
I'm working on creating code with a nice balance between concise and readable. How would you improve this Laravel code block to make it more compact and readable?

    public function canEdit(Request $request)
        $canEdit = Permission::canEdit(

        $statusCode = ($canEdit) ? 200 : 403;

        return Response()
                'can-edit' => $canEdit
            ], $statusCode);

Really looking forward for some comments / suggestions.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I don't see much to review here. Outside of declaring $payload['can-edit'] = ... and removing the parentheses from $statusCode, I don't think there is anything to change. I mean, even $payload['can-edit'] is a subject decision to declutter the ->json() parameters -- which I probably wouldn't do personally. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 24, 2021 at 8:43

1 Answer 1


I agree with mickmackusa that your code is pretty good overall. If you wanted to condense it, you can refactor to something like below:

public function canEdit(Request $request) {
  $canEdit = Permission::canEdit($request->user(), $request->siteModel);

  return response()->json(['can-edit' => $canEdit], $canEdit ? 200 : 403);
  • Placing the opening brace on the same line as your canEdit() definition can help condense, but if you use a newline, keep it consistent
  • Both the $canEdit = ...; definition and return response()->json(..); statements are under the recommended 80 characters line length, so removing the line breaks is fine
  • The definition of $statusCode can be removed in favour of an in-line ternary as the 2nd parameter to your json() method, as defining a variable for a single use is unnecessary
  • You can add or remove a line-break between your two statements, I prefer an empty line before return, but depends on your configuration/consistency

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