
I'm super new to coding. I had a random idea in the car to make this application in order dive head first into learning to code.

This is an app to take an MP3 file, "shred it" into pieces (creates 1 second mp3 files temporarily), then randomize the pieces, and then compiles a new MP3 file with all the "shreds" in a randomized order. In order to accomplish this, I used my very limited knowledge and so my code probably isn't written well.

Is there anything that you might change about my code? Any critiques will be helpful. I learned and put this together in about 10 hours. (I'm really enjoying this!)

A future goal I have is to make this functionality web-accessible so that my friends can use it without downloading executable code.

from pydub import AudioSegment
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
import random
import os
from glob import glob
from string import ascii_lowercase
from random import choice, randint, random
import sys
import time
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * 
from PyQt5.QtGui import * 
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

class shredder(QWidget):
   def __init__(self, parent = None):
      super(shredder, self).__init__(parent)

      self.setMinimumSize(350, 100)

      layout = QVBoxLayout()
      self.btn = QPushButton("Load MP3")

      self.le = QLabel("File Location:")

      self.btn1 = QPushButton("Shred")

   def getfile(self):
      global filepath
      filepath, _filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open MP3 File', 
         '',"MP3 (*.mp3)")
      if filepath:
            self.le.setText("File Location: "+filepath)      

   def shred(self):
        global filepath
        except NameError:
            self.le.setText("You Must First Load A MP3 File To Shred!") 
            #importing file with pydub from location by giving its path
            song = AudioSegment.from_mp3(filepath)
            #creates an MP3 object with mutagen from file location and saves it as variable
            audio = MP3(filepath)
            audio_info = audio.info
            length = int(audio_info.length)
            hours, mins, seconds = audio_duration(length)
            print('Total Duration Of Song: {}:{}:{}'.format(hours, mins, seconds))
            print("In Seconds: " + str(audio.info.length))
            print("Creating " + str((audio.info.length//1)+1) +" shreds.")

            os.makedirs(os.path.join(r"C:\mp3shredder"), exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(r"C:\mp3shredder\temp"), exist_ok=True)

            #split sound in 1-second slices and export
            for i, chunk in enumerate(song[::1000]):
                with open(r"C:\mp3shredder\temp\piece%s.mp3" % i, "wb") as f:
                    chunk.export(f, format="mp3")
            path = (r"C:\mp3shredder\temp")
            files = os.listdir(path)

            for index, file in enumerate(files):
               os.rename(os.path.join(path, file), os.path.join(path, ''.join([choice(ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(randint(5, 8))])+".mp3"))
            print("Shredding Complete!")


            shredded_pieces = [AudioSegment.from_mp3(mp3_file) for mp3_file in glob(r"C:\mp3shredder\temp\*.mp3")] 

            glue_it_back = AudioSegment.empty()
            for song in shredded_pieces:
                glue_it_back += song
            filedir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
            filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
            glue_it_back.export(filedir + "/" + "SHREDDED_" + filename, format="mp3")
            dir = (r"C:\mp3shredder\temp")
            for f in os.listdir(dir):
                os.remove(os.path.join(dir, f))
            print("Gluing Complete!")
            print("Created: " + filedir + "/" + "SHREDDED_" + filename)
            self.le.setText("Created: " + filedir + "/" + "SHREDDED_" + filename)

# function to convert the information into 
# some readable format
def audio_duration(length):
    hours = length // 3600  # calculate in hours
    length %= 3600
    mins = length // 60  # calculate in minutes
    length %= 60
    seconds = length  # calculate in seconds
    return hours, mins, seconds  # returns the duration

def main():
   app = QApplication(sys.argv)
   ex = shredder()

