Any future updates can be found at Excel-VBA-ProgressBar
What I've been using so far
For the last 6 years I've been using a progress form which I wrote in VBA using just Windows API calls. The code (not for review) is here: gist. It has a small demo as well.
It worked because there was no DoEvents
call. So, although the form is not modal by any means, the user cannot interact with Excel itself unless stepping through code, and the bar still updates visually without freezing. I also liked that the entire code is in a single class module and never crashed.
However, there are 2 main drawbacks:
- It only works on Windows, not Mac
- The user cannot cancel the form as there are no events. This could be done using subclassing but I definitely don't want to go into that rabbit hole - I don't want any crashes due to Stop button being pressed or system timeouts.
There are also smaller issues like flickering.
What I wanted to achieve
I wanted a progress bar that would solve the next points:
- Works on both Win and Mac
- The user can cancel the displayed form via the X button, if allowed
- The user can cancel via the Esc key, if allowed
- The form displayed can be Modal but also Modeless, as needed
- The progress bar would call a 'worker' routine
- The 'worker' routine called would be able to return a value if it's a
- The 'worker' routine would accept a variable number of parameters and would be able to change them
if needed - The 'worker' routine does not need to accept the progress bar instance at a specific position in the parameter list, or at all (for whatever reason - a global variable could be used, although I would not recommend)
- The 'worker' routine can be a macro in a workbook or a method on an object
- The main progress bar class doesn't need a global instance nor a factory
- Easy customizable properties
- Has the ability to show how much time has elapsed and an approximation of how much time is left which can be useful for tasks where steps are almost equal but also the ability to turn the time off when not needed or inaccurate
- The number of classes/modules is at a minimum. Would have preferred just one as the gist mentioned above but that's not realistic in plain VBA with no API. For example
does indeed create a form but it cannot be displayed. So, realistically, a class module and an actualUserForm
module are needed at the very least - The userform module has a minimum of code. Basically, just events, that are going to get raised but nothing else and no other logic whatsoever
- The userform module has no design time controls. This would make it easy to just create a new form in 3 steps: insert new form, rename, add events code. So, controls added at runtime
- No interfaces because of this bug. To be honest I never got to refactor those particular large projects (mentioned in the link) and it might be the module size that is the issue (as suggested by @MathieuGuindon). But then there's also number 13 above - I prefer less modules
What's already available
On a quick search, a lot of progress bars/forms popped-up but most of them were using Win APIs which defeated the number 1 issue I had - not working on Mac. Plus, I have my own API (old an ugly) API implementation as in the mentioned gist.
And then countless posts using a Modeless userform which defeated the number 4 point raised above - need both Modal and Modeless.
And then I found the excellent article The Reusable Progress Indicator written by @MathieuGuindon. I remember reading it in a hurry when it was first posted about 3 years ago but back then the gist I linked was enough for what I was doing. Admittedly the article is rather old and the author mentioned in a few other places and articles that he needs to revisit the progress indicator. Regardless, I've read it carefully and I loved the idea of displaying a Modal form which then raises an Activated
event. That's the spark I needed to start implementing my own form that solves all the other points raised above. Many thanks to the author!
Any new userform is fine. No controls are needed and the form can be of any size. Needed:
- Then userform name must be
- The code inside the form is:
Option Explicit
Public Event Activate()
Public Event QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
RaiseEvent Activate
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
RaiseEvent QueryClose(Cancel, CloseMode)
End Sub
The form itself can be shown independently but is rather useless on it's own.
In order to achieve point 7 (variable number of parameters which preserve the ByRef
flag) I needed a way to safely copy a ParamArray
into a regular array. Unfortunately that cannot be done natively so I am using the function CloneParamArray
from my own repository VBA-MemoryTools. I could argue that the cloning is somewhat natively as all the supporting methods copy memory natively via ByRef
Variants but that's not important. So, LibMemory bas module is needed because otherwise no arguments could be changed by reference while a Modal form is displayed.
