
I am writing some C++ code to interact with an external scripting language. I want to be able to register arbitrary C++ callable code as functions to be called from the script.

The scripting library offers an API to register function pointers with signature

std::string callback( std::vector<std::string> const& args);

ie any function called from the script is given an array of strings representing the functions input args and expects a String as a result.

Up to now I would create a wrapper function for each c++ function I want to expose to the script. e.g. for function

int add_two_numbers(int a, int b){ return a + b; }

//I create and register

string add_two_numbers_wrapper( std::vector<std::string> const& args)
    auto arg0 = std::stoi( args[0] );
    auto arg1 = std::stoi( args[1] );

    auto result = add_two_numbers( arg0, arg1 );

    return std::to_string(result);

Not wanting to write the wrapper by hand each time I've tried to create some templates to manage the boilerplate. I had some success using a number of template wrappers that are written for each set of different argument counts but I want to support 'any' number of args in future without creating a new template. This is my attempt at a one-size-fits-all function wrapper template.

Are there anyways of simplifying further? I'm not too bothered about performance at this juncture and the priority is ease of use.

#include <string_view>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>

///Helper Template to convert to and from the script's value types.
//should support functions:
// from_arg   - convert string to expected c++ argument type
// to_result  - convert result back to script type.
template < typename TType > 
struct convert_type;

//specialisation for int
template <> struct convert_type <int >
  static int from_arg (std::string const &arg)
    return std::stoi (arg);

  static std::string to_result (int r)
    return std::to_string (r);


template <> struct convert_type<void>
    static std::string to_result()
        return "";

//Wrapper template for adapting c++ function to function that is callable from script
template < typename > class fun_wrapper;

template < typename R, typename ... Args > 
class fun_wrapper < R (Args ...) >

  using FunctionType = std::function < R (Args ...) >;
  using ResultType = R;
  using ArgTypes = std::tuple < Args ... >;

  static constexpr int m_arg_count = sizeof ... (Args);

  fun_wrapper (FunctionType f)
  :m_fun {f}

  std::string operator ()( std::vector<std::string> const& inputs)
    if constexpr( std::is_void_v<ResultType> )  //wrapped function returns void
        if constexpr ( m_arg_count == 0)        //wrapped function doesn't need args unpacking
            unpack_args<0>( inputs );
        std::string result = "";
        return result;
        ResultType r1;
        if constexpr ( m_arg_count == 0)        //wrapped function doesn't need args unpacking
          r1 = m_fun();
            r1 = make_call<0>(args);
        std::string result = convert_type< ResultType >::to_result (r1);
        return result;

  //Helper template to unpack and convert each arg in inputs into a parameter pack that
  //can then be passed into the function call
  template < int index, typename... TArgs >
  ResultType unpack_args( std::vector<std::string> const& inputs, TArgs... targs)
    using CurrentArgType = std::tuple_element_t< index, ArgTypes >;

    if constexpr (index + 1 == m_arg_count) //all args unpacked - call function
       return m_fun( targs..., convert_type< CurrentArgType >::from_arg( inputs[index]) );  
       //unpack next argument in list and keep going
       return make_call< index + 1 >(args, targs..., convert_type< CurrentArgType >::from_arg( inputs[index]));

  std::function< R(Args...) > m_fun;


//Example usage.

int add_numbers(int in1, int in2)
  return in1 + in2;

int main ()
  fun_wrapper< int(int, int) > add_numbers_wrapper(add_numbers);

  std::vector<std::string> args = {"18", "24"};
  cout << add_numbers_wrapper( args ) << endl;   //outputs "42"

  return 0;
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ I did a similar thing using std::index_sequence that might be a bit clearer, but I'm not sure myself. github.com/sdilts/Salmon/blob/master/include/vm/… \$\endgroup\$
    – Soupy
    Commented Nov 4, 2022 at 18:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Soupy - Your example looks good - it looks like should be better performing too: requiring a smaller function stack than mine. Thanks for sharing \$\endgroup\$
    – David Woo
    Commented Nov 4, 2022 at 20:42

1 Answer 1


Your code has the right approach, but can indeed be simplified a lot. Let's start with string conversion. Consider that you want to use std::to_string() in most cases, but want to add some overloads for types it does not support (like void). Instead of creating a class template, consider just adding overloads. Since you are not allowed to overload std::to_string() itself, use this trick:

using std::to_string; // pull in all overloads from std:: into the global namespace

std::string to_string(void) // your own private overload
    return {};

You also want a from_string(), but instead of a class template it can be a function template:

template<typename T>
T from_string(std::string const &);

int from_string(std::string const &arg)
    return std::stoi(arg);

Apart from saving some lines of code when adding support for new to/from string conversion, it also makes usage shorter, compare:




A lot of code is spent on unpacking and converting the arguments one by one in a recursive manner. But this can also be improved. As Soupy mentioned, you can make use of std::index_sequence, and combined with simultaneous parameter pack expansion and the simplifications mentioned above, this can result in some very compact code. Consider:

template<std::size_t... I>
std::string invoke_helper(std::vector<std::string> const& inputs,
    return to_string(m_fun(from_string<Args>(inputs.at(I))...));

std::string operator()(std::vector<std::string> const& inputs)
    return invoke_helper(inputs, std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{});

You might want to check that inputs.size() == m_arg_count first.


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