[neighbor.id()] = dist[currentNodeId] + 1;
} else if (dist[neighbor.id()] == maxDistDivBy2.first || dist[neighbor.id()] == maxDistDivBy2.second) {
// std::cout << "Found node " << neighbor.id() << "!\n";
} else if (dist[neighbor.id()] > maxDistDivBy2.first && dist[neighbor.id()] > maxDistDivBy2.second) {
/*for (auto i: candidates) {
std::cout << i << ' ';
std::cout << "\n";*/
return candidates;
on their own line with no other characters, right above and below each environment. \$\endgroup\$