Starting from this answer I thought I would show a fully worked example of how to create a data-driven version of the assembler for the Hack assembly language. As I noted in that answer, having things data driven also provides the opportunity to create a disassembler using the same data structure. This code implements both. I had intended to create some test code in C++ to exercise parts of this, but ran out of time to do so, so there may be some remaining bugs. This is the reason that some of the functions are declared as global and begin with an underscore. Here's a sample input file:
Example of use:
hack input.hack > input.bin hack input.bin d > reconstructed.hack
Note that to specify either operation (assemble/disassemble) we need to supply a file name. To specify disassembly, an additional command line argument is given. The contents of it are not used; just the presence of an additional argument is what triggers disassembly.
It also makes no effort to diagnose or even detect malformed or invalid input lines.
BUFFSIZE equ 16384
; some character constants
NEWLINE equ 10
SPACE equ 32
TAB equ 9
; some syscall constants
; default file handles
STDIN equ 0
STDOUT equ 1
STDERR equ 2
; exit takes an exit error code
%macro exit 1
mov edi, %1
mov eax, 60
; openfile takes an ASCIIZ filename
%macro openfile 1
mov rdi, %1
xor esi, esi ; read only
xor edx, edx ; no create
mov eax, SYSOPEN
; readfile takes a file descriptor, buffer pointer, and buffer size
%macro readfile 3
mov rdi, %1
mov rsi, %2
mov rdx, %3
mov eax, SYSREAD
; print takes the file handle, a pointer to the string, and a length
%macro print 3
mov rdi, %1 ; print to passed file handle
mov rsi, %2 ; pointer to buffer
mov rdx, %3 ; length of buffer
mov eax, SYSWRITE
; takes mask, and pointer to table as arguments
; rax : current opcode to be decoded
; rdi : pointer to current output
; rdi : updated current output pointer
; rbx
; rcx
; rsi
; r10
%macro decodeOpcodePart 2
mov eax, ebx
and eax, %1
mov r10, %2
call _reverseTableLookup
jc %%nextpart
xor rcx,rcx
mov cx, word [r10 + Operation.strlen]
lea esi, [r10 + Operation.string]
rep movsb
; takes mask, and pointer to table as arguments
; rax : current partially encoded opcode
; rax : updated opcode
; rdi
%macro encodeOpcodePart 1
mov edi, %1
call _tableLookup
or ax, word[edi + Operation.value]
section .bss
buffer resb BUFFSIZE
outbuf resw BUFFSIZE/2
line resb 10
section .data
err_no_args db "Error: no input filename given on command line", 10
err_no_args_len equ $ - err_no_args
err_open db "Error: could not open file",10
err_open_len equ $ - err_open
err_read db "Error: could not read from file", 10
err_read_len equ $ - err_read
err_zero db "Error: read zero words from file", 10
err_zero_len equ $ - err_zero
err_write db "Error: could not write to output",10
err_write_len equ $ - err_write
section .text
global _start
global _tableLookup
global _stringToNumber
; look up a string token in a table and return the corresponding value
; esi : points to strz token
; edi : points to Operation table
; cy : set if not found in table
; edi : points to matching entry if found
; esi : points to one char after matched token if found
; rbx
mov rbx, rsi ; save original pointer to token
movzx ecx, word [edi + Operation.strlen]
push rdi
repe cmpsb
pop rdi
je .found
add edi, Operation_size
cmp word [edi + Operation.strlen],0
mov rsi,rbx
jne .looptop
; look up a a value and construct the corresponding string
; eax : binary value to search for
; r10 : points to Operation table
; cy : set if not found in table
; r10 : points to matching entry if found
cmp ax, word [r10 + Operation.value]
je .found
add r10, Operation_size
cmp word [r10 + Operation.strlen],0
jne .looptop
; given a pointer to a decimal number string, convert to the value in eax
; esi : points to strz decimal number string
; eax : contains converted value
; esi : points to one past ending character
; ebx, ecx
push rbx
push rcx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx ; default multiplier is +1
cmp al, '-' ; is it a leading - sign?
jnz .numeric
dec ecx
dec ecx
sub al, '0'
jb .done
cmp al, 10
jnb .done
imul ebx, 10
add ebx, eax
jmp .numeric
imul ebx, ecx
mov eax, ebx
pop rcx
pop rbx
; given a 16-bit number in ax, convert to string in line
; rax : number to convert (high 48 bits must be zero)
; rdi : points to destination buffer
; rdi : points to one past end of written string
; rbx
push rsi
push rcx
mov rsi, rdi
mov bx,10
add rdi,5
dec rdi
xor edx,edx
div bx
add dl, '0'
mov byte [rdi],dl
test rax,rax
jnz .loopy
; compute 5 - (rdi - rsi) = rsi - rdi + 5 = rsi + 5 - rdi
lea rcx, [rsi + 5]
sub rcx, rdi
xchg rsi, rdi
rep movsb
pop rcx
pop rsi
; copy just one assembly line from source to dest buffer, omitting whitespace
; esi : pointer to source
; edi : pointer to destination
; eax : number of bytes in source
; esi : points to start of next line in source (if any)
; edi : points one past end of copied line
; eax : bytes remaining in source
; none
push rcx
mov ecx, eax
cmp al, NEWLINE
jz .done
cmp al, SPACE ; skip spaces
jz .skipws
cmp al, TAB ; skip tabs, too
jz .skipws
stosb ; neither of those, so store it
loop .top
jmp .exit
xor eax,eax ; write terminating NUL char
dec ecx
mov eax, ecx
pop rcx
mov rax, [rsp] ; load argc into rax
mov edx, err_no_args
mov ebx, err_no_args_len
cmp eax, 2 ; have to have at least one argument
js error_exit
openfile [rsp+16] ; try opening the file named in the argument
mov edx, err_open
mov ebx, err_open_len
cmp eax,0
js error_exit
readfile rax, buffer, BUFFSIZE ; read the entire file into memory
mov edx, err_read
mov ebx, err_read_len
cmp eax,0
js error_exit
je no_bytes
mov rdi, outbuf ; rdi points to current output buffer
cmp qword [rsp], 3 ; if there are two arguments, we are disassembling
jne assemble
mov ecx, eax
shr rcx, 1 ; convert from num bytes to num words
jz no_bytes
; ecx = number of remaining bytes in source
; esi = pointer to source buffer
; rdi = current pointer to output buffer
lodsw ; get the next word to disassemble
push rsi
push rcx ; remember updated count and pointer
test ah, 0x80 ; is this a type A instruction?