The ProgressBar
class code:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents m_form As ProgressForm
Private m_allowCancel As Boolean
Private m_cancelled As Boolean
Private m_currentValue As Double
Private m_isAutoCentered As Boolean
Private m_isRunning As Boolean
Private m_procedure As String
Private m_result As Variant
Private m_showTime As Boolean
Private m_showType As FormShowConstants
Private m_startTime As Date
Private m_targetBook As Workbook
Private m_targetObj As Object
Private m_args() As Variant
Private m_info1 As MSForms.Label
Private m_info2 As MSForms.Label
Private m_barFrame As MSForms.Frame
Private m_bar As MSForms.Label
Private m_elapsed As MSForms.Label
Private m_remaining As MSForms.Label
Private m_percent As MSForms.Label
Private WithEvents m_escButton As MSForms.CommandButton
#If Mac Then
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe _
Function rtcCallByName Lib "VBE7.DLL" (ByVal targetObj As Object _
, ByVal procNamePtr As LongPtr _
, ByVal vCallType As VbCallType _
, ByRef args() As Any _
, Optional ByVal lcid As Long) As Variant
Private Declare _
Function rtcCallByName Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal targetObj As Object _
, ByVal procNamePtr As Long _
, ByVal vCallType As VbCallType _
, ByRef args() As Any _
, Optional ByVal lcid As Long) As Variant
#End If
'Class events
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_form = New ProgressForm
With Me
.AllowCancel = False
.Caption = "Progress..."
.Info1 = "Please wait..."
.Info2 = vbNullString
.ShowTime = False
.ShowType = vbModal
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_form = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub TryHideForm()
On Error Resume Next 'Avoid error 402
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
'Builds the necessary controls and alignment at runtime
Private Sub BuildForm()
Const progIDLabel As String = "Forms.Label.1"
Const progIDFrame As String = "Forms.Frame.1"
Const progIDButton As String = "Forms.CommandButton.1"
Const sideValue As Single = 6
m_form.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
m_form.Font.Size = 8.25
m_form.Width = 300
Set m_info1 = m_form.Controls.Add(progIDLabel)
CastToControl(m_info1).Move sideValue, sideValue
TextAlignLabel m_info1, False, True, fmTextAlignLeft
Set m_info2 = m_form.Controls.Add(progIDLabel)
CastToControl(m_info2).Move sideValue, CastToControl(m_info1).Top + 12
TextAlignLabel m_info2, False, True, fmTextAlignLeft
Set m_barFrame = m_form.Controls.Add(progIDFrame)
CastToControl(m_barFrame).Move sideValue, CastToControl(m_info2).Top + 15 _
, m_form.InsideWidth - sideValue * 2, 15
m_barFrame.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
Set m_bar = m_barFrame.Controls.Add(progIDLabel)
CastToControl(m_bar).Move 0, 0, 15, 15
m_bar.BackColor = &HC07000
Set m_elapsed = m_form.Controls.Add(progIDLabel)
CastToControl(m_elapsed).Move sideValue, CastToControl(m_barFrame).Top + 18
TextAlignLabel m_elapsed, False, True, fmTextAlignLeft
Set m_remaining = m_form.Controls.Add(progIDLabel)
CastToControl(m_remaining).Move sideValue, CastToControl(m_elapsed).Top + 12
TextAlignLabel m_remaining, False, True, fmTextAlignLeft
With CastToControl(m_remaining)
m_form.Height = .Top + .Height + sideValue
End With
With m_form
.Height = .Height * 2 - .InsideHeight
End With
Set m_percent = m_form.Controls.Add(progIDLabel)
CastToControl(m_percent).Move CastToControl(m_barFrame).Width _
+ sideValue - 60, CastToControl(m_elapsed).Top, 60
TextAlignLabel m_percent, False, False, fmTextAlignRight
Set m_escButton = m_form.Controls.Add(progIDButton)
With CastToControl(m_escButton)
