This exercise is called PDF Paranoia and it comes from CH 15 of the book Automate the Boring Stuff With Python - second edition. There are two parts to the exercise, which I've separated into two Python files. The code I've provided uses Python 3.10 and PyPDF2 v. 2.10.0.
The instructions are as follows:
Using the os.walk() function from Chapter 10, write a script that will go through every PDF in a folder (and its subfolders) and encrypt the PDFs using a password provided on the command line. Save each encrypted PDF with an _encrypted.pdf suffix added to the original filename. Before deleting the original file, have the program attempt to read and decrypt the file to ensure that it was encrypted correctly.
Then, write a program that finds all encrypted PDFs in a folder (and its subfolders) and creates a decrypted copy of the PDF using a provided password. If the password is incorrect, the program should print a message to the user and continue to the next PDF.
My three main goals with the code are:
- Use an object-oriented approach
- Write useful docstrings / comments
- Write Pythonic code
I also implemented storing functions as a callable (without the "()") in order to reuse the code. If there is a better approach for this or if there is something I have missed, I would love to know.
First file, stored as
# - Walk through a directory and its subdirectories, and encrypt
# every PDF file. Provide the encryption password via command
# line and the filepath to search through. Check to see if
# encryption succeeded by attempting to read and decrypt the
# files. Prompt the user to delete the older unencrypted files.
# USAGE: sys.argv[1] = password
# sys.argv[2] = filepath to search for PDFs
# Using Python 3.10 and PyPDF2 v2.10.0
import os
import sys
import PyPDF2
from typing import Callable
class EncryptPDFs:
def __init__(self):
self.password = sys.argv[1]
self.dir_to_search = sys.argv[2]
self.encryption_call = self.encrypt_pdf # store as callable
self.delete_call = self.delete_file # store as callable
self.encryption_check_call = self.encryption_checker # store as callable
def search_for_pdf(dir_to_search: str, function_call: Callable) -> None:
:param dir_to_search: input directory tree to walk through
:param function_call: Input callable as argument and pass it the file variable.
Callable argument acts on all PDF files in the given directory tree.
print(f"Searching for .pdf files in: {dir_to_search}")
for folder, sub_folders, file_list in os.walk(dir_to_search):
for file in file_list:
if file.split(".")[-1].lower() == "pdf":
def encrypt_pdf(self, pdf_file: str) -> None:
:param file: Input PDF file name from the calling function (search_for_pdf()).
If the PDF is not encrypted, create a PDFFileWriter object to encrypt
and save it as a new file. Encrypted files will be skipped.
file_object = open(pdf_file, "rb")
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file_object)
if not reader.isEncrypted:
print(f"Encrypting {pdf_file}")
writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()
for page_num in range(reader.numPages):
result_pdf = open(pdf_file.split(".")[0] + "_encrypted.pdf", "wb")
def encryption_checker(self, pdf_file: str) -> None:
"""Check to see if encryption succeeded by reading and decrypting the files."""
file_object = open(pdf_file, "rb")
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file_object)
except PyPDF2.errors.FileNotDecryptedError:
print(f"Encryption check 1: {pdf_file} is encrypted and cannot be read.")
if reader.isEncrypted:
f"Encryption check 2: isEncrypted() method returns True when called on {pdf_file}."
print(f"{pdf_file} is encrypted.\n")
def delete_file(self, pdf_file: str) -> None:
"""Optionally delete unencrypted files after encryption check."""
file_object = open(pdf_file, "rb")
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file_object)
if not reader.isEncrypted:
def main(self) -> None:
Search for PDF files, prompt user to enter encryption password, then encrypt
the files. Attempt to read / decrypt the files to ensure encryption succeeded,
then prompt user to delete unencrypted files and exit.
self.search_for_pdf(self.dir_to_search, self.encryption_call)
print("\nSearching for encrypted files to check.\n")
self.search_for_pdf(self.dir_to_search, self.encryption_check_call)
while True:
choice = input("\nDo you wish to delete all unencrypted files? Y/N\n")
if choice.upper() == "Y":
self.search_for_pdf(self.dir_to_search, self.delete_call)
elif choice.upper() == "N":
if __name__ == "__main__":
Second file, stored as
This file imports the first file in order to call the search_for_pdf()
# - Walk through a directory and its subdirectories, and prompt
# the user to input a password to decrypt the files.
# USAGE: sys.argv[1] = filepath to search for PDFs
import sys
import PyPDF2
from pdfparanoia import EncryptPDFs
dir_to_search = sys.argv[1]
def decrypt_pdf_file(file: str) -> None:
:param file: input PDF file from calling function. Create a PdfFileReader
object to determine if the PDF is encrypted. If the PDF is encrypted, prompt
the user for the encryption password. If the password is correct, decrypt it
the file and save it. If the password is incorrect, warn the user and continue.
file_object = open(file, 'rb')
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file_object)
if reader.isEncrypted:
password = input(f'Please enter the password to decrypt {file}\n')
if reader.decrypt(password) == 0:
print(f'Password invalid. {file} was not decrypted\n')
elif reader.decrypt(password) == 1:
print(f'Decrypting {file}')
writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()
for page_num in range(reader.numPages):
result_pdf = open(file.split('.')[0] + '_decrypted.pdf', 'wb')
print(f'{file} has been decrypted and saved.')
DECRYPTION_CALL = decrypt_pdf_file # store function as Callable
if __name__ == "__main__":
EncryptPDFs.search_for_pdf(dir_to_search, DECRYPTION_CALL)