
As a beginner exercise, I made small manual lexer that recognizes three types of inputs:

  • integers: /[-]?[0-9]+/
  • strings, inside double quotes, with backslash escaping
  • nil

using only Data.Char and Data.Maybe.

I would have wanted to do something that looks like this

parse s =  tryParseInteger s
        OR tryParseString s
        OR tryParseNil

where each tryParse* would return a (Maybe MyToken) and a failing case (= Nothing) would continue to the next tryParse*. But I didn't find a clean way to do it.

So here it goes:

import Data.Char;
import Data.Maybe;

data MyToken = MyNil
             | MyNumber Int
             | MyString String
             deriving (Show)

tryParse :: String -> Maybe MyToken
tryParse "nil" = Just MyNil
tryParse (c : t)
  -- Ignoring white space and parse the tail
  | isSpace c = tryParse t
tryParse s = tryParseNumber s

tryParseNumber :: String -> Maybe MyToken
tryParseNumber s = case (parseNum s) of
                     Just v -> Just $ MyNumber v
                     Nothing -> tryParseString s

tryParseString :: String -> Maybe MyToken
tryParseString ('"':t) = fmap MyString (parseInsideString t)
tryParseString _ = Nothing

parseInsideString :: String -> Maybe String
parseInsideString ('\\':'"':cs) = fmap ('"':) (parseInsideString cs)
parseInsideString ('"':_) = Just ""
parseInsideString (c:cs) = fmap (c:) (parseInsideString cs)
parseInsideString _ = Nothing

parseNum :: String -> Maybe Int
parseNum ('-':xs) = fmap (\x -> -x) (parseNum xs)
parseNum cs@(c:_)
  | isDigit c = foldl step Nothing cs
  | otherwise = Nothing
    where step acc c
           | isDigit c = Just ((10 * fromMaybe 0 acc) + (digitToInt c))
           | otherwise = acc

main = print $ tryParse "\"abcd\\\"efgh\""

1 Answer 1


I would have wanted to do something that looks like this

parse s =  tryParseInteger s
        OR tryParseString s
        OR tryParseNil

OR is <|>:

tryParse :: String -> Maybe MyToken
tryParse = tryParse' . dropWhile isSpace
    tryParse' s
      =   MyNumber <$> parseNumber s
      <|> tryParseString s
      <|> tryParseNil s

tryParseNil :: String -> Maybe MyToken
tryParseNil "nil" = Just MyNil
tryParseNil _ = Nothing

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