I'm an intermediate-level C++ programmer aiming to write reference-quality code. I hope to learn about any mistakes in this piece of code and blind spots in my understanding of concepts. Notes:
The stylistic use of
on every member is subject of a question on Software Engineering.I'm not totally sure if I made the best choice by having the assignment operator take an object by value, instead of defining two separate assignment operators for copy-by-reference and move-by-rvalue-reference.
I intend to avoid all undefined behavior on all platforms. I care very much about things like integer bit width guarantees, integer type conversion rules, signed integer overflows, etc.
If a feature like
has a C flavor and C++ flavor, I generally prefer the C++ flavor. (An exception is that I prefer value construction with=
instead of()
Sample usage:
DisjointSet<std::uint16_t> ds(4);
ds.mergeSets(2, 0);
std::cout << ds.getNumberOfSets() << std::endl; // 3
std::cout << ds.areInSameSet(0, 2)) << std::endl; // true
(For further examples, see the accompanying test program.)
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
* Represents a set of disjoint sets. Also known as the union-find data structure.
* Main operations are querying if two elements are in the same set, and merging two sets together.
* Useful for testing graph connectivity, and is used in Kruskal's algorithm.
* The parameter S can be any integer type, such as size_t. For any given S, the maximum number
* of sets is S_MAX. Using a smaller type like int8_t can help save memory compared to uint64_t.
template <typename S>
class DisjointSet final {
/*---- Helper structure ----*/
private: struct Node final {
// The index of the parent element. An element is a representative
// iff its parent is itself. Mutable due to path compression.
mutable S parent;
// Always in the range [0, floor(log2(numElems))]. For practical computers, this has a maximum value of 64.
// Note that signed char is guaranteed to cover at least the range [0, 127].
signed char rank;
// Positive number if the element is a representative, otherwise zero.
S size;
/*---- Fields ----*/
private: std::vector<Node> nodes;
private: S numSets;
/*---- Constructors ----*/
// Constructs a new set containing the given number of singleton sets.
// For example, DisjointSet(3) --> {{0}, {1}, {2}}.
// Even if S has a wider range than size_t, it is required that 1 <= numElems <= SIZE_MAX.
public: explicit DisjointSet(S numElems) :
numSets(numElems) {
if (numElems < 0)
throw std::domain_error("Number of elements must be non-negative");
if (!safeLessEquals(numElems, SIZE_MAX))
throw std::length_error("Number of elements too large");
for (S i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
nodes.push_back(Node{i, 0, 1});
public: explicit DisjointSet(const DisjointSet &other) = default;
public: DisjointSet(DisjointSet &&other) = default;
public: DisjointSet &operator=(DisjointSet other) {
std::swap(nodes , other.nodes );
std::swap(numSets, other.numSets);
return *this;
/*---- Methods ----*/
// Returns the number of elements among the set of disjoint sets; this was the number passed
// into the constructor and is constant for the lifetime of the object. All the other methods
// require the argument elemIndex to satisfy 0 <= elemIndex < getNumberOfElements().
public: S getNumberOfElements() const {
return static_cast<S>(nodes.size());
// Returns the number of disjoint sets overall. This number decreases monotonically as time progresses;
// each call to mergeSets() either decrements the number by one or leaves it unchanged. 0 <= result <= getNumberOfElements().
public: S getNumberOfSets() const {
return numSets;
// Returns the size of the set that the given element is a member of. 1 <= result <= getNumberOfElements().
public: S getSizeOfSet(S elemIndex) const {
return nodes.at(getRepr(elemIndex)).size;
// Tests whether the given two elements are members of the same set. Note that the arguments are orderless.
public: bool areInSameSet(S elemIndex0, S elemIndex1) const {
return getRepr(elemIndex0) == getRepr(elemIndex1);
// Merges together the sets that the given two elements belong to. This method is also known as "union" in the literature.
// If the two elements belong to different sets, then the two sets are merged and the method returns true.
// Otherwise they belong in the same set, nothing is changed and the method returns false. Note that the arguments are orderless.
public: bool mergeSets(S elemIndex0, S elemIndex1) {
// Get representatives
std::size_t repr0 = getRepr(elemIndex0);
std::size_t repr1 = getRepr(elemIndex1);
if (repr0 == repr1)
return false;
// Compare ranks
int cmp = nodes.at(repr0).rank - nodes.at(repr1).rank;
// Note: The computation of cmp does not overflow. 0 <= ranks[i] <= SCHAR_MAX,
// so SCHAR_MIN <= -SCHAR_MAX <= ranks[i] - ranks[j] <= SCHAR_MAX.
// The result actually fits in a signed char, and with sizeof(char) <= sizeof(int),
// the promotion to int still guarantees the result fits.
if (cmp == 0) // Increment repr0's rank if both nodes have same rank
else if (cmp < 0) // Swap to ensure that repr0's rank >= repr1's rank
std::swap(repr0, repr1);
// Graft repr1's subtree onto node repr0
nodes.at(repr1).parent = repr0;
nodes.at(repr0).size += nodes.at(repr1).size;
nodes.at(repr1).size = 0;
return true;
// For unit tests. This detects many but not all invalid data structures, throwing an exception
// if a structural invariant is known to be violated. This always returns silently on a valid object.
public: void checkStructure() const {
S numRepr = 0;
S i = 0;
for (const Node &node : nodes) {
bool isRepr = node.parent == i;
if (isRepr)
bool ok = true;
ok &= 0 <= node.parent && safeLessThan(node.parent, nodes.size());
ok &= 0 <= node.rank && (isRepr || node.rank < nodes.at(node.parent).rank);
ok &= 0 <= node.size && safeLessEquals(node.size, nodes.size());
ok &= (!isRepr && node.size == 0) || (isRepr && node.size >= (static_cast<S>(1) << node.rank));
if (!ok)
throw std::logic_error("Assertion error");
if (!(0 <= numSets && numSets == numRepr && safeLessEquals(numSets, nodes.size())))
throw std::logic_error("Assertion error");
// (Private) Returns the representative element for the set containing the given element. This method is also
// known as "find" in the literature. Also performs path compression, which alters the internal state to
// improve the speed of future queries, but has no externally visible effect on the values returned.
private: S getRepr(S elemIndex) const {
// Follow parent pointers until we reach a representative
S parent = nodes.at(elemIndex).parent;
while (true) {
S grandparent = nodes.at(static_cast<std::size_t>(parent)).parent;
if (grandparent == parent)
return static_cast<std::size_t>(parent);
nodes.at(static_cast<std::size_t>(elemIndex)).parent = grandparent; // Partial path compression
elemIndex = parent;
parent = grandparent;
private: static bool safeLessThan(S x, std::size_t y) {
return (std::is_signed<S>::value && x < 0) ||
static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<S>::type>(x) < y;
private: static bool safeLessEquals(S x, std::size_t y) {
return (std::is_signed<S>::value && x < 0) ||
static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<S>::type>(x) <= y;
style, why have you ignored all the answers (which unanimously advised against the unusual style you have used)? \$\endgroup\$