.Cancel = True 'Allows for the form to be closed by pressing the Esc key
.Move 0, 0, 0, 0
End With
End Sub
Private Function CastToControl(ByVal c As MSForms.Control) As MSForms.Control
Set CastToControl = c
End Function
Private Sub TextAlignLabel(ByVal labelControl As MSForms.Label _
, ByVal wordWrapValue As Boolean _
, ByVal autoSizeValue As Boolean _
, ByVal textAlignValue As fmTextAlign)
With labelControl
.WordWrap = wordWrapValue
.AutoSize = autoSizeValue
.TextAlign = textAlignValue
End With
End Sub
'Form/Control events
Private Sub m_form_Activate()
If m_showType = vbModal Then RunProcedure
End Sub
Private Sub m_form_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = VbQueryClose.vbFormControlMenu Then 'User pressed X button
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_escButton_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub OnCancel()
If Not m_allowCancel Then Exit Sub
If MsgBox(Prompt:="Are you sure you want to cancel?" _
, Buttons:=vbQuestion + vbYesNo _
, Title:="Please confirm" _
) = vbYes Then
m_cancelled = True
End If
End Sub
'Caption text
Public Property Get Caption() As String
Caption = m_form.Caption
End Property
Public Property Let Caption(ByVal formCaption As String)
m_form.Caption = formCaption
End Property
'Info1 text
Public Property Get Info1() As String
Info1 = m_info1.Caption
End Property
Public Property Let Info1(ByVal info1Label As String)
m_info1.Caption = info1Label
End Property
'Info2 text
Public Property Get Info2() As String
Info2 = m_info2.Caption
End Property
Public Property Let Info2(ByVal info2Label As String)
m_info2.Caption = info2Label
End Property
'Color of the bar
Public Property Get BarColor() As Long
BarColor = m_bar.BackColor
End Property
Public Property Let BarColor(ByVal colorCode As Long)
m_bar.BackColor = colorCode
End Property
'Color of the frame (bar background)
Public Property Get BarBackColor() As Long
BarBackColor = m_barFrame.BackColor
End Property
Public Property Let BarBackColor(ByVal colorCode As Long)
m_barFrame.BackColor = colorCode
End Property
'Enables/disables the X button on the progress form
Public Property Get AllowCancel() As Boolean
AllowCancel = m_allowCancel
End Property
Public Property Let AllowCancel(ByVal canCancel As Boolean)
m_allowCancel = canCancel
End Property
'Can be modal or modeless
Public Property Get ShowType() As FormShowConstants
ShowType = m_showType
End Property
Public Property Let ShowType(ByVal formShowType As FormShowConstants)
If formShowType <> vbModal Then formShowType = vbModeless 'Restrict value
m_showType = formShowType
End Property
'Enables/disables the time labels
Public Property Get ShowTime() As Boolean
ShowTime = m_showTime
End Property
Public Property Let ShowTime(ByVal displayTime As Boolean)
m_showTime = displayTime
m_elapsed.Visible = m_showTime
m_remaining.Visible = m_showTime
End Property
'Indicates if the X button on the progress form was pressed
Public Property Get WasCancelled() As Boolean
WasCancelled = m_cancelled
End Property
'Vertical position
Public Property Get Top() As Single
Top = m_form.Top
End Property
Public Property Let Top(ByVal topValue As Single)
m_form.Top = topValue
m_isAutoCentered = False
End Property
'Horizontal position
Public Property Get Left() As Single
Left = m_form.Left
End Property
Public Property Let Left(ByVal leftValue As Single)
m_form.Left = leftValue
m_isAutoCentered = False
End Property
'Utility for positioning
Public Sub CenterOnApplication()
If Application.WindowState = xlMinimized Then Exit Sub
Dim leftPosition As Single
Dim topPosition As Single
With Application
leftPosition = .Left + (.Width - m_form.Width) / 2
If leftPosition < .Left Then leftPosition = .Left
