I have written this backup utility to keep incremental backups by copying new and modified files, and hard linking unchanged or simply moved files. In an attempt to speed up the comparisons, I save a record of the file stats from the previous backup to avoid iterating over the old backup directory. The backup is called from the command line passing the destination folder, followed by the folder to be backed-up. Configuration options are taken from text files in the same folder as the destination of the backup. I have done some amount of testing for all my "#TODO's", but not enough yet to feel confident it's particularly robust (particularly not on other OS's than Windows 10). No backup pruning is performed or intended as of yet. A good place to start is by calling the help from the command line: >python backup_utility.py -h
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Mar 11 13:20:15 2022
@author: Aaron Thompson
@license: CC BY 3.0
@license-url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
# main imports
import argparse
from collections.abc import Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from inspect import cleandoc
import logging
from logging.handlers import MemoryHandler, RotatingFileHandler
import os
from os import stat_result
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
import re
import shutil
import stat
import sys
__version__ = "2022-05-03"
# TODO test logging cases
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
# handler for buffering logging messages before log file is defined
memory_handler = MemoryHandler(1e6)
options_template = cleandoc(r"""
#Backup job options
#lines starting with "#" are ignored
#lines of the form "key = value" are added to the options dictionary
#backup folder naming convention based on python datetime formatting
format = {format}
#skip backup if no files are changed? True, False
skip = {skip}
#follow symbolic links?
symlinks = {symlinks}
#file operation error behavior: [Ignore, Warn, Fail]
errors = {errors}
#log file location (leaving this empty disables logging to file)
logfile =
#log file verbosity: [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL]
loglevel = INFO
default_options = {"format": "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S",
"skip": "True",
"symlinks": "True",
"errors": "Warn",
"logfile": "",
"loglevel": "INFO"}
filter_default = cleandoc(r"""
#Backup file/folder configuration:
# blacklist file includes filters for files/folders to be skipped
# whitelist file includes filters for files/folders which should
# be included, overriding the blacklist.
# Blank lines and lines starting with "#" are skipped
# One filter per line: exact file or folder matches
# Lines starting with ^ are python style regex filters
# Example: filter a specific file
# C:\Users\uname\Documents\temporary.txt
# Example: filter an entire folder (and subfolders)
# C:\Users\uname\AppData\
# Example: regex filter for selecting .log files from a project folder
# ^C:\\Users\\uname\\project\\*\.log$
# TODO test robustness
def get_config(dest: Path) -> tuple[dict[str, str], list[str], list[str]]:
op = (dest / "BackupOptions.txt")
wl = (dest / "Whitelist.txt")
bl = (dest / "Blacklist.txt")
if op.exists() and op.is_file():
logger.debug("reading config")
with open(op) as f:
options = list(f)
options = [s.strip() for s in options] # strip whitespace
options = [s for s in options if s and not s.startswith("#")] # strip empty and comments
options = {line.split("=")[0].strip(): line.split("=")[1].strip() for line in options if '=' in line}
for option in default_options:
if option not in options:
logger.warning(f"option:{option} missing from BackupOptions.txt: using default: {default_options[option]}")
options[option] = default_options[option]
# setup logger file handler options here and append buffered logs
if options['logfile']:
logger.debug("setting up rotating log file handler")
