The code looks acceptable; it is not difficult to read. The description does not state which image formats should be supported however the code appears to output resized images as JPEG images. It may be wise to maintain the image format - e.g. GIF, PNG, JPG, etc.
Consider using pattern matching to validate the request URI
A regular expression could be used to both ensure the request URI matches the expected format and also parse out the components. While it may be slightly slower the difference should be negligible. One could use preg_match()
or if Unicode string support is needed then mb_eregi()
could be used. A pattern could be crafted to ensure:
- there is not more than one exclamation mark
- The number that follows the exclamation mark is positive and has a number of digits within a certain range (e.g. 1-5)
- The extension is within the acceptable list of extensions
Doing this should allow removal of the multiple calls to split the string using explode()
. For example:
preg_match('#^([^!\./]+)!(\d+)\.(png|jpg|gif)#i', $req, $matches);
if (!$matches) {
[$uri, $name, $size, $ext] = $matches;
asserts position at start of the string
- 1st Capturing Group
Match a single character not present in the list below [^!\./]
matches the previous token between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
- Could be changed to
to only allow alphanumeric characters or (\w+)
to allow [A-Za-z0-9_]
matches the character !
with index 3310 (2116 or 418) literally (case insensitive)
- 2nd Capturing Group
matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
matches the previous token between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
matches the character . with index 4610 (2E16 or 568) literally (case insensitive)
- 3rd Capturing Group
- 1st Alternative png
png matches the characters png literally (case insensitive)
- 2nd Alternative jpg
jpg matches the characters jpg literally (case insensitive)
- 3rd Alternative gif
gif matches the characters gif literally (case insensitive)
- Global pattern flags
modifier: insensitive. Case insensitive match (ignores case of [a-zA-Z])
See the regular expression pattern explained here.
Named sub-patterns can be named to allow the array of matches to have keys that are easier to work with.
For example:
preg_match('#^(?P<name>[^!\./]+)!(?P<size>\d+)\.(?P<ext>png|jpg|gif)#i', $req, $matches);
Here are the parts of the pattern explained:
opening delimiter: #
Start of line anchor: ^
match one or more chars for file name- anything that isn’t an exclamation mark, dot or slash: (?P<name>[^!\./]+)
Could be changed to (?P<name>[a-z0-9]+)
to only allow those characters
the exclamation mark: !
The size - digits only (?P<size>\d+)
Match a literal dot \.
The extension (?P<ext>png|jpg|gif)
closing delimiter: #
Case insensitive modifier flag i
If the pattern is matched then the array $matches
would look like this:
array (
0 => 'myphoto!500.jpg',
'name' => 'myphoto',
1 => 'myphoto',
'size' => '500',
2 => '500',
'extension' => 'jpg',
3 => 'jpg',
Simplify variable assignment using Array Destructuring syntax
Like was used in the previous section, As of PHP 7.1 array assignment can be used to destructure arrays1. Instead of using list()
when exploding strings like the request into two parts, a simple array can be used. This may not save much processing time since list()
is just a language construct2 but it is simpler to type.
So instead of these lines:
list($f, $size) = explode('!', $req);
list($size, $ext) = explode('.', $size);
Those could be simplified to:
[$f, $size] = explode('!', $req);
[$size, $ext] = explode('.', $size);
Remove unused variables
The variables declared here:
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($f);
appear to be unused. While the memory allocation for those may not be significant, those can be eliminated to save resources and make the code simpler.
Updated code
I created a repository with a docker file and container file so I could test it on http://localhost:8082
. I also updated the code to utilize the suggestions above and output the image to the browser.
$req = urldecode(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
preg_match('#^(\w+)!(\d+)\.(png|jpg|gif)#i', $req, $matches);
if (!$matches) {
[, $name, $size, $ext] = $matches;
$size = intval($size);
if (($size > 2000) || ($size % 50 != 0))
$src = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($name . '.' . $ext));
$dst = imagescale($src, $size);
$function = 'image' . ($ext == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : strtolower($ext));
header('Content-Type: image/' . strtolower($ext));
$function($dst, $req);
$function($dst); //send the image to the browser
tag, because without understanding what that does you cannot understand the PHP code. \$\endgroup\$sscanf()
when I saw that you wanted an int val from the middle of the string. \$\endgroup\$