topPosition = .Top + (.Height - m_form.Height) / 2
If topPosition < .Top Then topPosition = .Top
End With
With m_form
.StartUpPosition = 0
.Left = leftPosition
.Top = topPosition
End With
m_isAutoCentered = True
End Sub
Public Property Get Height() As Single
Height = m_form.Height
End Property
Public Property Get Width() As Single
Width = m_form.Width
End Property
Public Property Let Width(ByVal widthValue As Single)
Const minWidth As Single = 180
Const maxWidth As Single = 450
Dim finalWidth As Single: finalWidth = widthValue
Dim offsetValue As Single
If finalWidth < minWidth Then finalWidth = minWidth
If finalWidth > maxWidth Then finalWidth = maxWidth
If finalWidth = m_form.Width Then Exit Property
offsetValue = finalWidth - m_form.Width
m_form.Width = finalWidth
m_barFrame.Width = m_barFrame.Width + offsetValue
m_percent.Left = m_percent.Left + offsetValue
If m_isAutoCentered Then m_form.Left = m_form.Left - offsetValue / 2
End Property
Public Function Self() As ProgressBar
Set Self = Me
End Function
'Current progress value
Public Property Get Value() As Double
Value = m_currentValue
End Property
Public Property Let Value(ByVal percentValue As Double)
If percentValue < 0 Or percentValue > 1 Then Exit Property
m_currentValue = percentValue
m_bar.Width = m_currentValue * m_barFrame.InsideWidth
m_percent.Caption = "Done: " & Format$(m_currentValue, "0%")
End Property
'Updates the time and allows for events so that the form is updated visually
Private Sub Refresh()
If m_isRunning Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTime()
If Not m_showTime Then Exit Sub
If m_currentValue = 0 Then
m_elapsed.Caption = vbNullString
m_remaining.Caption = vbNullString
Exit Sub
End If
Dim elapsedTime As Date
Dim remainingTime As Date
elapsedTime = VBA.Now - m_startTime
remainingTime = elapsedTime / m_currentValue * (1 - m_currentValue)
UpdateTimeLabel m_elapsed, elapsedTime, "Elapsed time: "
UpdateTimeLabel m_remaining, remainingTime, "Remaining time: "
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTimeLabel(ByVal labelControl As MSForms.Label _
, ByVal timeValue As Date _
, ByVal prefix As String)
Dim labelValue As String: labelValue = prefix
If timeValue > 1 Then labelValue = labelValue & Int(CDbl(timeValue)) & "d "
labelControl.Caption = labelValue & Format$(timeValue, "hh:mm:ss")
End Sub
'Runs a macro in a standard module
Public Function RunMacro(ByVal targetBook As Workbook _
, ByVal procedure As String _
, ParamArray args() As Variant) As Variant
If m_isRunning Then Exit Function
Dim methodName As String: methodName = TypeName(Me) & ".RunMacro"
If procedure = vbNullString Then
Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Invalid procedure name"
ElseIf targetBook Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise 91, methodName, "Workbook not set"
ElseIf UBound(args) >= LBound(args) Then 'Save arguments for async use
CloneParamArray args(0), UBound(args) + 1, m_args 'ByRef is preserved!
m_args = Array()
End If
LetSet(RunMacro) = Run(procedure, targetBook, Nothing)
End Function
'Runs a method of a given object
Public Function RunObjMethod(ByVal targetObject As Object _
, ByVal procedure As String _
, ParamArray args() As Variant) As Variant
If m_isRunning Then Exit Function
Dim methodName As String: methodName = TypeName(Me) & ".RunObjMethod"
If procedure = vbNullString Then
Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Invalid procedure name"
ElseIf targetObject Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise 91, methodName, "Object not set"
ElseIf UBound(args) >= LBound(args) Then 'Save arguments for async use
CloneParamArray args(0), UBound(args) + 1, m_args 'ByRef is preserved!