# TODO make log file size and number of logs configurable? or default is good enough for anyone?
file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(options['logfile'], maxBytes=2**20, backupCount=10)
level = {"DEBUG": logging.DEBUG,
"INFO": logging.INFO,
"ERROR": logging.ERROR,
"CRITICAL": logging.CRITICAL}[options["loglevel"]]
except KeyError:
logger.warning(f"{options['loglevel']} is not a valid 'loglevel': defaulting to INFO")
level = logging.INFO
file_handler.addFilter(lambda record: record.levelno >= level)
logger.debug("swapping out memory handler for file handler")
logger.info("creating default config file")
with open(op, "w") as f:
return get_config(dest) # recursing is easier so default config can just be `options_default`
if wl.exists() and wl.is_file():
logger.debug("reading whitelist")
with open(wl) as f:
whitelist = list(f)
whitelist = [s.strip() for s in whitelist] # strip whitespace
whitelist = [s for s in whitelist if s and not s.startswith("#")] # strip empty and comments
logger.info("creating default whitelist file")
with open(wl, "w") as f:
whitelist = []
if bl.exists() and bl.is_file():
logger.debug("reading blacklist")
with open(bl) as f:
blacklist = list(f)
blacklist = [s.strip() for s in blacklist] # strip whitespace
blacklist = [s for s in blacklist if s and not s.startswith("#")] # strip empty and comments
logger.info("creating default blacklist file")
with open(bl, "w") as f:
blacklist = []
return options, whitelist, blacklist
def match_filter(file: str, pattern: str, src: Path) -> bool:
if pattern.startswith("$"):
return bool(re.match(pattern, file))
file = Path(file)
pattern = Path(pattern)
if not pattern.is_absolute(): # assume relative to src
pattern = src / pattern
if pattern.exists():
if pattern.is_dir():
return file.is_relative_to(pattern)
elif pattern.is_file():
return pattern.samefile(file)
return False
# TODO Test file filtering
def filter_files(files: dict[str, stat_result],
src: Path,
blacklist: Iterable[str],
whitelist: Iterable[str]) -> dict[str, stat_result]:
names = set(files.keys())
filtered = {}
for file in names:
if not any(match_filter(file, pattern, src) for pattern in blacklist):
filtered[file] = files[file]
logger.debug(f"blacklisted: {file}")
for file in names:
if any(match_filter(file, pattern, src) for pattern in whitelist):
filtered[file] = files[file]
logger.debug(f"whitelisted: {file}")
return filtered
# TODO testing robustness
def get_prior_backup(dest: Path, format: str) -> tuple[dict[str, stat_result], Path]:
most_recent_dt = None
most_recent_dir = None
most_recent_stats = None
dt = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
for path in dest.iterdir():
# only look at folders of the correct name format
if not path.is_dir():
# stats file must also exist
stats_file = (path.parent / (path.name + ".stats"))
if not stats_file.is_file():
dt = datetime.strptime(path.name, format)
except ValueError:
if not most_recent_dt:
most_recent_dt = dt
most_recent_stats = stats_file
most_recent_dir = path
if dt > most_recent_dt:
most_recent_dt = dt
most_recent_stats = stats_file
most_recent_dir = path
if most_recent_stats is not None:
logger.debug(f"opening prior backup stats: {most_recent_stats}")
with open(most_recent_stats, 'rb') as f:
return pickle.load(f), most_recent_dir
return {}, Path()
def compare_stat_result(a: stat_result, b: stat_result) -> bool: # ignore things like access time and metadata change time
return all([
a.st_ino == b.st_ino,
a.st_dev == b.st_dev,
a.st_mtime == b.st_mtime
# TODO testing accuracy and robustness (multiarch)
def compare_stats(new: dict[str, stat_result], old: dict[str, stat_result]) -> tuple[bool, list[str], list[str], list[str]]:
is_modified = False # is there any change at all from the old backup
dirs = [] # create all (src) #dirs can't be linked so just copy all
do_link = [] # (src, dst) #for unchanged and moved files
do_copy = [] # (src) #dst is always same as src #for new and modified files
# reverse mapping to find renamed (moved) files
old_names_by_ino = {}
for k, v in old.items():
if v.st_ino in old_names_by_ino:
old_names_by_ino[v.st_ino] = [k]
# walk the new items
for k, v in new.items():
if stat.S_ISDIR(v.st_mode):
elif v.st_ino in old_names_by_ino: # inode existed previously
if compare_stat_result(old[old_names_by_ino[v.st_ino][0]], v): # stat unchanged (unmodified)
if k in old_names_by_ino[v.st_ino]: # name unchanged
do_link.append((k, k)) # (src, dst)
else: # name changed (moved)
do_link.append((old_names_by_ino[v.st_ino][0], k)) # (src, dst)
is_modified = True
else: # file modified (stat changed)
is_modified = True
else: # inode did not previously exist (new file)
is_modified = True
return (is_modified, dirs, do_link, do_copy)
def do_backup(src: Path, dest: Path) -> None:
logger.info("Starting backup")
logger.debug("ensuring destination path exists")
if not dest.is_dir():
logger.critical("destination path given is not a vaild directory")
raise RuntimeError
options, whitelist, blacklist = get_config(dest)
follow_symlinks = options["symlinks"].lower() in ("true", "yes", "y")
def handle_error(e: Exception) -> None:
if options['errors'].lower() == "ignore":
elif options['errors'].lower() == "warn":
logger.exception(e, exc_info=True)
elif options['errors'].lower() == "fail":
logger.critical(e, exc_info=True)
raise e
logger.debug("walking source directory")
