For a final project I used a weighted union-find and decided to implement it in Python. I wrote it to be as general as possible so it's very portable. I do plan on looking into path compression to make it better, but that's in the future. Otherwise, I have plans to make it more generic so that it's even more portable. Before I do so, I'd just like to get some more eyes on it to see if there are optimizations I should make or if there are security flaws.
class WUF:
"""This class implements the Weighted Union Find (WUF) data structure for contact tracing."""
Pair = list[str, int]
"""A data type used to combine the root and size information into a single location."""
def __init__(self, iTree: dict[str, Pair] = None):
"""initializes the WUF.
A fairly standard __init__ function to initliaze the data necessary for the WUF.
If a tree is not provided, an empty tree is created.
:param self: self
:param iTree: the tree structure to construct the WUF from
:type iTree: dict[str, (str, int)]
if not iTree:
iTree = {}
self.tree: dict[str, WUF.Pair] = iTree
"""Used to store the WUF tree with the student ID and it's corresponding root information."""
def __eq__(self, other: "WUF") -> bool:
"""returns if two WUF objects have the same tree
:param self: self
:param other: the WUF object to compare to
:type other: WUF
:returns: if the two trees are equal
:rtype: bool
return self.tree == other.tree
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""returns the size of the tree
:param self: self
:returns: the length of the tree
:rtype: int
return len(self.tree)
def __iter__(self):
"""returns the tree to use as an iterable
:param self: self
:returns: the tree iterator
return self.tree.__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> Pair:
"""returns the value in tree at index item
:param self: self
:param item: the index to find the value at
:type item: int
:returns: the value in tree at item
:rtype: list[str, int]
return self.tree[item]
def addRoot(self, uid: str) -> bool:
"""returns whether the operation was successful
Adds a new root to the tree with its root set to self (meaning it's top level) and with a size of one.
:param self: self
:param uid: the Student ID to add to the tree
:type uid: str
:returns: whether the operation succeeded
:rtype: bool
if uid not in self.tree:
self.tree[uid] = [uid, 1]
return True
return False
def getRoot(self, uid: str) -> str:
"""returns the root of the union the id is in
This function traverses the tree in order to find the root of the union that ID is a part of.
:param self: self
:param uid: the Student ID to retrieve the union for
:type uid: str
:returns: the root student ID in the union
:rtype: str
if uid not in self.tree:
raise IndexError(f"{uid} is not in the tree")
root = uid
while root != self.tree[root][0]:
root = self.tree[root][0]
return root
def getRootGroups(self) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
"""returns the tree in the format of root groups
This function will parse the tree and return it as root groups such that the top level roots are the dictionary
keys and a list of UIDs is the value.
:param self: self
:returns: the root group version of the tree
:rtype: dict[str, list[str]]
rootGroups: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
for key in self.tree:
root: str = self.getRoot(key)
if root not in rootGroups:
rootGroups[root] = []
if key not in rootGroups[root]:
return rootGroups
def union(self, p: str, q: str) -> None:
"""unions two items in the tree
Unions data in the tree using the WUF algorithm.
If the size of q's root union is greater than the size of p's root union, then add p to q.
Otherwise, q will be added to p.
:param self: Self
:param p: the first item to union
:param q: the second item to union
:type p: str
:type q: str
pRoot = self.getRoot(p)
qRoot = self.getRoot(q)
if pRoot == qRoot:
if self.tree[qRoot][1] > self.tree[pRoot][1]:
self.tree[pRoot][0] = qRoot
if self.tree[pRoot][1] == self.tree[qRoot][1]:
self.tree[pRoot][1] += self.tree[qRoot][1]
self.tree[qRoot][0] = pRoot