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • 8
    \$\begingroup\$ Just... Why? In my imagination the output would sound gruesome. \$\endgroup\$
    – Reinderien
    Commented Aug 16, 2022 at 3:07
  • 6
    \$\begingroup\$ @Reinderien What, you've never wanted to BOGO sort a song? \$\endgroup\$
    – Bee H.
    Commented Aug 16, 2022 at 14:54
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ @Reinderien obviously you can apply a metric to the 1-second samples, sort in order of this metric, and then cut the last 30% out to make a better song \$\endgroup\$
    – llama
    Commented Aug 16, 2022 at 20:50
  • \$\begingroup\$ I think you'll be interested to learn your idea is like granular synthesis. This is a fantastic presentation on the topic. youtu.be/FEK8Ggg2xxQ \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 17, 2022 at 3:03
  • \$\begingroup\$ I like the idea, there's a lot of fun to be had in this space. You might like checking out Adam Edmond on youtube youtube.com/watch?v=AL1q-zZWViM \$\endgroup\$
    – AJFaraday
    Commented Aug 18, 2022 at 9:12

4 Answers 4

  • Consider what happens if a user closes the "Load MP3" dialog without picking a file. In that case, filepath would get set to "". The label would not change, but should the user press the "Shred" button anyway, we would try to import a file called "" (since the filepath variable exists, we don't get that NameError) which would presumably not go terribly well
  • I'm not sure why we write the chunks to temporary files only to read them again? It seems like it'd be simpler to do something like this:
glued_song = AudioSegment.empty()

for chunk in random.sample(song[::1000], song.duration_seconds):
    glued_song += chunk
  • Should you need to keep the temp files, I would advise using the tempfile module to create it in a more secure and portable manner, in a standard location
  • You only seem to use mutagen to get the duration of the original track. Since pydub supports getting the duration of AudioSegments, (using song.duration_seconds), taking on a whole other dependency just for that seems unnecessary
  • Instead of a global variable, it may be neater to have the currently selected file path be a property of the shredder class - you could set it like self.filepath = None in the __init__, and then access it as self.filepath in getfile and shred
  • I do think allowing the user to pick the output file name might be a desirable feature
  • Finally, I'm not a big fan of some of the variable names in use here:
    • shredder, as a class name, would typically be written like Shredder
    • btn and btn1 tells me very little about what those buttons are. load_button and shred_button, for example, would be more descriptive
    • Similarly, I have no clue what le means. I might go for something like path_label or selection_label instead
    • getfile is two words - get_file. Or perhaps select_file, or pick_file, to more clearly indicate a choice is being made
    • song is re-used for different purposes in the same method, which might get confusing
    • glue_it_back sounds like less like a thing and more like something you do - it's a fine name for a function, but for an object I'd prefer something like glued_song, or even just result
  • \$\begingroup\$ You are so helpful and gracious! This has helped me tremendously! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 19, 2022 at 5:58

There is quite some room for improvement, both in the overall architecture and style and in the logic that you use:

Architecture and style

Separate logic from presentation

You have a single class handling both the logic ("shredding" the audio file) and the presentation (the PyQt widgets). This makes testing harder, as you can't call your shred from a test runner without building a GUI, and reviewing more painful than it should: I am not willing to install a 250+ MiB package (PyQt5, in this case) just for a review.

In your case, shred could be a standalone method, taking an AudioFragment as argument and returning another AudioFragment.

Also, you print a bunch of things to the console while processing audio files, not only mixing logic and presentation, but mixing multiple kind of presentation -- GUI and console. I get that it can be useful while developing and debugging, but you should consider using a logger instead.

Don't use globals

You use a global variable for filepath. Globals are usually considered to be bad practice, and while they can have legitimate uses, this is not one. It may work for now, but it's a foot gun: you could change the file path from anywhere else in the code, including outside the GUI class and have the GUI and the internal state out of sync, creating issues for the users. This is especially true given the generic variable name.

In your case, you could keep track of the path using an instance parameter (self.filepath) or pass it around method as an argument.


Use meaningful variable names. You mostly do, but the UI widgets names carry no information, see btn and btn1 for example. load_file_button and shred_button would be much more descriptive names.

Imagine working on a slightly more complex UI, you would lose tracks of what widget does what very quickly with your current naming.


Your code contains no documentation. Docstrings would be very useful in understanding what the program does, especially for the shred method, which does something pretty unique to your program.


Don't write to disk if you can avoid it

There is no reason to write the song chunks to disk in your case. You could instead slice the song into chunks and put them into an array, shuffle them with random.shuffle and splice them in a new AudioFragment all in memory.