# get target dir stats
target_stats = {}
# XXX better file stats scan that recursive glob?
# qwery journal for file modifications?
# options to throttle file operations to prevent system slowdown with disk usage?
# os.walk is not faster.
# os.scandir produces dict_result without needed stats,
# requiring extra stat() call anyway. Not faster.
for i in src.rglob('*'):
if follow_symlinks:
target_stats[str(i)] = i.stat()
target_stats[str(i)] = i.lstat()
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("filtering target files")
# filter stats
new_stats = filter_files(target_stats, src, blacklist, whitelist)
# don't try to backup recursively # TODO test this
for file in new_stats.keys():
if Path(file).is_relative_to(dest):
raise Exception(f"Backed up files cannot contain backup destination\n\tsrc:{file}\n\tdst:{dest}")
# convert absolute to relative path for processing
new_stats = {str(Path(k).relative_to(src)): v for k, v in new_stats.items()}
logger.debug("comparing source directory to old backups")
# get old backup
old_stats, old_backup = get_prior_backup(dest, options["format"])
# compare old - new
is_modified, dirs, do_link, do_copy = compare_stats(new_stats, old_stats)
# optionally skip this backup
if options["skip"].lower() in ("true", "yes", "y") and not is_modified:
logger.info("Skipping backup: directory is unchanged")
return # did_backup=False
# new folder
this_backup = (dest / datetime.now().strftime(options['format']))
this_backup.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)
logger.info(f"Creating new backup: {this_backup}")
logger.debug("creating dir structure")
# build the structure
for d in dirs:
(this_backup / d).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# copy files
for i in sorted(do_copy): # sorted() makes finding a specific file in debug output easier
logger.debug(f"copying {i}")
shutil.copy2(src / i, this_backup / i, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
except Exception as e:
del new_stats[i] # delete from stats to indicate file is not present in this backup
for s, d in sorted(do_link):
logger.debug(f"linking {d}")
os.link(old_backup / s, this_backup / d, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
except Exception as e:
del new_stats[d] # delete from stats to indicate file is not present in this backup
logger.debug("writing backup stats")
with open(this_backup.parent / (this_backup.name + ".stats"), "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(new_stats, f)
logger.info("Backup complete")
return # did_backup=True
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f"A single-file zero-dependency python backup utility. version: {__version__}")
parser.add_argument('Destination', type=Path, help="Destination for backup files including backup config files")
parser.add_argument('Source', nargs="?", type=Path, help="Path to directory which will be backed up. Omit this to generate default config files in the destination directory without performing a backup.")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", help="set console logging verbosity to DEBUG")
group.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action="store_true", help="set console logging verbosity to ERROR")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.quiet:
elif args.verbose:
logger.debug(f"got args: {args}")
if args.Source is None:
logger.info("no backup source given: ensuring config files exist in destination directory.")
do_backup(args.Source, args.Destination)
if __name__ == "__main__":