
I've written a C implementation of a hashmap of strings including the basic operations and a strategy for handling hash collisons.

Additionally, I've included some tests, specifically for cases involving hash collisions which, I confess, gave me a bit of trouble initially.

Thank you in advance for your time :)

ps, if you prefer to view on github: https://github.com/JosephSBoyle/HashMap


#include <stddef.h>
#include "hashmap.c"

/* Create a hashmap.*/
Node** hm_create(void);

/* Add an item to the hashmap */
void hm_add(Node** hmap, char key[], char value[]);

/* Remove an item from the hashmap */
void hm_del(Node** hmap, char key[]);

/** Get an item from the hashmap 
 * @returns the value corresponding to 'key' or the terminating character '\0'
 * if no such item exists. */
char* hm_get(Node** hmap, char key[]);


#define BUCKETS 1000000
#define PRIME_SEED_1 17
#define PRIME_SEED_2 97
#define KEY_CHARS 128
#define VALUE_CHARS 128
#define NODE_SIZE sizeof(Node)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

/* A key-value node in a single-linked list. */
typedef struct Node Node;

struct Node {
    Node* next;
    char key[KEY_CHARS];
    char value[VALUE_CHARS]; 

Node* create_sentinel_node(){
    void* ptr = malloc(NODE_SIZE);
    if (ptr == NULL){
    } else {
        Node* node = (Node*)ptr; // safely typecast the pointer
        node->next = NULL;
        strcpy(node->key, "\0");
        strcpy(node->value, "\0");
        return node;

size_t modular_hash(char* string) {
    size_t hash = 0;
    for (char* character=string; *character != '\0'; character++) {
        hash += ((int)*character + PRIME_SEED_1) * PRIME_SEED_2; 
    return hash;

Node** hm_create(void){
    static Node* keys[BUCKETS] = {};
    for (size_t i=0; i<BUCKETS; i++){
        keys[i] = create_sentinel_node();
    return keys;

void hm_add(Node** hmap, char key[], char value[]){
    Node* node = hmap[modular_hash(key)];

    if (strcmp(node->value, "\0") == 0){
        // there's no item in this bucket.
        strcpy(node->key, key);
        strcpy(node->value, value);

        if (strcmp(node->key, key) == 0){
            // the key already exists as a node in the linked list
            // so we can simply replace the value.
            strcpy(node->value, value);
        if (node->next == NULL){
            // no more nodes, append a new node to the linked list.
            void* ptr = malloc(NODE_SIZE);
            if (ptr == NULL){
            Node* new_node = (Node*)ptr; // safely typecast the pointer
            new_node->next = NULL;
            strcpy(node->value, value);
            strcpy(new_node->key, key);
            node->next = new_node;
        node = node->next;

void hm_del(Node** hmap, char key[]){
    size_t khash = modular_hash(key);
    Node* node = hmap[khash];
    void* prev_node = NULL;
    Node* head = node;
    // find the node
    while (strcmp(head->key, key) != 0){
        if (head->next == NULL){
            // the key doesn't exist in this hashmap.
        head = head->next;
        prev_node = head;

    // are we deleting the first node?
    if (prev_node == NULL){
        // are we deleting the only node?
        if (head->next == NULL){
            // reset the node to the sentinel node.
            strcpy(node->value, "\0");
            strcpy(node->key, "\0");
        } else {
            // we are deleting the first of n>1 nodes.
            hmap[khash] = head->next;
    } else {
        // there must be a previous node.
        Node* prev_node = (Node*)prev_node;

        // is this the last node?
        if (head->next == NULL){
            prev_node->next = NULL;
        } else {
            // we are deleting neither the first nor the last node.
            prev_node->next = head->next;


char* hm_get(Node** hmap, char key[]){
    Node* node = hmap[modular_hash(key)];

    // skip list elements in the bucket (linked list) that don't match our key.
    while (strcmp(node->key, key) != 0){
        if (node->next==NULL){
            return "\0";
        node = node->next;
    return node->value;


#include "hashmap.h"

 * These tests test the collision handling of the hashmap.
 * NOTE: To cause collisions, replace the return value of the hash function with a constant int, e.g `return 0;`
void main(){

    // test adding and getting an item
    Node** hm0 = hm_create();
    hm_add(hm0, "bob", "x");
    char* a = hm_get(hm0, "bob");
    assert(strcmp(a, "x") == 0);
    // test deleting an item that doesn't exist
    Node** hm1 = hm_create();
    hm_del(hm1, "bob");
    char* b = hm_get(hm1, "bob");
    assert(strcmp(b, "\0") == 0);