Side effects

What if the user has some personal data in a directory unfortunately named C:\mp3shedder\temp? It gets nuked when running your program.

If you do have to write to and delete from disk (which you don't, in your case), you should probably be much more careful with how you do it.

Relative over absolute paths

You use hardcoded, absolute paths, which is more likely to introduce side effects when reading, writing and deleting from disk.

  • 6
    \$\begingroup\$ In your Side Effects, you could point OP to the tempfile standard library module, which is specifically designed to create temporary files and directories. With a hard coded temp path also comes OS dependence which you could highlight in your answer \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 16, 2022 at 13:47

First off, this is quite an interesting project for a beginner, well done on getting it working. Other people have mentioned a lot of the issues with our code style, however to expand on a few points:

General PEP-8

PEP-8 is the standard style recommendation for Python. In it, it includes things like how many blank lines, how much indentation, recommendations for variable naming and casing.

There are linters (Flake8, Pylint and others) which check your code against PEP-8 and issue useful warnings. In your case there are several simple and obvious things.


PEP-8 recommends multiples of 4 spaces for indentation, 2 blank lines between top-level functions/classes, 1 blank line between internal functions.

Operators are surrounded by whitespace.

x = a + b

Keyword parameters are not surrounded by whitespace.

def func(a, b=None):

Commas are followed by spaces.

('A', 'B', 'C')


You import random twice, once as a plain library

import random

and once specific elements from random

from random import choice, randint, random

Which actually causes a name collision between random the library and random.random the function. Obviously not great.

It is also good practice to put Python standard library imports before general ones.

Importing * is generally considered bad practice as it might pollute your namespace making you call functions which you didn't expect to.

E.g. imagine a case where you do

from numpy import *
from random import *

Both numpy and random offer a function called random which means you may not know which you are calling when you call random()

Instead import the library into the namespace or import only what you intend to use (linters will tell you about unused imports). In your case you are importing:

  • time
  • random.random
  • PyQt5.QtWidgets

None of which are explicitly used in your code.


PEP-8 suggests using UPPER_SNAKE for top-level/global variables, PascalCase for classes and lower_snake for variables and functions.

shredder, filepath and others don't conform to this.

Separation of tasks

You have this object called shredder which is not just a shredder, it is the GUI to perform shredding. We should split this off and allow it to exist separately from the GUI which may contain a Shredder.

You should also have functions which are named to represent what they do. audio_duration, for example, doesn't actually care about audio, it is just converting a time in seconds to hours, minutes, seconds. You might do one of two things with this, either rename the function to split_time or some similar name to describe what it actually does (with docstrings explaining what it does), or make it do what you say it does.

def audio_duration(audio: MP3):
    "Gets the duration of an audio track in hours, minutes and seconds"
    length = audio.info.length
    hours = length // 3600  # calculate in hours
    length %= 3600
    mins = length // 60  # calculate in minutes
    length %= 60
    seconds = length  # calculate in seconds

    return hours, mins, seconds  # returns the duration

(N.B. There exists a divmod function to do this operation)

Comments, docstrings and type hints

Comments and docstrings are useful tools in python for helping other people understand what is going on, however, good comments are not easy to write. Some of your comments only describe what the code is already telling me:

    hours = length // 3600  # calculate in hours

Is fairly self explanatory, honestly, but a comment saying that it "calculates in hours" is given by the fact that we're assigning it to a variable called hours. What the comment doesn't tell me is what we are calculating from. A better comment (and people will disagree, this is all a matter of taste) might be to explain what calculation you are actually performing.

    hours = length // 3600  # Seconds to hours

Likewise docstrings are the main tool for other people to use your software. Have you ever typed

>>> import random
>>> help(random.randint)

The help returns the docstring and tells you what the function is supposed to do, what arguments it takes, what it returns and in some cases how the result is reached. Good docstrings are also useful in code to remind yourself of what a function is doing. Again, a good docstring is hard to write, but some tools like sphinx have standard formats which can be helpful in guiding you as to how to write a good one, along with being able to automatically generate the API documentation for your code (without having to write it by hand). A simple docstring might look like

def audio_duration(length):
    """Converts duration in seconds to hours, minutes, seconds

    :param length: duration in seconds
    :returns: duration in hours, minutes, seconds
    :rtype: 3-tuple of ints


While type hints are optional in Python, they are just another tool in the toolkit to help explain what your code is doing and are often useful to have for yourself and others to see what your code is doing.