m_args = Array()
End If
LetSet(RunObjMethod) = Run(procedure, Nothing, targetObject)
End Function
'Runs a method:
' - in a standard module if 'targetBook' is provided
' - on an object if 'targetObject' is provided
Private Function Run(ByVal procedure As String _
, ByVal targetBook As Workbook _
, ByVal targetObject As Object) As Variant
m_procedure = procedure
Set m_targetBook = targetBook
Set m_targetObj = targetObject
m_isRunning = True
m_cancelled = False
Value = 0
m_form.Show m_showType
If m_showType = vbModeless Then
Else 'vbModal. RunProcedure was already executed via Form_Activate event
End If
LetSet(Run) = m_result
End Function
'Utility - assigns a variant to another variant
Private Property Let LetSet(ByRef result As Variant, ByRef v As Variant)
If IsObject(v) Then Set result = v Else result = v
End Property
'Runs the actual method
Private Sub RunProcedure()
m_startTime = Now()
Dim cKey As XlEnableCancelKey: cKey = Application.EnableCancelKey
If cKey <> xlDisabled Then Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
On Error GoTo Clean
If m_targetObj Is Nothing Then
#If Mac Then
RunOnObject m_args
LetSet(m_result) = rtcCallByName(targetObj:=m_targetObj _
, procNamePtr:=StrPtr(m_procedure) _
, vCallType:=VbMethod _
, args:=m_args)
#End If
End If
If cKey <> xlDisabled Then Application.EnableCancelKey = cKey
m_isRunning = False
If Err.Number = 0 Then
TryHideForm 'Protection if multiple progress bars are displayed
Err.Raise Err.Number, TypeName(Me) & ".RunProcedure"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RunOnBook(Optional ByVal Missing As Variant)
Const maxRunArgs As Long = 30
Dim argsCount As Long: argsCount = UBound(m_args) + 1
Dim i As Long
ReDim Preserve m_args(0 To maxRunArgs - 1)
For i = argsCount To UBound(m_args)
m_args(i) = Missing
Next i
LetSet(m_result) = Application.Run(FullProcedureName() _
, m_args(0), m_args(1), m_args(2), m_args(3), m_args(4) _
, m_args(5), m_args(6), m_args(7), m_args(8), m_args(9) _
, m_args(10), m_args(11), m_args(12), m_args(13), m_args(14) _
, m_args(15), m_args(16), m_args(17), m_args(18), m_args(19) _
, m_args(20), m_args(21), m_args(22), m_args(23), m_args(24) _
, m_args(25), m_args(26), m_args(27), m_args(28), m_args(29))
End Sub
Private Function FullProcedureName() As String
FullProcedureName = "'" & m_targetBook.Name & "'!" & m_procedure
End Function
#If Mac Then
Private Sub RunOnObject(ByRef args() As Variant)
Dim o As Object: Set o = m_targetObj
Dim p As String: p = m_procedure
Dim v As VbCallType: v = VbMethod
Select Case UBound(args) - LBound(args) + 1
Case 0: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v)
Case 1: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0))
Case 2: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1))
Case 3: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2))
Case 4: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3))
Case 5: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4))
Case 6: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5))
Case 7: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6))
Case 8: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7))
Case 9: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8))
Case 10: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9))
Case 11: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10))
Case 12: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11))
Case 13: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12))
Case 14: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13))
Case 15: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14))
Case 16: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15))
Case 17: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16))
Case 18: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17))
Case 19: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18))
Case 20: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19))
Case 21: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20))
Case 22: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21))
Case 23: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22))
Case 24: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22), args(23))
Case 25: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22), args(23), args(24))
Case 26: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22), args(23), args(24), args(25))
Case 27: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22), args(23), args(24), args(25), args(26))
Case 28: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22), args(23), args(24), args(25), args(26), args(27))
Case 29: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22), args(23), args(24), args(25), args(26), args(27), args(28))
Case Else: LetSet(m_result) = CallByName(o, p, v, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22), args(23), args(24), args(25), args(26), args(27), args(28), args(29))
End Select
End Sub
#End If
Apologies to those who cannot stand big banners above method definitions. it's just my own preference.
