In this post, I present the bash script for installing the ds4mac:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
script_magic="alias ds='source ~/.ds/ds_script'"
echo "Installing ds..."
grep "$script_magic" ~/.bashrc
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "$script_magic" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "~/.bashrc updated!"
echo "~/.bashrc is already updated."
# Create files:
echo "Creating files..."
mkdir -p ~/.ds
echo "Created the .ds directory."
make > /dev/null
cp ds_engine ~/.ds/ds_engine
echo "Built the ds_engine."
touch $tag_file
add_tag_to_file () {
grep $1 $tag_file > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo $1 $2 >> $tag_file
echo Setting the tag $1 to directory $2 done.
# Populate the default
echo "Populating the tag file with default tags..."
add_tag_to_file "docs" "~/Documents"
add_tag_to_file "down" "~/Downloads"
add_tag_to_file "root" "/"
add_tag_to_file "home" "~"
add_tag_to_file "ds" "~/.ds"
echo "Done populating the tag file with default tags."
echo "Copying the script..."
cp ds_script ~/.ds/ds_script
echo "Done! ds will be available for use in your next shell session. :-]"
(The entire project is here.)
See also
- The main script
- The tag engine
Critique request
Please, tell me anything that comes to mind. ^^