I have an array wrapper class that I'd like to get reviewed.
There are two differences with other common questions on this site. First, my class needs to be "nullable", where a "null array" has a different meaning than an array of length zero.
Second, I'm trying to test whether small size optimization (like gcc's std::string implementation) can improve performance of my application.
Below is my implementation. I also have another nullable array wrapper class without SSO, but it is pretty similar.
I want to know if my implementation is "correct" assuming up to C++14, but not C++17.
And is using std::numeric_limits::max
size value a reasonable approach as a flag for "null array"? I considered using nullptr
as the null flag, but allocate(0)
may also return nullptr (e.g. on MSVC).
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
namespace sml {
template<class T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>, class S = uint32_t, S stack_size = 20>
class SmallNullableArray {
static_assert(std::is_pod<T>::value, "SmallNullableArray type should be POD");
typedef T value_type;
typedef T* pointer_type;
typedef T& reference_type;
typedef S size_type;
static constexpr size_type nullsize = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();
struct Members : Allocator { // derive from Allocator to use empty base optimization
pointer_type _data;
size_type _size;
value_type _stack[stack_size];
constexpr pointer_type stack_address() {
return &(this->_stack[0]);
inline pointer_type allocate_check_and_copy(value_type const * const data, const size_type size) {
if(size == nullsize) {
return this->stack_address();
} else if(size <= stack_size) {
pointer_type result = this->stack_address();
std::copy(data, data + size, result);
return result;
} else {
pointer_type result = this->allocate(size);
std::copy(data, data + size, result);
return result;
inline pointer_type allocate_check(const size_type size) noexcept {
if((size == nullsize) || (size <= stack_size)) {
return this->stack_address();
} else {
return this->allocate(size);
inline void deallocate_check() {
if((this->_size > stack_size) && (this->_size != nullsize)) {
this->deallocate(this->_data, this->_size);
Members(value_type const * const data, const size_type size) : _data(this->allocate_check_and_copy(data, size)), _size(size) {}
Members(const size_type size) : _data(this->allocate_check(size)), _size(size) {}
Members() : _data(stack_address()), _size(0) {}
} m;
friend void swap(SmallNullableArray & first, SmallNullableArray & second) noexcept {
using std::swap;
std::swap(first.m._data, second.m._data);
std::swap(first.m._size, second.m._size);
std::swap(first.m._stack, second.m._stack);
if(first.m._size <= stack_size) { first.m._data = first.m.stack_address(); }
if(second.m._size <= stack_size) { second.m._data = second.m.stack_address(); }
SmallNullableArray() : m() {}
SmallNullableArray(value_type const * const data, const size_t size) : m(data, size) {}
SmallNullableArray(const size_t size) : m(size) {}
// Copy
SmallNullableArray(SmallNullableArray const & other) : m(other.m._data, other.m._size) {}
// Move
SmallNullableArray(SmallNullableArray && other) noexcept : m() { swap(*this, other); }
// "copy and swap" covers both move and copy assignment https://stackoverflow.com/q/3279543/2723734
SmallNullableArray & operator=(SmallNullableArray other) {
swap(*this, other);
return *this;
// destructor
~SmallNullableArray() { m.deallocate_check(); }
inline bool is_stack() const { return (m._size <= stack_size) || (m._size == nullsize); }
inline bool is_null() const { return m._size == nullsize; }
void nullify() {
m._data = m.stack_address();
m._size = nullsize;
// reset and resize are the same, but reset doesn't copy over old data
// we don't have m._capacity so there is always a re-allocation
void reset(const size_type size) {
m._data = m.allocate_check(size);
m._size = size;
void resize(const size_type size) {
if(is_null()) {
m._data = m.allocate_check(size);
m._size = size;
} else if(is_stack()) {
pointer_type new_addr = m.allocate_check(size);
std::memmove(new_addr, m._data, std::min(size, m._size) * sizeof(value_type)); // need memmove if new size is also stack allocated
m._data = new_addr;
m._size = size;
} else {
pointer_type new_addr = m.allocate_check(size);
std::copy(m._data, m._data + std::min(size, m._size), new_addr);
m._data = new_addr;
m._size = size;
size_type size() const { return m._size; }
pointer_type data() const { return m._data; }
reference_type operator[](size_type idx) const { return *(m._data + idx); }
pointer_type begin() { return m._data; }
pointer_type end() { return m._data + m._size; }
} // end namespace
#endif // include guard