String formats

You are using a mixture of old styles of string formats (% formats and .formats) the modern style is to use f-strings to make clear what's going on in your code.

print('Total Duration Of Song: {}:{}:{}'.format(hours, mins, seconds))
print("In Seconds: " + str(audio.info.length))
print("Creating " + str((audio.info.length//1)+1) + " shreds.")
with open(r"C:\mp3shredder\temp\piece%s.mp3" % i, "wb") as f:


print(f'Total Duration Of Song: {hours}:{mins}:{seconds}')
print(f"In Seconds: {audio.info.length}")
print(f"Creating {audio.info.length//1)+1} shreds.")
with open(rf"C:\mp3shredder\temp\piece{i}.mp3", "wb") as f:


Avoid using globals, they can cause many problems particularly in larger codes. What happens if you've used a global with a common name like filepath and someone else has in their library? Who knows what might happen? It's just problems all around.

Instead just keep things in as local a scope as is feasible. Pass arguments into functions and use them locally. Changes to that argument then won't affect the global state (this is not always the case, be aware of what you change of dummy arguments) and it can be passed in from any name. Say I had 100 files I wanted to shred:

global filename
for my_file in files_list:
    filename = my_file


for my_file in filelist:

Which makes the intent more obvious?

I think that's enough in terms of syntax and structure for now.


You can split mp3 files every 1000 bytes and stitch them together in random order. Here's what will happen: mp3 comes in mp3 blocks of maybe 100-200 bytes. Each block has a four byte header which describes the format of the block and lets you calculate the length. Chances that random 4 bytes match a header are about 1 in 2000. So a player will skip bytes until it finds what looks like a header. Then it calculates the size of the next block according to the header, checks that there is another header at that position, and then you can be reasonably sure you found two real headers, and the MP3 player will start playing. So you have say 10ms of silence at the start.

Since you stitch together 1000 byte blocks without respecting mp3 blocks, you will quite quickly run into a valid block header, followed by some valid bits, followed by invalid bits. Since the player assumes all the bits in an mp3 block are valid, the output will be rubbish. After that, the player recognises that you have no valid header, will skip to the next valid header, and repeat.

The result is that you have randomly reordered music (which is what you wanted), with silence and random rubbish mixed in. It would be much much better to scan through the file, identify the mp3 blocks, and mix them together anyway you like, to avoid the rubbish noises and silences.

Except... There are mp3 variable length modes. Basically, if your blocks should be say 160 bytes each, and one block is nicely compressible and uses only 130 bytes, then the next block uses the last 30 bytes of the previous block and therefore can use 190 instead of 160 bytes. So many blocks use bytes from the previous block. If this is used then you need to extract all the blocks, and determine which bytes each block really contains (add bytes it uses from the previous block, subtract bytes used from the next block). And then you can rearrange the blocks, and try to recreate them so that each block uses the data bytes it should, as far as you can. This won't be perfect, but better than not doing it.

A simpler way is to take the file, decode it, rearrange it in blocks of say 50 milliseconds, and re-encode the output to mp3. You will have lossy encoding, but nobody will notice in your scrambled music.

Do NOT encode small chunks, because each time you do this a random amount of silence is added. An mp3 file is always a whole range of blocks of about 20-25ms. Rearrange the audio signal in memory instead, then encode the complete file. And you cannot just concatenate mp3 files because that will duplicate all the meta information.

  • \$\begingroup\$ AudioSegment.from_mp3 does, in fact, decode an mp3 file, and slicing the resulting object does, in fact, slice it based on time and not bytes \$\endgroup\$
    – Sara J
    Commented Aug 19, 2022 at 10:09

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