Over the week, I was assigned to create a function in a Jupyter notebook that satisfies the Spearman Correlation formula without the use of any packages e.g. Numpy, Pandas. Below are the rules of the game, followed by solution.
I am seeking any input on how this could be done more efficiently.
The Spearman rank correlation is used to evaluate if the relationship between two variables, X and Y is monotonic. The rank correlation measures how closely related the ordering of one variable to the other variable, with no regard to the actual values of the variables. To calculate the Spearman rank correlation for \$X\$ and \$Y\$, \$ρ_S(X, Y)\$:
- the values of \$X\$ and \$Y\$ are ranked in an ascending order respectively. The smallest value will be given a rank of 1, the next smaller value will be given a rank of 2, etc. If there are multiple entries with the same value, then each entry is ranked equal to the average position.
- the rank difference for the i-th pair of \$x_i\$ and \$y_i\$ is then calculated and, $$ \rho_S(X, Y) = 1 - \frac{6\sum_{i=1}^{N} d_i^2}{N(N^2-1)} $$ where \$N\$ is the total pairs of data points and \$d_i\$ is the rank difference for the i-th pair of data.
Create a function
calculate_spearman_rank_correlation(X, Y)
that returns you the value of the rank correlation, given two sets of dataX
My solution:
def calculate_spearman_rank_correlation(X,Y):
#The Spearman rank correlation is used to evaluate if the relationship between two variables,
X and Y is monotonic. The rank correlation measures how closely related the ordering of one
variable to the other variable, with no regard to the actual values of the variables.
if len(X) != len(Y): #Making sure length is the same
return("Please check your dataset again for input errors.")
# for X
xranks = [sorted(X).index(x) + 1 for x in X]
dupesx = [x for n, x in enumerate(xranks) if x in xranks[:n]]
if len(dupesx) == 0:
dupenumberx = dupesx[0]
count_ax = xranks.count(dupesx[0])
sumx = 0
tx = 0
while tx < count_ax:
sumx = sumx + dupenumberx + 1*tx
sumx2 = sumx/count_ax
for i in range(len(xranks)):
if xranks[i] == dupenumberx:
xranks[i] = sumx2
# for Y
yranks = [sorted(Y).index(y) + 1 for y in Y]
dupesy = [y for n, y in enumerate(yranks) if y in yranks[:n]]
if len(dupesy) == 0:
dupenumbery = dupesy[0]
count_ay = yranks.count(dupesy[0])
sumy = 0
ty = 0
while ty < count_ay:
sumy = sumy + dupenumbery + 1*ty
sumy2 = sumy/count_ay
for i in range(len(yranks)):
if yranks[i] == dupenumbery:
yranks[i] = sumy2
# calculate rank difference for the i-th pair of data
sub_list = []
zip_object = zip(xranks, yranks)
for xranks_i, yranks_i in zip_object:
sub_list.append(xranks_i - yranks_i)
# inplementing the formula for SRC
sub_list2 = [i **2 for i in sub_list]
di = sum(sub_list2)
N = len(X)
SRC = (1 - (6 * (di))/(N*((N**2)-1)))
SRC_1dp = round(SRC, 3)
return "The Spearman rank correlation is", SRC_1dp
The test sets:
# test case a
Xa = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
Ya = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
('The Spearman rank correlation is', 1.0)
# test case b
Xb= [10, 20, 20, 50, 40]
Yb= [2, 10, 6, 4, 8]
[1, 5, 3, 2, 4]
('The Spearman rank correlation is', -0.45)
# test case d
Xd= [50, 50, 50, 30, 30, 30]
Yd= [2, 10, 8, 6, 10, 10]
('The Spearman rank correlation is', 0.883)