Assuming a 'worker' code routine in a standard bas module:
Public Function DoWork(ByVal progress As ProgressBar, ByRef stepCount As Long) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To stepCount
progress.Info2 = "Running " & i & " out of " & stepCount
progress.Value = i / stepCount
If progress.WasCancelled Then
'Clean-up code here
Exit Function
End If
DoWork = True
End Function
The call to RunMacro
can be as simple as:
Public Sub ProgressBarTest()
With New ProgressBar
Debug.Print .RunMacro(ThisWorkbook, "DoWork", .Self, 2000)
End With
End Sub
Or, can be more customized:
Public Sub ProgressBarTest()
With New ProgressBar
.Info1 = "Please wait..."
.AllowCancel = True
.BarColor = &H4D6A00
.ShowTime = True
.ShowType = vbModeless
Debug.Print .RunMacro(ThisWorkbook, "DoWork", .Self, 2000)
End With
End Sub
If, we want to call a similar routine in Class1
Public Function DoWork(ByVal progress As ProgressBar, ByRef stepCount As Long) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To stepCount
progress.Info2 = "Running " & i & " out of " & stepCount
progress.Value = i / stepCount
If progress.WasCancelled Then Exit Function
DoWork = True
End Function
then we use the RunObjMethod
Public Sub ProgressBarTest()
With New ProgressBar
.Info1 = "Please wait..."
.AllowCancel = True
.BarColor = &H4D6A00
.ShowTime = True
.ShowType = vbModeless
Debug.Print .RunObjMethod(New Class1, "DoWork", .Self, 2000)
End With
End Sub
Here is a list of decisions I took and why:
- In both the
, the procedure name parameter is after the book/class object parameter so that the variable number of arguments follow nicely after the method name as it would in a regular call. Feels more natural than having the name first - I have not fixed the position of the progress bar instance as a parameter for the 'worker' method. It can actually be omitted as an argument entirely but then the 'worker' would not be able to update the bar unless using a global variable - which is bad practice. Just wanted to have full flexibility for the user
- I did not want to have a global instance of the
class that has a factory. I did not consider it to be necessary. - When calling
I've made sure that I pass the maximum number of parameters (30) while making sure that the extra parameters are set to the special valueMissing
so that I avoid a nasty longSelect Case
- On Windows, instead of calling
I callrtcCallByName
(defined on VBE7.dll) which allows me to pass the array of arguments as one argument. On Mac, unfortunately, I had to create a bigSelect Case
method). It would be great if someone knows a way to makertcCallByName
work on a Mac or maybe another/better way to achieve the same result - Running multiple
on the same instance works without the need to create a new instance. This could be useful when wanting to run consecutive 'workers' with the same options. Example:
Public Sub ProgressBarTest()
With New ProgressBar
.Info1 = "Please wait..."
.AllowCancel = True
.BarColor = &H4D6A00
.ShowTime = True
.ShowType = vbModal
Debug.Print .RunMacro(ThisWorkbook, "DoWork", .Self, 2000)
Debug.Print .RunObjMethod(New Class1, "DoWork", .Self, 2000)
End With
End Sub
- I did not group the class members into a private type because I wanted to preserve the PascalCase names of the exposed properties while all variables are camelCase. Grouping the members under a UDT makes naming so much more difficult unless you have everything in just PascalCase or just camelCase.
Any feedback and suggestions are welcome! Thank you!
Any future updates can be found at Excel-VBA-ProgressBar
ProgressIndicator.Create("Run", Class1.Create(Param1, Param2))