This exercise comes from Automate the Boring Stuff Ch 7. The assignment is to use regular expressions to test the strength of a password. Password must be >= 8 characters, contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.
Any and all criticisms/suggestions for improving the code are welcome.
# function to test the strength of a password
import re
# pw = password
# function receives user input (password) as argument
def pw_strength_test(pw: str) -> bool:
is_strong = True # final return value, change to False if test fails
# lowercase, uppercase, and number regexes
lower_regex = re.compile(r"[a-z]")
upper_regex = re.compile(r"[A-Z]")
num_regex = re.compile(r"\d")
# store matches into lists
lower_groups = lower_regex.findall(pw)
upper_groups = upper_regex.findall(pw)
num_groups = num_regex.findall(pw)
# def a function to iterate over the regex lists
# pass list and type into function
# return number of items of that type
def count_matches(match_list, match_type):
count = 0
if match_type == str and match_list[0].islower() == True:
count = len(match_list)
elif match_type == str and match_list[0].isupper() == True:
count = len(match_list)
elif match_type == int:
count = len(match_list)
# if no items in list, IndexError will be thrown
except IndexError:
print('IndexError thrown. One or more match lists are empty.')
return count
# store count into variables
lower_count = count_matches(lower_groups, str)
upper_count = count_matches(upper_groups, str)
num_count = count_matches(num_groups, int)
# if any list contains 0 items, pw test fails
if lower_count == 0 or upper_count == 0 or num_count == 0:
is_strong = False
print("Error: password strength test failed.")
# if less than 8 characters, pw test fails
elif (lower_count + upper_count + num_count) < 8:
is_strong = False
print("Error: password strength test failed.")
print("Password strength test passed.")
return is_strong
print('Please enter your password.')