Large volumes of unlabelled data are hard to visualize when debugging; I find it difficult to keep track of the pointers in memory. I have used this code to assign Orcish names, (it's a name because I capitalized the first letter.) I use it initialized in the data type itself (orcish
), or based on a pointer value (orcify
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
void orcish(char *, size_t);
void orcish_ptr(char *, const size_t, const void *);
const char *orcify(const void *);
/** @license 2014, 2021 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). Contains some syllables
from [SMAUG](http://www.smaug.org/), which is a derivative of
[Merc](http://dikumud.com/Children/merc2.asp), and
[DikuMud](http://dikumud.com/); used under fair-use. Contains
[MurmurHash](https://github.com/aappleby/smhasher)-derived code, placed in
public domain by Austin Appleby.
@subtitle Name Generator
Orcish names originate or are inspired by [JRR Tolkien's Orcish
@std C89 */
#include <stdlib.h> /* rand */
#include <stdio.h> /* strlen */
#include <ctype.h> /* toupper */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy */
#include <assert.h> /* assert */
#include "orcish.h"
static const char *syllables[] = {
"ub", "ul", "uk", "um", "uu", "oo", "ee", "uuk", "uru", "ick", "gn", "ch",
"ar", "eth", "ith", "ath", "uth", "yth", "ur", "uk", "ug", "sna", "or",
"ko", "uks", "ug", "lur", "sha", "grat", "mau", "eom", "lug", "uru", "mur",
"ash", "goth", "sha", "cir", "un", "mor", "ann", "sna", "gor", "dru", "az",
"azan", "nul", "biz", "balc", "balc", "tuo", "gon", "dol", "bol", "dor",
"luth", "bolg", "beo", "vak", "bat", "buy", "kham", "kzam", "lg", "bo",
"thi", "ia", "es", "en", "ion", "mok", "muk", "tuk", "gol", "fim", "ette",
"moor", "goth", "gri", "shn", "nak", "ash", "bag", "ronk", "ask", "mal",
"ome", "hi", "sek", "aah", "ove", "arg", "ohk", "to", "lag", "muzg", "ash",
"mit", "rad", "sha", "saru", "ufth", "warg", "sin", "dar", "ann", "mor",
"dab", "val", "dur", "dug", "bar", "ash", "krul", "gakh", "kraa", "rut",
"udu", "ski", "kri", "gal", "nash", "naz", "hai", "mau", "sha", "akh",
"dum", "olog", "lab", "lat"
static const unsigned syllables_size = sizeof syllables / sizeof *syllables;
static const unsigned syllables_max_length = 4;
static const char *suffixes[] = {
"at", "ob", "agh", "uk", "uuk", "um", "uurz", "hai", "ishi", "ub", "ull",
"ug", "an", "hai", "gae", "-hai", "luk", "tz", "hur", "dush", "ks", "mog",
"grat", "gash", "th", "on", "gul", "gae", "gun", "dan", "og", "ar", "meg",
"or", "lin", "dog", "ath", "ien", "rn", "bul", "bag", "ungol", "mog",
"nakh", "gorg", "-dug", "duf", "ril", "bug", "snaga", "naz", "gul", "ak",
"kil", "ku", "on", "ritz", "bad", "nya", "durbat", "durb", "kish", "olog",
"-atul", "burz", "puga", "shar", "snar", "hai", "ishi", "uruk", "durb",
"krimp", "krimpat", "zum", "gimb", "-gimb", "glob", "-glob", "sharku",
"sha", "-izub", "-izish", "izg", "-izg", "ishi", "ghash", "thrakat",
"thrak", "golug", "mokum", "ufum", "bubhosh", "gimbat", "shai", "khalok",
"kurta", "ness", "funda"
static const unsigned suffixes_size = sizeof suffixes / sizeof *suffixes;
static const unsigned suffixes_max_length = 7;
static const unsigned max_name_size = 256;
/** Fills `name` with a random Orcish name. Potentially up to `name_size` - 1,
(if zero, does nothing) then puts a null terminator. Uses `r` plugged into
`recur` to generate random values in the range of `RAND_MAX`. */
static void orcish_recur(char *const name, size_t name_size,
unsigned long r, unsigned (*recur)(unsigned long *)) {
char *n = name;
const char *part;
size_t part_len;
if(!name_size) { return; }
else if(name_size == 1) { *n = '\0'; return; }
else if(name_size > max_name_size) { name_size = max_name_size; }
/* Now `name_size \in [2, max_name_size]`. */
if(name_size <= syllables_max_length + suffixes_max_length) {
part = syllables[recur(&r) / (RAND_MAX / syllables_size + 1)];
part_len = strlen(part);
if(part_len >= name_size) part_len = name_size - 1;
memcpy(n, part, part_len), n += part_len, name_size -= part_len;
if(name_size > suffixes_max_length) {
part = suffixes[recur(&r) / (RAND_MAX / suffixes_size + 1)];
part_len = strlen(part);
memcpy(n, part, part_len), n += part_len, name_size -= part_len;
} else {
unsigned no_syllables = ((unsigned)name_size - 1 - suffixes_max_length)
/ syllables_max_length;
while(no_syllables) {
part = syllables[recur(&r) / (RAND_MAX / syllables_size +1)];
part_len = strlen(part);
memcpy(n, part, part_len), n += part_len, name_size -= part_len;
part = suffixes[recur(&r) / (RAND_MAX / suffixes_size + 1)];
part_len = strlen(part);
memcpy(n, part, part_len), n += part_len, name_size -= part_len;
*n = '\0';
*name = (char)toupper(*name);
/** <https://github.com/aappleby/smhasher> `src/MurmurHash3.cpp fmix64`.
