
My coding skill is pretty rusty and moreover, I have never paid much attention to writing elegant code. I want to start on this. Problem is to merge 2 sorted linked list. Algorithmically this is trivial, but looks a good problem to practice coding.

struct node
 char *data;
 struct node *nextp;

typedef struct node node;
typedef struct node list; //I do 2 typedefs here to signify when conceptually I
//mean a whole list and when just a single node.is this a good practice? or only  
//one that confuses.

node * add(node *listp, char *data)
 node * newp=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
 assert(newp != NULL);
 newp->data=(char *)malloc(sizeof(strlen(data));
 assert(newp->data != NULL);
 strcpy(newp->data,data); // allocate space in newp->data . should there be +1?
  listp=nextp ;
 return newp;

list *mergelist(list * list1p, list *list2p)
// initialize mergedlistp;
node dummy;
node* mergedlistendp=&dummy;
list* leftlistp = NULL;

if (list1p == NULL) leftlistp=list2p;
if(list2p == NULL) leftlistp = list1p;

if(list1p != NULL && list2p!= NULL)

 if(strcmp(list1p -> data,list2p -> data) <=0)
  mergedlistendp=add (mergedlistendp,list1p->data);
  list1p=list1p -> next;
  if(list1p == NULL)
  {leftlistp=list2p; break;}
  mergedlistendp=add (mergedlistendp,list2p->data);
  list2p=list2p -> next;
  if(list2p == NULL)
  {leftlistp=list1p; break;}


for(leftlistp!=NULL;leftlistp = leftlistp->next) 

return mergedlistendp; // I have to return mergedlistp here (i.e. head of list)
//. How to store address of mergedlistendp the first time it is assigned a value?

I would like my code to be reviewed.Any feedback on naming, program flow, correctness, better code, indenting, idioms etc is appreciated. Please advise on how corner cases are handled more elegantly.


2 Answers 2


You should have added error checking:

 node * newp=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
 newp->data=(char *)malloc(sizeof(strlen(data));

malloc can return NULL if there wont be enough Virtual Adress Space. Would be great if function return error code.

add {} it could bite your next time

   listp=nextp ;
   //next live goes here, looks like next statment in else, but it's not.

Use PascalCase or camelCase

// initialize mergedlistp;
node* mergedlistendp=NULL; // mergedList is a better name
list* leftlistp = NULL;

Stick to one style, once you have:

if (list1p == NULL) leftlistp=list2p;
if(list2p == NULL) leftlistp = list1p;

another one

   listp=nextp ;


  if(list2p == NULL)
   {leftlistp=list1p; break;}

One statment per line

 if(list2p == NULL)
 {leftlistp=list1p; break;} // put break in the next line.
  • use const when the function will not change the argument

    node * add(node *listp, const char *data)
  • do not cast the return value of malloc(). Casting server no useful purpose and may hide errors (specifically failure to include <stdlib.h> and wrong assumptions made by the compiler about the return type)

  • (subjective) add a description to assertions for more easily identify where they originate

    assert(newp != NULL && "malloc failed to create node");
  • (subjective) one space indentation is too little


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