I made my first program in Python using PySimpleGUI. The project turns a YouTube video into an mp3 file and stores it in folder for Spotify to access. I found this idea somewhere and just wanted to give it a go. However since it's my first program, I felt like I should try and get feedback to try and stray away from possible bad habits, or just a cleaner way to write something.
import os
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from pathlib import Path
import pytube.exceptions
from pytube import YouTube
# Checks for directory path that the mp3 files are stored in exists
def is_valid_path(file_path):
if file_path and Path(file_path).exists():
return True
sg.popup_error("Please specify file directory")
# Function that takes youtube link and gets the video
def _download_song(url: str, path: str):
yt = YouTube(url)
# turning the song into an mp3 file
song = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first()
# getting the path to put mp3 in
set_file_dir = os.path.join(path, "sp_songs")
# gets the mp3 file and puts it in set folder
audio_file = song.download(output_path=set_file_dir)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(audio_file)
new_file = base + ".mp3"
os.rename(audio_file, new_file)
def settings_window(settings):
# This is the menu that shows up when you click settings
settings_layout = [
[sg.Text("Font"), sg.Combo(["Arial", "Comic Sans MS"], settings["GUI"]["font_family"], key="-FONT-")],
[sg.Text("Font Size"), sg.Combo([8, 10, 12, 14], settings["GUI"]["font_size"], key="-FSIZE-")],
[sg.Text("Theme"), sg.Combo(sg.theme_list(), settings["GUI"]["theme"], key="-THEME-")],
[sg.Button("Save Settings")]
# Displays the settings layout
window = sg.Window("Settings Window", settings_layout, size=(250, 180), modal=True)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
# Any settings the usec changed are updated in the config.ini here (After the user presses save settings)
if event == "Save Settings":
settings["GUI"]["font_family"] = values["-FONT-"]
settings["GUI"]["font_size"] = values["-FSIZE-"]
settings["GUI"]["theme"] = values["-THEME-"]
sg.popup("Please restart program to view changes")
# This is the menu that shows up when the user clicks "How To Use" button
def how_to_window():
layout = [
[sg.Text("- First create a folder anywhere on your pc you'd like to store your downloaded videos\n")],
[sg.Text("- Inside this folder, create another folder called 'sp_songs', it must be spelled"
" exactly like that\n")],
[sg.Text("- Next Open up Spotify on your pc and navigate to your account, and then settings\n")],
[sg.Text("- Scroll down until you find 'local files' and make sure it's turned on\n")],
[sg.Text("-Next, click 'Add Source' and navigate to your new folder, and inside that folder"
" select sp_songs\n")],
[sg.Text("- Once you have done this, inside this program select your folder (Do not select the")],
[sg.Text(" 'sp_songs' folder, click 'update path', and you are ready to start using the program!\n")],
[sg.Text("- To convert a song, just input a url from YouTube, click convert, and watch as it")],
[sg.Text("shows up on your spotify!\n")],
[sg.Text("- Understand that in order to add this song to your playlist, in spotify you must")],
[sg.Text(" navigate to 'Your Library' and find 'local files'. Your song will show up there.")],
[sg.Text(" Hover over the song, click the 3 dots to the right of it and add it to your playlist"
" as you would any other song.\n")],
[sg.Text("Thank you for using my program :)")],
# Creates Window
window = sg.Window("How To Use Program", layout, modal=True)
# Displays window
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, "Exit"):
def main_window():
# This is the menu that shows up when the user opens the program
layout = [
[sg.Text("Convert YouTube to Spotify "), sg.Input(key="-IN-"), sg.Submit("Convert")],
[sg.Text("Change Song Path Directory"), sg.Input(settings["DIRECTORY"]["path"], key="-IN2-"),
[sg.Exit(), sg.Button("Settings"), sg.Button("Update Path"), sg.Button("How To Use")]
# sets title of window
window_title = settings["GUI"]["title"]
# creates window
window = sg.Window(window_title, layout)
# displays window
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, "Exit"):
elif event == "Convert":
if is_valid_path(values["-IN2-"]):
_download_song(values["-IN-"], values["-IN2-"])
sg.popup("Conversion complete! Restart Spotify to add song to playlist :)")
except pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError:
sg.popup_error("Invalid YouTube Link")
elif event == "Settings":
elif event == "Update Path":
settings["DIRECTORY"]["path"] = values["-IN2-"]
elif event == "How To Use":
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Setting up config file and opening main window
SETTINGS_PATH = str(Path.cwd())
settings = sg.UserSettings(
path=SETTINGS_PATH, filename="config.ini", use_config_file=True, convert_bools_and_none=True
theme = settings["GUI"]["theme"]
font_size = int(settings["GUI"]["font_size"])
font_family = settings["GUI"]["font_family"]
path = settings["DIRECTORY"]["path"]
sg.set_options(font=(font_family, font_size))