jnz .decode_c
mov byte [rdi], '@' ; it's a type A which is "@nnnn"
inc rdi
call _numberToString
jmp .emitLine
; it's a type C instruction of the form "dest=comp;jmp"
mov ebx, eax ; save opcode in ebx
decodeOpcodePart DESTMASK, hackdest
decodeOpcodePart COMPMASK, hackcomp
decodeOpcodePart JUMPMASK, hackjump
; at this point we expect rcx (input len) and rsi (input ptr) on the stack,
; rdi : points to current end of output buffer
pop rcx
pop rsi
mov al,NEWLINE
dec rcx
jnz disassemble
jmp write_output
; eax = number of remaining bytes in source
; esi = pointer to source buffer
; rdi = current pointer to output buffer
mov r10, rdi ; temporarily save output pointer
mov edi, line
call getline ; copy a line, omitting whitespace
push rax
push rsi
mov rsi, line
cmp byte [rsi], '@' ; is this a type A instruction?
jnz .c_instruction ; if not, assume it's type C
inc rsi
call _stringToNumber
jmp .storeOpcode
; it's a C instruction
; rsi is already pointing to line
xor eax, eax
encodeOpcodePart hackdest
encodeOpcodePart hackcomp
encodeOpcodePart hackjump
mov rdi, r10 ; restore output pointer
pop rsi
pop rax
test rax,rax
jne assemble
; rdi = current pointer to output buffer
mov rdx, rdi
sub rdx, outbuf
print STDOUT, outbuf, rdx
mov edx, err_write
mov ebx, err_write_len
cmp eax,0
js error_exit
exit 0
mov edx, err_zero ; if the file was empty, it's an error
mov ebx, err_zero_len
; fall through to error_exit
print STDERR, rdx, rbx
exit 1
section .data
struc Operation
.string: resb 8
.strlen: resw 1
.value: resw 1
; opcode "string", value
%macro opcode 2
istruc Operation
at Operation.string, db %1
%strlen len %1
%rep 8 - len
db 0
at Operation.strlen, dw len
at Operation.value, dw %2
DESTMASK equ 0x38
COMPMASK equ 0xffc0
JUMPMASK equ 0x07
opcode "AMD=", 0x38
opcode "AD=", 0x30
opcode "AM=", 0x28
opcode "MD=", 0x18
opcode "M=", 0x08
opcode "D=", 0x10
opcode "A=", 0x20
opcode "", 0
opcode "D+1", 0xe7c0
opcode "A+1", 0xedc0
opcode "M+1", 0xfdc0
opcode "D-1", 0xe380
opcode "A-1", 0xec80
opcode "M-1", 0xfc80
opcode "D+A", 0xe080
opcode "D+M", 0xf080
opcode "D-A", 0xe4c0
opcode "D-M", 0xf4c0
opcode "A-D", 0xe1c0
opcode "M-D", 0xf1c0
opcode "D&A", 0xe000
opcode "D&M", 0xf000
opcode "D|A", 0xe540
opcode "D|M", 0xf540
opcode "-1", 0xee80
opcode "!D", 0xe340
opcode "!A", 0xec40
opcode "!M", 0xfc40
opcode "-D", 0xe3c0
opcode "-A", 0xecc0
opcode "-M", 0xfcc0
opcode "0", 0xea80
opcode "1", 0xefc0
opcode "D", 0xe300
opcode "A", 0xec00
opcode "M", 0xfc00
opcode "", 0
opcode ";JGT", 0x1
opcode ";JEQ", 0x2
opcode ";JGE", 0x3
opcode ";JLT", 0x4
opcode ";JNE", 0x5
opcode ";JLE", 0x6
opcode ";JMP", 0x7
opcode "", 0
; ELF systems don't do that. e.g. C main's asm symbol name ismain
. (_start
is part of the implementation and thus uses a reserved name starting with a leading underscore to avoid polluting the global namespace.) \$\endgroup\$[edi + Operation.strlen]
instead of just requiring your caller to pass a 64-bit pointer as a starting point. Dynamic or stack memory will be outside the low 32 bits of virtual address space, unless you built this for the x32 ABI, ILP32 in long mode. You use 64-bitr10
in another function, rather than 32-bitr10d
, so that instruction only needs a REX prefix, not also a67
operand-size override to truncate the address. \$\endgroup\$