I am writing a script using Julia (calling my functions from the REPL) to compute the matrix representation of certain Hamiltonian. After I run my script I see that the memory allocations count is considerably high:
julia> @time hamiltonian(40, 20);
5.860412 seconds (76.33 M allocations: 2.085 GiB, 23.78% gc time)
The time it takes to execute has not been an issue, but I would like to know how could I write this script as a more idiomatic (but still optimal) Julia code while trying to minimize the memory allocations?
This is my script until now:
const ω = ω0 = 1
const γ = 1
myFactorial(x) = factorial(big(x))
G(j) = (2 * γ) / (ω * sqrt(2*j))
function cMinus(j::Int, m::Real)
sqrt(j * (j + 1) - m * (m - 1))
function cPlus(j::Int, m::Real)
sqrt(j * (j + 1) - m * (m + 1))
# Function to compute the overlap in the BCE base.
function overlap(
newG(m_bra, m_ket) = G(j) * (m_bra - m_ket)
sum_num(n_bra, n_ket, k) = (-1)^(n_ket - k) *
sqrt(bigFactorial(n_bra) * bigFactorial(n_ket)) *
newG(m_bra, m_ket)^(n_bra + n_ket -2*k)
sum_den(n_bra, n_ket, k) = bigFactorial(k) *
bigFactorial(n_bra - k) *
bigFactorial(n_ket - k)
if m_bra == m_ket && n_bra != n_ket
return 0
term1 = exp(- newG(m_bra, m_ket)^2 / 2)
# term2 = [sum_num(n_bra, n_ket, k) / sum_den(n_bra, n_ket, k)
# for k=0:min(n_bra, n_ket)]
term2 = sum(sum_num(n_bra, n_ket, k) /
sum_den(n_bra, n_ket, k)
for k=0:min(n_bra, n_ket))
return term1 * sum(term2)
# Matrix representation of the Hamiltonian for the specified `n_max` and `j`.
function hamiltonian(n_max::Int, j::Int)
n_range = 0:n_max
m_range = -j:j
dim = (2*j + 1) * (n_max + 1)
temp = zeros(dim, dim)
col = 1
for n_ket = n_range, m_ket = m_range
row = 1
for n_bra = n_range, m_bra = m_range
if row >= col
# Me encuentro en el estado (n_bra, m_bra, n_ket, m_ket)
if n_bra == n_ket && m_bra == m_ket
temp[row, col] = ω * (n_ket - (G(j) * m_ket)^2)
elseif m_bra == m_ket + 1
temp[row, col] = temp[col, row] = (- ω0 / 2) *
cPlus(j, m_ket) *
overlap(n_bra, m_bra, n_ket, m_ket, j)
elseif m_bra == m_ket - 1
temp[row, col] = temp[col, row] = (- ω0 / 2) *
cMinus(j, m_ket) *
overlap(n_bra, m_bra, n_ket, m_ket, j)
row += 1
col += 1
One minimal example of my script working is the following:
julia> @time hamiltonian(1, 1)
0.000064 seconds (881 allocations: 27.984 KiB)
6×6 Matrix{Float64}:
-2.0 -0.26013 0.0 0.0 -0.367879 0.0
-0.26013 0.0 -0.26013 0.367879 0.0 -0.367879
0.0 -0.26013 -2.0 0.0 0.367879 0.0
0.0 0.367879 0.0 -1.0 0.26013 0.0
-0.367879 0.0 0.367879 0.26013 1.0 0.26013
0.0 -0.367879 0.0 0.0 0.26013 -1.0
I was able to reduce the memory allocations by considering the symmetry of the problem. The approach I took was to compute the values for the main diagonal and those located in the lower-half of the matrix. Then those values are "transposed" to fill the upper-half as M[i,j] = M[j,i]
. An example of the time and allocations reduction is shown below:
julia> @time hamiltonian(40, 20)
2.917963 seconds (39.69 M allocations: 1.129 GiB, 25.57% gc time)
Although, I would like to call hamiltonian(n_max, j)
with much higher values of n_max
and j
, around n_max=300
and j=200
Some mathematical background
For sake of completeness the mathematical expression of the Hamiltonian is:
$$ \begin{align} \langle N', m'_{x} | \hat{H} | N, m_{x} \rangle = & \omega \left[N - (G m_{x})^{2}\right] \delta_{N' N} \delta_{m'_{x} m_{x}} \\ & - \frac{\omega_{0}}{2} \left[C_{+}(j,m_{x}) \delta_{m'_{x} (m_{x}+1)} + C_{-}(j,m_{x}) \delta_{m'_{x} (m_{x}-1)}\right] {}_{m_{x}}\langle N' | N \rangle_{m_{x}} \end{align} $$
The last term in \$\langle\hat{H}\rangle\$ is the overlap between states, it is given by:
$$ \begin{align} {}_{m'_{x}}\langle N' | N \rangle_{m_{x}} = & \exp\left[-\frac{G^{2}}{2} (m'_{x} - m_{x})^2\right] \\ & \sum_{k=0}^{min\{N',N\}} \frac{(-1)^{N-k} \sqrt{N! N'!}}{k! (N-k)! (N'-k)!} \left[G(m'_{x} - m_{x})\right]^{N+N'-2k} \end{align} $$
Additionally, the \$C\$ coefficients are obtained as:
$$ C_{\pm}(j,m) = \sqrt{j(j + 1) - m(m \pm 1)} $$
The following constants are used in this specific case:
$$ \omega = \omega_{0} = \gamma = 1 $$
And the constant \$G\$ is:
$$ G = \frac{2 \gamma}{\omega \sqrt{2 j}}$$