
I want to create ENUM which maps different statuses:

public enum BusinessCustomersStatus {
    private String status;

    BusinessCustomersStatus(String status)
        this.status = status;

    public String getStatus() {
        return status;

    public static BusinessCustomersStatus getStatusByText(String statusText) {
        BusinessCustomersStatus response = null;
        for (BusinessCustomersStatus status : values()) {
            if (status.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(statusText)) {
                response = status;
        if(response == null)
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Unknown status: '%s'", statusText));
        return response;

I want to improve the Java method getStatusByText. The code is working but I want to improve the logic for throwing exception.


4 Answers 4


Few suggestions:

  • Naming: A, O, and NV are not clear names. Would be better to use their extended names: ACTIVE, ONBOARDING, and NOT_VERIFIED.
  • Missing semicolon: NV("not_verified"), should be NV("not_verified");.
  • return instead of break as @dariosicily suggested.

Alternative using Streams:

public static BusinessCustomersStatus getStatusByText(String text) {
        return Stream.of(BusinessCustomersStatus.values())
            .filter(bcs -> bcs.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(text))
            .orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Unknown status: '%s'", text)));
  • \$\begingroup\$ Personally I prefer adding the semicolon on the line after the last entry, it makes the git history cleaner \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 19, 2021 at 22:58
  • \$\begingroup\$ UnsupportedOperationException is unnecessary, IllegalArgumentException is clearer. For other points, see tucuxi's answer, which I think has the best approach. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 19, 2021 at 22:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ If the edge-case of an invalid text is something that can actually happen and needs to be handled properly, then I would use an Optional<BusinessCustomersStatus> instead. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 19, 2021 at 23:01

About the for in your getStatusByText method :

BusinessCustomersStatus response = null;
for (BusinessCustomersStatus status : values()) {
    if (status.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(statusText)) {
       response = status;
if(response == null) {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Unknown status: '%s'", statusText));
return response;

You can return directly the status as your response instead of breaking the for loop and after return the response. This implies the rewritting of your method like below :

public static BusinessCustomersStatus getStatusByText(String statusText) {
    for (BusinessCustomersStatus status : values()) {
        if (status.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(statusText)) {
            return status;

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Unknown status: '%s'", statusText));


The final part of your method changes too ending directly with the exception in case no value in your for loop satisfies your condition.


Your code can be simpler if you take advantage of valueOf() (see javadoc):

public static BusinessCustomersStatus getStatusByText(String text) {
     return Enum.valueOf(

Note that this throws an IllegalArgumentException if the text does not correspond to a BusinessCustomersStatus value - which actually looks better to me than an UnsupportedOperationException, which is better used when the operation you are attempting (string-to-enum-value) is optional and, in this specific class, not implemented for any argument at all -- and not just "unsupported" for the argument you have just entered.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Probably the best approach. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 19, 2021 at 8:53

The previous answers by dariosicily and marc cover most of the ground. But I have a few other comments.

  • If you go for more meaningful names for your enum values, you probably don't need a "status" field - you can simply map the name to lower case.
  • I'm not sure UnsupportedOperationException is the best choice here, and can see no good reason not to create your own Exception for the purpose.
  • If your list of enum values grows significantly bigger, I'd suggest maintaining a Map of the values rather than doing a sequential search. My example below does this, just to illustrate how I'd do that, though for three values it's probably overkill.
package codeReview;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;

import codeReview.Penzov.BusinessCustomersStatus.NoSuchStatusException;

public class Penzov {

    public enum BusinessCustomersStatus {
        ACTIVE, //
        ONBOARDING, //

        static Map <String,BusinessCustomersStatus> statusLookup = new HashMap<>();
        static {
            for (BusinessCustomersStatus status: values()) {
                statusLookup.put(status.getStatus(), status);

        public String getStatus() {
            return name().toLowerCase();

        public static BusinessCustomersStatus getStatusByText(String statusText) throws NoSuchStatusException {
            BusinessCustomersStatus status = statusLookup.get(statusText.toLowerCase());
            if (status != null) {
                return status;

            // Didn't find a match
            throw new NoSuchStatusException(String.format("Unknown status: '%s'", statusText));

        public static class NoSuchStatusException extends Exception {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = -2003653625428537073L;

            public NoSuchStatusException(String message) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (String testString: Arrays.asList("active", "ONBOARDING", "NoT_VERified", "dubious")) {
            try {
                System.out.format("testString = '%s', status found = '%s'%n", testString, BusinessCustomersStatus.getStatusByText(testString));
            } catch (NoSuchStatusException e) {
                System.out.format("testString = '%s', exception thrown = '%s'%n", testString, String.valueOf(e));
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Thanks to Marc for the edit. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 18, 2021 at 9:08
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ I usually use IllegalArgumentException in this context since someone was trying to parse a string to the enum (but the argument to that parsing was illegal) \$\endgroup\$
    – J. Dimeo
    Commented Oct 18, 2021 at 15:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ Note that having seen tucuxi's post, I'd use his approach. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 19, 2021 at 8:15

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