
My program is working properly but I'm unconfortable with code repetition.

class Movimentacao(models.Model):
    data = models.DateField() # complete datetime field from 2019->2022
    movimentacao = models.CharField(max_length=200) # text field
    valor_da_operacao = models.DecimalField(max_digits=19, decimal_places=2) # decimal field

# get all objects filtered by `movimentacao` field
proventos = Movimentacao.objects.filter(movimentacao__in=('Dividendo', 'Juros Sobre Capital Próprio', 'Rendimento', 'Reembolso')).order_by('data', 'id')

currentDate = proventos[0].data # get date from the first record
lastRecord = proventos.last().id # get ID from the last record

assets = []
stockSum = 0
fiiSum = 0

for m in proventos:    
    if(m.data.month != currentDate.month or lastRecord == m.id):
        dataFormatada = f'{currentDate.strftime("%y")}-{currentDate.strftime("%b")}'
        if(lastRecord == m.id):

            # first if-else block (necessary but I'd like to 'remove')
            if(m.movimentacao == 'Dividendo'):
                stockSum += m.valor_da_operacao
            if(m.movimentacao == 'Rendimento'):
                fiiSum += m.valor_da_operacao
        assets.append([dataFormatada, 'FIIs', fiiSum])
        assets.append([dataFormatada, 'Stocks', stockSum])
        stockSum = 0
        fiiSum = 0
        currentDate = m.data
    # second if-else block (this one I can't remove)
    if(m.movimentacao == 'Dividendo'):
        stockSum += m.valor_da_operacao 
    if(m.movimentacao == 'Rendimento'):
        fiiSum += m.valor_da_operacao

As you can see, the code below is being repeteaded:

if(m.movimentacao == 'Dividendo'):
    stockSum += m.valor_da_operacao

if(m.movimentacao == 'Rendimento'):
    fiiSum += m.valor_da_operacao

The goal of this code is to build the assets list formatted accordingly below:

  ["19-Nov", "FII", 411.97], ["19-Nov", "Stocks", 0], 
  ["19-Dec", "FII", 368.21], ["19-Dec", "Stocks", 1542.08], 
  ["20-Jan", "FII", 0], ["20-Jan", "Stocks", 401.06], 

In this way, I'd like to see if it's possible to "remove" the first if-else statement, keeping the code working properly (this would be my first choice).

The issue is: if I remove the first if-else statement, the variable m.movimentacao from the last object is not added inside stockSum or fiiSum variables - that was the reason I need to insert the first if-else statement. The last object can't reach the last if-else statement to be checked either m.movimentacao is a 'Dividendo' or 'Rendimento'.

If not, what is the best way to avoid code repetition in this case (function use)?

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ This appears to increment stockSum or fiiSum twice when processing a record that whose ID is equal to lastRecord - once before writing to assets and once after. Is that the correct behaviour? \$\endgroup\$
    – Sara J
    Commented Aug 8, 2022 at 19:48
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Sorry for bad description! I just edited my question and improved text description. I hope it's better now! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 9, 2022 at 0:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ Are you primarily interested in building assets as the result? Wouldn't you also want to do another two assets.append(…) statements at the end? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 9, 2022 at 7:27

1 Answer 1


Mixing Portuguese and English makes this code messy. Please pick one or the other. I recommend coding consistently in English, because Python, its library, and its code ecosystem are in English, so Portuguese will always feel out of place.

Why do you call .filter(movimentacao__in=('Dividendo', 'Juros Sobre Capital Próprio', 'Rendimento', 'Reembolso'), when only "Dividendo" and "Rendimento" matter for building assets? Also, wouldn't you want to do another two assets.append(…) statements at the end of this code?

This date formatting code is clumsy:

dataFormatada = f'{currentDate.strftime("%y")}-{currentDate.strftime("%b")}'

… and it could be better expressed as

dataFormatada = currentDate.strftime("%y-%b")

But really, none of this loop should exist: all of the filtering and summation should be done by the database instead! Transferring so much data from the database to Python for analysis defeats the purpose of the database. It would be more efficient, scalable, and readable to do this in SQL rather than Python.

