I have recently been learning Haskell, and wrote a minesweeper project as an exercise. Here is link to the project.
Basically the code is separated into two parts, the pure part (no monads) and impure part (deals with random and IO). Since I'm pretty new, I'm a little iffy about the whole setup. Any advice would be appreciated.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Game where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Split
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
data Square = Square Bool SquareStatus | NumberedSquare Int
data SquareStatus = Untouched | LostMine | Flagged
data Pos = Pos Int Int deriving (Eq)
data Env = Env {
getInitPos :: Pos,
getWidth :: Int,
getHeight :: Int,
getNumMines :: Int
type Board = [[Square]]
type Game a = ReaderT Env IO a
instance Show Square where
show (Square _ Untouched) = "."
show (Square _ LostMine) = "x"
show (Square _ Flagged) = "f"
show (NumberedSquare num) = if num > 0 then show num else " "
infixl 6 |+|
Pos a b |+| Pos c d = Pos (a+c) (b+d)
-- Game Control
play :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
play w h numMines = do
initPos <- readInput
board <- runReaderT createRandomBoard $ Env initPos w h numMines
play' board initPos
play' :: Board -> Pos -> IO ()
play' board initPos = case expand board [initPos] of
Just nextBoard -> do
printBoard nextBoard
if checkWin nextBoard then
print "You won!"
else do
nextPos <- readInput
play' nextBoard nextPos
Nothing -> do
print "You Lost :("
printBoard $ markBoard board
readInput :: IO Pos
readInput = do
pos <- do
putStrLn "Make a move: (Format Int Int)"
let [initX, initY] = splitOn " " pos
return $ Pos (read initX - 1) (read initY - 1)
--Impure Stuff
createRandomBoard :: Game Board
createRandomBoard = do
width <- asks getWidth
height <- asks getHeight
randomLayout <- randMines
let field = take height $ chunksOf width $ genField randomLayout $ width * height
lift $ return field
randMines :: Game [Int]
randMines = do
width <- asks getWidth
height <- asks getHeight
pos <- asks getInitPos
n <- asks getNumMines
randomSample n $ delete (posToIndex pos width height) [0..width*height-1]
randomSample :: Int -> [a] -> Game [a]
randomSample 0 list = pure []
randomSample k list = do
i <- getRandomR (0, length list - 1)
let (a, xs) = splitAt i list
l <- if not (null xs) then randomSample (k-1) (a ++ tail xs) else lift $ return []
pure $ if not (null xs) then head xs : l else l
--Pure Functions
genField :: [Int] -> Int -> [Square]
genField mines = genField' (sort mines) 0
genField' [] index size = replicate (size - index) (Square False Untouched)
genField' mines@(x:xs) index size
| x == index = Square True Untouched : genField' xs (index+1) size
| otherwise = Square False Untouched : genField' mines (index+1) size
getSquare :: Board -> Pos -> Maybe Square
getSquare b (Pos x y)
| x >= length b || x < 0 = Nothing
| y >= length (head b) || y < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (b !! x !! y)
getNearMines :: Board -> Pos -> Int
getNearMines b pos =
d = [-1, 0, 1]
dirs = (|+|) <$> [Pos a b| a <- d, b <- d] <*> [pos]
foldl (\acc p -> case getSquare b p of
Just (Square True _) -> acc + 1
_ -> acc) 0 dirs
getExpansions :: Board -> Pos -> [Pos]
getExpansions b pos =
case getSquare b pos of
Nothing -> []
Just (Square True _) -> []
Just _ -> expansions
isZero = getNearMines b pos == 0
ds = if isZero then
[Pos a b | a <- [-1, 0, 1], b <- [-1, 0, 1]]
[Pos a b | (a,b) <- [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0)]]
dirs = (|+|) <$> ds <*> [pos]
bounded_dirs = filter (\(Pos x y) -> x >= 0 && y >= 0) dirs
filtered_dirs = if isZero then
filter (\n -> n == pos || getNearMines b n == 0) bounded_dirs
expansions = foldl (\acc p -> case getSquare b p of
Just s@(Square False Untouched) -> p : acc
_ -> acc) [] filtered_dirs
expand :: Board -> [Pos] -> Maybe Board
expand b p = do
let expansions = concat $ mapMaybe (expand' b) p
let newboard = foldr (\(ri, row) r ->
foldr (\(ci, s) c ->
if Pos ri ci `elem` expansions then
NumberedSquare (getNearMines b $ Pos ri ci) : c
s : c
) [] (zip [0..] row) : r
) [] (zip [0..] b)
let removeCur = filter (`notElem` p) expansions
if not $ lost b p then
if null removeCur then
return newboard
expand newboard removeCur
expand' :: Board -> Pos -> Maybe [Pos]
expand' b' p' =
case getSquare b' p' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Square True _ ) -> Nothing
_ -> Just (getExpansions b' p')
lost :: Board -> [Pos] -> Bool
lost _ [] = False
lost b' (x:xs) =
case getSquare b' x of
Just (Square True _) -> True
_ -> lost b' xs
checkWin :: Board -> Bool
checkWin b =
all (==True) $
fmap (all (==True) .
fmap (\case
Square False Untouched -> False
_ -> True)) b
indexToPos :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Pos
indexToPos index w h = Pos (mod index w) (index `div` w)
posToIndex :: Pos -> Int -> Int -> Int
posToIndex (Pos x y) w h = y * w + x
printBoard :: Board -> IO ()
printBoard b = do
let width = length $ head b
putStrLn $ replicate (width * 2) '-'
mapM_ (putStrLn . unwords . fmap show) b
putStrLn $ replicate (length b * 2) '-'
markBoard :: Board -> Board
markBoard b =
foldr (\(ri, row) r ->
foldr (\(ci, s) c ->
case s of
Square False _ -> NumberedSquare (getNearMines b $ Pos ri ci) : c
Square True _ -> Square True LostMine : c
_ -> s : c
) [] (zip [0..] row) : r
) [] (zip [0..] b)