    // test getting a deleted item
    Node** hm2 = hm_create();
    hm_add(hm0, "bob", "the dog");
    hm_del(hm2, "bob");
    char* c = hm_get(hm2, "bob");
    assert(strcmp(c, "\0") == 0);

    // test overwriting a value
    Node** hm3 = hm_create();
    hm_add(hm3, "bob", "foo");
    hm_add(hm3, "bob", "bar");
    char* d = hm_get(hm3, "bob");
    assert(strcmp(d, "bar") == 0);
    // test deleting the last item
    Node** hm4 = hm_create();
    hm_add(hm4, "bob", "foo");
    hm_add(hm4, "alice", "bar");
    hm_add(hm4, "jane", "baz");

    hm_del(hm4, "jane");
    char* e = hm_get(hm4, "jane");
    assert(strcmp(e, "\0") == 0);

    // test deleting an item in the middle of the linked list.
    Node** hm5 = hm_create();
    hm_add(hm5, "bob", "abc");
    hm_add(hm5, "alice", "123");
    hm_add(hm5, "jane", "xyz");

    hm_del(hm5, "alice");
    char* f = hm_get(hm5, "alice");
    assert(strcmp(f, "\0") == 0);

        "----- ALL TESTS PASSED -----\n"
  • \$\begingroup\$ Note: I'm not sure my hash function is a great choice for quasi-evenly distributing items across the 'buckets'. Perhaps higher prime seed values could ameliorate that. \$\endgroup\$
    – Joe Boyle
    Commented Aug 21, 2022 at 18:27
  • \$\begingroup\$ I will also note that my interface is missing a way to delete an entire hashmap. \$\endgroup\$
    – Joe Boyle
    Commented Aug 21, 2022 at 18:30

1 Answer 1


hashmap.c in hashmap.h??

Very unusual to #include "hashmap.c" in a header file. Header files are expected to not generate code, just define and declare things.

Best to remove #include "hashmap.c"

Strange string compare


// if (strcmp(node->value, "\0") == 0){
if (node->value[0] == 0) {

// strcpy(node->key, "\0");
    node->key[0] = 0;

Use const

When referenced data does not change, use const.

// void hm_add(Node** hmap, char key[], char value[]){
void hm_add(Node** hmap, const char key[], const char value[]) {

Prevent buffer overflow

strcpy() risks buffer overflow. Consider protection. Example:

// strcpy(node->value, value);
snprintf(node->value, sizeof node->value, "%s", value);

Of course if the string is too long, better code would detect that and complain. Even better, save a copy of the string with strdup().

Bug: hash

modular_hash() does not limit its return value to [0...BUCKETS). I'd expect a mod:

size_t modular_hash(const char* string) {
    size_t hash = 0;
    for (char* character=string; *character != '\0'; character++) {
        hash += ((int)*character + PRIME_SEED_1) * PRIME_SEED_2; 
    hash %= BUCKETS;  // add
    return hash;

Weak hash

Does not vary on order.

modular_hash("abc") == modular_hash("bca") == modular_hash("cab") == ...

Tip: mod by prime

Using hash %= BUCKETS; above, with BUCKETS as a prime or not, makes little difference if the hash function was good. Yet with a modest or weak hash, using a prime for BUCKETS improves the overall hash. I recommend changing BUCKETS from 1000000 to a prime near that.

Pointless cast

Cast (int)*character in modular_hash(char* string) serves no purpose. If anything a cast to unsigned makes some sense.

Good for only 1 map

hm_create(void) uses static Node* keys[BUCKETS] = {}; limiting us to 1 hash map. Better to allocate to allow multiple instantiations of the hash map.

Unneeded include

#include <stddef.h> not needed in hashmap.h.

Unneeded cast

Casts does not improve safety - not needed to convert a void * to some object pointer..

// Node* node = (Node*)ptr; // safely typecast the pointer
Node* node = ptr;


Every place where "\0" (2 null characters, one explicit, one implied) is used can be replaced with "".

Good test code

Return distinction

hm_get() returns a pointer to "" when none is found. Yet if the item in the table was "", we do not know if the function succeeded or failed. Instead, consider returning NULL on failure.

Fixed hash size

A more advanced hash table would adjust the hash table size as needed.


IHO, a satisfying amount of comments.


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