Here's a query (and a fiddle) for that gets you the same results:

        date_trunc('month', data) AS mes,
            WHEN movimentacao = 'Dividendo' THEN 'Stocks'
            ELSE 'FIIs'
        END AS categoria,
        SUM(valor_da_operacao) OVER monthly AS total
    FROM Movimentacao
    WHERE movimentacao IN ('Dividendo', 'Rendimento')
    WINDOW monthly AS (PARTITION BY date_trunc('month', data), movimentacao)
    ORDER BY mes, categoria;

You can use a similar query for , except that the datetime functions are different:

        date(data, 'start of month') AS mes,
            WHEN movimentacao = 'Dividendo' THEN 'Stocks'
            ELSE 'FIIs'
        END AS categoria,
        SUM(valor_da_operacao) OVER monthly AS total
    FROM Movimentacao
    WHERE movimentacao IN ('Dividendo', 'Rendimento')
    WINDOW monthly AS (PARTITION BY date(data, 'start of month'), movimentacao)
    ORDER BY mes, categoria;

Well, almost the same results. With your Python code, if there is any month in which there is a Dividendo but no Rendimento, or vice versa, both "FIIs" and "Stocks" get appended to assets anyway — one of them having a 0 value. With some creativity and perhaps some Common Table Expressions, the SQL query can be tweaked to produce such 0 values as well:

WITH MovimentacaoRelevante AS (
    SELECT date(data, 'start of month') AS mes,
        FROM Movimentacao
        WHERE movimentacao IN ('Dividendo', 'Rendimento')
), MovimentacaoRelevanteComZeros AS (
    SELECT * FROM MovimentacaoRelevante
    SELECT DISTINCT mes, 'Dividendo', 0 AS total FROM MovimentacaoRelevante
    SELECT DISTINCT mes, 'Rendimento', 0 AS total FROM MovimentacaoRelevante
) SELECT DISTINCT                                    
            WHEN movimentacao = 'Dividendo' THEN 'Stocks'
            ELSE 'FIIs'
        END AS categoria,
        SUM(valor_da_operacao) OVER monthly AS total
    FROM MovimentacaoRelevanteComZeros
    WINDOW monthly AS (PARTITION BY mes, movimentacao)
    ORDER BY mes, categoria;
  • \$\begingroup\$ Nice answer! I got your point when you say the best practice should consider the own database query! In this way, unless the Django ORM does NOT provide this kind of complex structure query, is it possible to convert this SQL code to Django ORM? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 10, 2022 at 11:50
  • \$\begingroup\$ I don't think that any ORM is expressive enough to allow such a complex query, and even if there were a way to do it in an ORM, it would probably be hard to understand such code. In any case, you are doing analytics here, not loading Python objects based on the results, so there isn't as much of an incentive to stick to the ORM. If you really want to avoid maxing raw SQL into your Python code, you could create a VIEW to encapsulate that query. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 5:15
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Added a full solution in Rev 3. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 13, 2022 at 23:40
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Consider why I made the recommendation to use SQL. Doing the summation analysis in SQL is hugely advantageous: you can greatly reduce the number of records that have to be transferred over the connection from the database to the app. Date formatting could be done in SQL, but confers no such efficiency gain. In fact, it would be better architecturally to treat formatting as a presentation/internationalization issue. Keep the data as a Python date object, and do the .strftime() in your view. Similarly, you'd want to do currency/decimal formatting in your view. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 14, 2022 at 12:33
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Well, I've reviewed the code that you posted, and I've also provided a complete work-alike query, which is already going beyond a review. You should be able to figure out how to maintain and extend the query — and you have already been exposed to all of the SQL concepts that you would need for your desired change. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 22, 2022 at 5:16

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