@return Recurrence on `k`. */
static unsigned long fmix_long(unsigned long k) {
k ^= k >> 33;
k *= 0xff51afd7ed558ccd;
k ^= k >> 33;
k *= 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53;
k ^= k >> 33;
return k;
/* Advances `r`.
@return Number in `[0, RAND_MAX]`. @implements `orcish_recur` */
static unsigned murmur_recur(unsigned long *const r)
{ return (*r = fmix_long(*r)) % (1lu + RAND_MAX); }
/** Uses `rand`; ignores `r` and uses a global variable set by `srand`.
@return Number in `[0, RAND_MAX]`. @implements `orcish_recur` */
static unsigned rand_recur(unsigned long *const r)
{ (void)r; return (unsigned)rand(); }
/** Fills `name` with a random Orcish name. Potentially up to `name_size` - 1,
then puts a null terminator. Uses `rand` from `stdlib.h`.
@param[name_size] If zero, does nothing. */
void orcish(char *const name, const size_t name_size)
{ orcish_recur(name, name_size, 0, &rand_recur); }
/** Fills `name` with a deterministic Orcish name based on `p`. Potentially up
to `name_size` - 1, then puts a null terminator.
@param[name_size] If zero, does nothing. */
void orcish_ptr(char *const name, const size_t name_size,
const void *const p) {
if(!p) {
if(!name_size) return;
switch(name_size) {
case 5: name[3] = 'l';
case 4: name[2] = 'l';
case 3: name[1] = 'u';
case 2: name[0] = 'n';
case 1: break;
name[name_size < 5 ? name_size - 1 : 4] = '\0';
} else {
orcish_recur(name, name_size, (unsigned long)p, &murmur_recur);
/** A convenient way to call <fn:orcish_ptr> with `p`.
@return A string in a small temporary buffer that can handle four names at a
time. */
const char *orcify(const void *const p) {
static char strs[4][12];
static unsigned str;
str %= sizeof strs / sizeof *strs;
orcish_ptr(strs[str], sizeof *strs, p);
return strs[str++];
Using a MurmerHash3
64-bit mixer has been good on all the computers I've tested it on; I don't know what happens if size_t
is smaller; I don't want to include the C99 stdint.h
. How hard would multi-threaded support be? I'm also wondering about the copyright: can I take out a portion of GPL code and say that it's now covered in a more permissive MIT license? (The syllables are mostly GPL, as far as I could tell, but they probably came from Tolkien; is it fair use as I have claimed?)
I wrote up main
that shows orcify
in a real situation. Linking it gives a whole program, but it's example code. It outputs in GraphViz which has an on-line editor: ./orc > orc.gv
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "orcish.h"
enum order { PRE, POST };
struct tree { struct node *root; };
struct node { size_t edges; struct node *edge[3]; };
struct visit { void (*f)(struct node *); enum order order; };
/** Non-zero parameter set by the `node.edge` count, and number of nodes. */
static const size_t max_edges
= sizeof ((struct node *)0)->edge / sizeof *((struct node *)0)->edge,
max_nodes = max_edges * 5;
/** Inverse bushiness, `[0, RAND_MAX]`. */
static int straightness = (int)(RAND_MAX * 0.08);
static struct node *node(void) {
struct node *n = malloc(sizeof *n);
if(!n) return 0;
n->edges = 0;
return n;
/** One must set the order to `POST`, otherwise undefined.
@implements `visit` */
static void node_(struct node *const n) { assert(n); free(n); }
/** @implements `visit` */
static void out(struct node *const n) {
size_t e = 0;
printf("\tn%p [label=\"%s\"];\n", (void *)n, orcify(n));
while(e < n->edges)
printf("\tn%p -> n%p;\n", (void *)n, (void *)n->edge[e++]);
static void node_edge(struct node *const n, struct node *const edge) {
assert(n && edge && n->edges < max_edges);
n->edge[n->edges++] = edge;
static struct node *node_rand_edge(const struct node *const n) {
return n->edges ? n->edge[(size_t)rand() / (RAND_MAX / n->edges + 1)] : 0;
static void visit_node(struct node *const n,
const struct visit *const v) {
size_t e;
assert(v && v->f);
if(!n) return;
if(v->order == PRE) v->f(n);
for(e = 0; e < n->edges; e++) visit_node(n->edge[e], v);
if(v->order == POST) v->f(n);
static void visit(struct tree *const g,
const enum order order, void (*const f)(struct node *)) {
struct visit v;
assert(g && f);
v.f = f;
v.order = order;
visit_node(g->root, &v);
int main(void) {
struct tree t = { 0 };
struct node *n, *m;
size_t i;
int success = 0;
for(i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++) {
size_t e;
int acc;
if(!(n = node())) goto catch;
if(!t.root) { t.root = n; continue; }
m = t.root;
/* Knuth's Poisson distribution with fixed point, RAND_MAX ~ 1. */
for(acc = rand(); e = m->edges; m = node_rand_edge(m)) {
if(e == max_edges) continue;
if(acc <= straightness) break;
acc = (int)((long)rand() * acc / (1l + RAND_MAX));
node_edge(m, n);
printf("digraph {\n"
"\tnode [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=Grey95];\n");
visit(&t, PRE, &out);
fprintf(stderr, "Random path from the root: { ");
for(n = t.root; n; n = node_rand_edge(n))
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", n == t.root ? "" : ", ", orcify(n));
fprintf(stderr, " }.\n");
{ success = 1; goto finally; }
visit(&t, POST, &node_);
return success;