I made the hangman game using OOP. It is the first "big" project I do using OOP. I would like to know if there is something to improve in the program I made.
This is the code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Hangman game
import random
class Hangman:
│ │
════════╛''', r'''
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O │
════════╛''', r'''
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O │
| │
════════╛''', r'''
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O │
/│ │
════════╛''', r'''
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O │
/│\ │
════════╛''', r'''
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O │
/│\ │
/ │
════════╛''', r'''
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O │
/│\ │
/ \ │
def __init__(self, word):
Our constructor class that instantiates the game.
self.max_trials = len(self.HANGMAN_PICS) - 1
self.trials = self.max_trials
self.secret_word = word
self.secret_word_low = word.lower()
self.blanks = list('_' * len(self.secret_word))
self.found_letters = set()
def _spacer(self, length=50):
Returns a dash string to be used as a separator.
return '-' * length
def _blanks_string(self):
Returns a string with blanks.
return ''.join(self.blanks)
def _draw_hangman(self):
Returns a string with the current position of the hangman.
return f'{self.HANGMAN_PICS[self.max_trials-self.trials]}\n'
def _guess_letter(self, letter):
Replaces the guessed letter in the blanks and adds the
letter to a set containing all the letters used so far.
for i, char in enumerate(self.secret_word_low):
if char == letter:
self.blanks[i] = letter
def _valid_input(self, letter):
Checks if the string entered by the user has a length of 1
and if all characters in the string are in the alphabet.
return len(letter) != 1 or not letter.isalpha()
def _win(self):
Asigns a boolean value of True if the user guess the secret word.
return self._blanks_string == self.secret_word_low
def _play(self):
The game stage.
print(f'\nSecret word: {self._blanks_string}')
while self.trials > 0 and not self._win():
letter = input('\nEnter a letter: ').lower()
if self._valid_input(letter):
print('The value entered is invalid.\n')
elif letter in self.found_letters:
print('This letter has already been entered. Enter another letter.\n')
elif letter in self.secret_word_low:
self.trials -= 1
print(f'\nYou missed and lost a life. You have {self.trials} trials left.')
if self._win():
print(f'\nYou won. The secret word is: {self.secret_word}.')
print(f'\nYou lost. The secret word is: {self.secret_word}.')
def main():
Selects a word from a list of words.
This word is to be guessed in the game.
with open('words.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as words:
secret_word = random.choice(words.read().split())
secret_word = ''.join(secret_word)
game = Hangman(secret_word)
if __name__ == '__main__':